A New Multi-Criteria Solving Procedure for Multi-Depot FSM-VRP with Time Window, ISSN / e-ISSN 2155-4153 / 2155-4161


Lahcene, Guezouli, and Abdelhamid Samir. 2017. “A New Multi-Criteria Solving Procedure for Multi-Depot FSM-VRP with Time Window, ISSN / e-ISSN 2155-4153 / 2155-4161”. International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering (IJAIE) Vol 4 (Issue 1) : 1-18.


One of the most important combinatorial optimization problems is the transport problem, which has been associated with many variants such as the HVRP and dynamic problem. The authors propose in this study a decision support system which aims to optimize the classical Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem by considering the existence of different vehicle types (with distinct capacities and costs) and multiple available depots, that the authors call the Multi-Depot HVRPTW by respecting a set of criteria including: schedules requests from clients, the heterogeneous capacity of vehicles..., and the authors solve this problem by proposing a new scheme based on a genetic algorithm heuristics that they will specify later. Computational experiments with the benchmark test instances confirm that their approach produces acceptable quality solutions compared with previous results in similar problems in terms of generated solutions and processing time. Experimental results prove that the method of genetic algorithm heuristics is effective in solving the MDHVRPTW problem and hence has a great potential.

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