
Dali N, Ait-Ali H, Tibiche A, Belhadri F, Harieche F, Ahmed-Nacer R, Hamladji RM, Taoussi S, Oukid S, Abad MT, et al. Epidemiology and Clinical Features of Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia. Review of the Algerian Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia Study Group. Blood. 2015;126 (23).Abstract

Introduction: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most frequent leukemia of the adult in Europe and North Africa. It is rare on the Asian and African continents. It affects mainly elderly people over 60 years. The main objective is determining the rate of average annual incidence, and secondly establishing the distribution of this complaint according to the different health regions of the country and precise the epidemiological characteristics.

Patients and Methods: It is a national, descriptive, retrospective epidemiological study carried out for a period of 05 years : from January 2009 to December 2013. Information collection is done thanks to the setting up of a technical data sheet sent out to the appropriate services. This technical data sheet is about the geographic data of the patient (place of birth, place of residence, place of taking charge of the disease and the date of the diagnosis), anthropologic data (age at the diagnosis, sex), as well as the clinico-biological data. The working of the responses was done on SPSS 19 .0. In our study, the diagnosis is carried before an hyperlymphocytosis > 5000/ mm3, a cytological examination of the blood smear and an immunophenotyping operation by cytometer operation in flow.

Results: 17 hematology departments have participated in this study with 1210 cases listed, of which 68,1% (824 pts) are men. The average annual recruitment is of 242 cases. The average annual incidence rate, calculated according to the data of the national statistics office is estimated at 0,66 / 100.000 inhabitants.This incidence does not increase over the years and stays relatively stable (2009 = 0,67; 2010 = 0,57; 2011 = 0,63; 2012 = 0,67; 2013 = 0,74/100.000 inhts). The geographic distribution of the pts according to their places of residence, shows that the majority among them are from the north of the country particularly the center (0,80/100.000 inhts). Incidence increases over age, going among men from 0,06 for 100.000 inhts between 30 - 39 years to 11,94 / 100.000 inhts at 80 years and over and among women from 0,04 for 100.000 inhts to 6,08 for 100.000 inhts. The average incidence rate is of 0,85/100.000 inhts among men and of 0,42/100.000 inhts among women. The average age at the diagnosis is of 67,5 years (33 - 98 years). 30,1% (365 pts) incident cases are observed among the patients over 75 years and 14,1% (171 pts) among the patients below the age of 55 years. The profession that is most found is farming 12.2% (78/635 precised). The diagnosis is late in Algeria, the first symptome which brings the patient to consultation is the tumoral syndrome (44% (363 / 825 precised)) in an average diagnosis period of time of 07 months (01 - 96 months). The stage C (classification of Binet) is equally predominant, found in 41,1% (492 / 1172 precised). In terms of biology : the average rate of lymphocytes is of 92500/mm3 (5000-900 000/mm3). The morphological study on blood smear finds 88,2% (1066 / 1208 precised) of typical CLL and 50% of Gambrest cells. The cytometer operation in flow done in 746 cases (61,6%) shows a score of matutes > 4 in 92,3% and in 7,7% is equal to 3. the cytogenetic operation (Caryotype and Fish) done in only one hematology department (CAC of Blida) among 102 patients (8.4%).

Comments: The rate of incidence in Algeria is weak compared to that of other countries. The rate of incidence standardized to the world population is of 0,52 cases/100.000 inhts and to the European population is of 0,68 cases p 100.000 inhts. The young age of the population may explain this incidence and that some patients at the stage A are not diagnosed. The CLL affects more frequently men. The average age at the diagnosis is of 67,5 year. However, 30,1% of the incident cases are observed among the patients over 75 years in Algeria versus 45 à 50% of incident cases in Europe and this may be explained by the young age of our population. The CLL are placed 5th among the malignant hemopathies: the rate of incidence for the year 2009 : LNH = 1.96; LH = 1.2; MM = 0.96; AML = 0.85; CLL = 0.67; CML = 0.44; ALL = 0.32.

