Externalising and reusing of tacit knowledge in manufacturing task, ISSN / e-ISSN 1743-8268 / 1743-8276


Mawloud, Titah, et al. 2017. “Externalising and reusing of tacit knowledge in manufacturing task, ISSN / e-ISSN 1743-8268 / 1743-8276”. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies Vol 8 (N° 3/4) : 351-374.


In this paper, we present the application of knowledge engineering and externalisation of tacit knowledge in manufacturing industry, in order to improve the performance of a production system and save the knowledge capital of the company. The main aim of this study is to propose a knowledge model for manufacturing task combining common knowledge acquisition and design support (CommonKADS) and methodology for acquisition of tacit knowledge (MACTAK) methodologies, using two different knowledge base modelling based on two categories: (i) ontology and (ii) expert knowledge base. In that purpose, we suggest a process dedicated to industrial manufacturing, allowing to capitalise knowledge by: (1) Externalisation of tacit knowledge by MACTAK-methodology in industrial processes, (2) using knowledge engineering method; CommonKADS methodology, (3) Formalizing and modelling the domain knowledge using ontology and inference model, (4) presenting the implementation tool to support the knowledge model and (5) reusing the manufacturing knowledge model in decision support systems. The three pillars of methodology are: the externalisation process, Knowledge representation technique and quality tools. The proposed model is applied in manufacturing monitoring systems.

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