Conclusion: the CLL can be diagnosed and differentiated from the other lymphoproliferative syndromes thanks to the morphological examination of the lymphocytes at the blood smear completed by an immunophenotyping operation of the peripheral blood . This study represents only an epidemiological approach of the CLL in Algeria. The incidence is still weak in our country; it affects as in the other countries the elderly people with a masculin predominance.


No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Chenchouni H, Menasria T, Neffar S, Chafaa S, Bradai L, Chaibi R, Mekahlia M-N, Bendjoudi D, SI-BACHIR A. Spatiotemporal diversity, structure and trophic guilds of insect assemblages in a semi-arid Sabkha ecosystem. PeerJ. 2015.Abstract

The current study highlights some knowledge on the diversity and structure of insect communities and trophic groups living in Sabkha Djendli (semi-arid area of Northeastern Algeria). The entomofauna was monthly sampled from March to November 2006 using pitfall traps at eight sites located at the vicinity of the Sabkha. Structural and diversity parameters (species richness, Shannon index, evenness) were measured for both insect orders and trophic guilds. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was applied to determine how vegetation parameters (species richness and cover) influence spatial and seasonal fluctuations of insect assemblages. The catches totalled 434 insect individuals classified into 75 species, 62 genera, 31 families and 7 orders, of which Coleoptera and Hymenoptera were the most abundant and constant over seasons and study stations. Spring and autumn presented the highest values of diversity parameters. Individual-based Chao-1 species richness estimator indicated 126 species for the total individuals captured in the Sabkha. Based on catch abundances, the structure of functional trophic groups was predators (37.3%), saprophages (26.7%), phytophages (20.5%), polyphages (10.8%), coprophages (4.6%); whereas in terms of numbers of species, they can be classified as phytophages (40%), predators (25.3%), polyphages (13.3%), saprophages (12%), coprophages (9.3%). The CCA demonstrated that phytophages and saprophages as well as Coleoptera and Orthoptera were positively correlated with the two parameters of vegetation, especially in spring and summer. While the abundance of coprophages was positively correlated with species richness of plants, polyphage density was positively associated with vegetation cover. The insect community showed high taxonomic and functional diversity that is closely related to diversity and vegetation cover in different stations of the wetland and seasons.

OUNASSA ADJROUD. Nephroprotective Effects of Selenium against Nickel Chloride-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Pregnant Rats. International Proceeding of Chemical, Biological & Environment. 2015.
ISMAHENE BOULIA, Adjroud O. Effet d’administration du chlorure de nickel associé avec le sélénium sur les paramètres hématologiques et la glande surrénale chez le rat wistar . XIIème Journées de Pharmacie et VIIème Journées de la Douleur 04 et 05 Juin . 2014.
RofiaMezaache, Harkat H, Obszynski J, Benkouider A, Blanc A, Weibel J-M, Pale P. Copper(II) bromide as an efficient catalyst for acetal to bisarylmethyl ether interconversion. Tetrahedron Letters [Internet]. 2014;55 (52) :7167-7171. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Transprotection of acetals to bis(methoxyphenyl)methyl (BMPM) ethers can be efficiently achieved in the presence of copper dibromide as catalyst in acetonitrile at room temperature. Acetals are conveniently and selectively converted to the corresponding mono-protected diol with bis(methoxyphenyl)methyl isopropyl ether (BMPMOiPr) as the reagent. This new practical reagent allows the BMPM transfer to 1,3-dioxolanes or 1,3-dioxanes under copper catalysis. The reaction conditions are also very mild and tolerant to various functional groups, including other protecting groups.

Harkat H, Borghèse S, Nigris M, Kiselev S, Bénéteau V, Pale P. ChemInform Abstract: Zeo-Click Synthesis: Copper-Zeolite-Catalyzed Synthesis of Ynamides. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis [Internet]. 2014;356 (18) :3842-3848. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Copper(I)-zeolites, especially copper(I)-ultra stable Y zeolite (USY), are very efficient heterogeneous catalysts for the coupling of functionalized 1-bromoalkynes and various nitrogen derivatives. Under these conditions, sulfonylated alkyl- or arylamines and various N-heterocycles, such as oxazolidinones or indoles, could be efficiently transformed into the corresponding N-alkynyl derivatives. However, imidazoles gave addition products rather than coupling products. The reaction conditions proved compatible with a variety of functional and protecting groups. Such zeolitic catalysts can be recycled and reused at least five times without significant deactivation. Low catalyst loading could be used (4 mol%) and as low as 0.8 mol% of this heterogeneous copper catalyst still gave good conversion and yields.




Hassina HARKAT. Mild, efficient derivatives indole synthesis using USY-CuI zeolite as a reusable catalyst. XII èmes journees de pharmacie et VII eme journee de lutte contre la douleur 04 et 05 Juin . 2014.
Hassina HARKAT. An efficient and reusable catalyst for Von Pechmann reaction. Sciences d’Interfaces Chimie – Biologie SNSI C-B, 22 et 23 Octobre. 2014.
Badra BOUZGHAIA. LES MOLECULES BIOACTIVES ET L'ACTIVITE BIOLOGIQUE DE LA PLANTE BASSIA MURICATA. XII èmes journees de pharmacie et VII eme journee de lutte contre la douleur 04 et 05 Juin . 2014.
Soria Z. Synthesis of 1,4- dihydropyridines through Hantzsch reaction catalyzed by p- toluenesulfonate complexes of copper (II). Sciences d’Interfaces Chimie – Biologie SNSI C-B, 22 et 23 Octobre . 2014.
Ali BENSADEK. Sythesis and structural study of hydrogen neodymium sulfate tetrahydrate. 4ème Colloque International de Chimie CIC-4, Batna, 25 -27 Novembre . 2014.
Badra BOUZGHAIA. ETUDE PHYTOCHIMIQUE DE L'ESPESE BASSIA MURICATA ET LEUR ACTIVITE BIOLOGIQUE. 4ème Colloque International de Chimie CIC-4, Batna, 25 -27 Novembre . 2014.
Soria Z. SYNTHESES DES HETEROCYCLES AZOTES : 1,4DIHYDRO-PYRIDINE CATALYSEE PAR TOSYLATE DE CUIVRE. 4ème Colloque International de Chimie CIC-4, Batna, 25 -27 Novembre . 2014.
ISMAHENE BOULIA. Effet d’administration du chlorure de nickel associé avec le sélénium sur les paramètres hématologiques et la glande surrénale chez le rat wistar. XIIème journées de pharmacie et VIIème journées de la douleur 04 et 05 juin . 2014.
Adjroud O. Influence de la vapeur de gazoline sur la modulation de certaines proteines pulmonaires chez le rat blanc. First International Congress of Biotoxicologie and Bioactivity, 26 and 27 November. 2014.
Adjroud O. Nephroprotective Effects of Selenium against Nickel Chloride-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Pregnant Rats. ICNSE 2014: April 4-5, . 2014.
Chafaa S, SI-BACHIR A, BOUKHADRA M, ACHI A. Inventaire et dynamique globale du peuplement des nématodes phytoparasites (Nematoda : Secernentea) de l’olivier (Olea europeae) dans une région aride du Nord-Est de l’Algérie. Journal of Animal &Plant Sciences. 2014;23 (3) :3637-3645 .Abstract
The community of nematodes (Nematoda: Secernentea) in groves of North East Algeria, has been the subject of regular observations of September 2011 to May 2012. Sampling and extraction of nematodes by the buckets technique are conducted following the method of Baermann. The sampling groves are composed by olive trees (Olea europea: Oleaceae) from four varieties: Chemlal, Sigoise, Frontoï and Sévillane. We identified a total of 531 individuals. The systematic inventory revealed 14 genus of Nematoda, belonging to 10 families and 3 orders. The Tylenchida and Dorylaimida are the best represented orders. They represent 92.85% of the total community of all identified nematodes, while Aphelenchida represent only 7.15%. The genus Pratylenchus records alone 54.75% on the Sévillane variety and 33.02% on the Frantoi variety. The most represented genus on Sigoise and Chemlal varieties is Meloidogyne with respectively 43.24% and 30.43%. Grove of Sévillane variety hosts the highest abundance of nematodes with 57.44%; against only 19.96%, 13.94% and 8.66%, respectively, for the varieties Frantoi, Sigoise and Chemlal. Depending on the seasons, nematodes are more abundant in autumn (88.52%) than in winter (8.66%) and the spring (2.82%). Pratylenchus and Meloidogyne are noted with large numbers, especially in winter.
RofiaMezaache, Harkat H, Obszynski J, Benkouider A, Blanc A, Weibel J-M, Pale P. Copper(II) bromide as an efficient catalyst for acetal to bisarylmethyl ether interconversion. Tetrahedron Letters. 2014;55 (52) :7167-7171.Abstract

Transprotection of acetals to bis(methoxyphenyl)methyl (BMPM) ethers can be efficiently achieved in the presence of copper dibromide as catalyst in acetonitrile at room temperature. Acetals are conveniently and selectively converted to the corresponding mono-protected diol with bis(methoxyphenyl)methyl isopropyl ether (BMPMOiPr) as the reagent. This new practical reagent allows the BMPM transfer to 1,3-dioxolanes or 1,3-dioxanes under copper catalysis. The reaction conditions are also very mild and tolerant to various functional groups, including other protecting groups.

Harkat H, Borghèse S, Nigris MD, Kiselev S, Bénéteau V, Pale P. Zeo-Click Synthesis: Copper-Zeolite-Catalyzed Synthesis of Ynamides. ADV SYNTH CATAL. 2014;356 (18) :3842-3848.Abstract

Copper(I)-zeolites, especially copper(I)-ultra stable Y zeolite (USY), are very efficient heterogeneous catalysts for the coupling of functionalized 1-bromoalkynes and various nitrogen derivatives. Under these conditions, sulfonylated alkyl- or arylamines and various N-heterocycles, such as oxazolidinones or indoles, could be efficiently transformed into the corresponding N-alkynyl derivatives. However, imidazoles gave addition products rather than coupling products. The reaction conditions proved compatible with a variety of functional and protecting groups. Such zeolitic catalysts can be recycled and reused at least five times without significant deactivation. Low catalyst loading could be used (4 mol%) and as low as 0.8 mol% of this heterogeneous copper catalyst still gave good conversion and yields.



Adjroud O. The toxic effects of nickel chloride on liver, erythropoiesis, and development in Wistar albino preimplanted rats can be reversed with selenium pretreatment. Environmental toxicology. 2013;28 (5) :290-298.Abstract

The exposure to nickel chloride (NiCl2) can cause hematotoxicity and hepatotoxicity and canaffect development. The present study pertains to the protective effect of selenium (Se) against NiCl2-induced toxicity in preimplanted Wistar albino rats. The subcutaneous (s.c.) administration of 25 or 50 mg/kg of NiCl2 to Wistar albino rats on day 3 of gestation induced an immediate and significant decrease in maternal body weight and anemia 2 days after treatment. In addition, an increase in plasma aspartate aminotransferase (AST) was observed. These effects were maintained on day 20 of gestation. Moreover, a significant increase in plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels was observed with the administration of 25 mg/kg of NiCl2. Conversely, administration of 50 mg/kg of NiCl2 by s.c. injection increased erythropoiesis at day 20 of gestation and decreased platelets counts. In addition, administration of 100 mg/kg of NiCl2 markedly reduced the maternal body weight and number of live fetuses and increased fetal loss, predominantly at the end of the experimental period. All dose levels of NiCl2 caused an alteration in the hepatic histoarchitecture. When 0.3-mg/kg Se was injected s.c. with 100-mg/kg NiCl2, the levels of plasma AST and ALT and the structure of the liver were restored. Administration of 20 mg/L/day of NiCl2 in the drinking water significantly reduced the maternal body weight at day five of gestation as well as erythropoiesis during the exposure period. The present study suggests that Se can counteract the nocuous effect of nickel on the liver; however this antioxidant did not prevent alterations in development and erythropoiesis. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 2013.
