
ISMAHANE BOULILA. Effet de chlorure de nickel sur l’érythropoïèse et les organes génitaux chez la rate gestante Wistar. Rôle du zinc et du sélénium. les 6èmes journées scientifiques de l’association Tunisienne de toxicologie(ATT). 21 -23 janvier. 2017.
ANFAL FEDALA. L’effet du nickel administré par voie sous cutanée et son éventuelle interaction avec le sélénium et le zinc sur la leucopoïèse et l’histologie hépatique. les 6èmes journées scientifiques de l’association Tunisienne de toxicologie(ATT). 21 -23 janvier . 2017.
ASMA SAOULI. Effets de la forte dose de chlorure de nickel seul administrée par voie sous cutanée sur les paramètres hématologique et l’histologie des testicules chez les rats males de la soucheWistar. Vème congrès International de Biotechnologie et valorisation des Bioressources. 22-25 Mars . 2017.
Adjroud O. Selenium Administration Can Alter Some Biochemical Parameters in Rats. Conference on Healthcare & Life-Science Research (ICHLSR), 28-29 July 2017. 2017.
Saidi M, Abad MT, Taoussi S, Ghezlane C, Hamladji RM, Ahmed-Nacer R, Belhadri F, Moussaoui H, Ait-Ali H, Aftisse H, et al. Epidemiological Data from the Algerian Multiple Myeloma Registry (AMMR) over 2 Years (June 2014-June 2016): Report of the Algerian Multiple Myeloma Study Group (GETMA). Blood. 2017;130 (1) :5385.Abstract

Introduction: Multiple myeloma (MM) is the second hematological malignancy in Western countries with varying incidence across countries and ethnicities. In France, the incidence rate in 2012 is 4.2 in men and 2.0 in women, in USA it is 5.6 but in the population of African origin it is 11.1. In Maghreb, the incidence is 1,1 in Algeria and Morocco and 1.4 in Tunisia in 2004. Although epidemiological transition has taken place in our country, the results of epidemiological data on cancers in general and hematological malignancies in particular are remarkably different from those described in the Western literature.

Aims : Two epidemiological approaches were carried out in Algeria, the first covering a period of 12 years (1995-2005) and the second of 2006-2012, the incidence of MM was the same of 1.1 and 1.01 respectively. These were retrospective studies with the limitations of this type of study, hence the need to create a register that would collect the data in a prospective and real-time manner. This register, known as AMMR (Algerian Multiple Myeloma Registry) belongs to the SAHTS (Algerian Society of Hematology), was created in 2014 after obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Health. The objectives of this register are:

- Obtain reliable epidemiological data

- Describe the profile of Algerian patients (pts)

- To have an analysis of the diagnostic approaches in all the hematology departments

- And measure diagnostic and prognostic difficulties.

The AMMR is a prospective, observational, multicenter study.

Materials and methods: With the support of a contracted clinical research company, we developed a 19 pages case report form (CRF) which registered all newly pts with MM, plasmocytomas. The main registered variables at diagnosis are patient demographics, disease characteristics, complications, biology, imaging, diagnosis, prognosis and only one item on treatment. All hematology services (17) participated in the study with the help of 23 investigators to inform the CRF. The diagnostic criteria used are those of the IMWG 2003, the prognosis is evaluated according to the classification of Salmon and Durie and the International Staging System.

Results: Thus, 1010 pts are collected during these 2 years, 505 men and 505 women. The median age is 63 years (29-100 years), 53% are under 65 years, 13% under 50 years and 18% more than 75 years old. The age-standardized incidence rate (world population WHO 2000-2025) of MM for the year 2015 is 1.71 / 105 inhabitants (1.75 for men and 1.68 for women). In this series: 975 pts (96.53%) are secreting MM and 20 non-secretory MM(1.98%), 4 plasmocytoma (0.40%) and 2 plasma cell leukemias (0.20%). According to the geographical distribution, 62% of the patients are in the middle of Algeria, 19% of the western region and 19% of the eastern region. Among the risk factors for the occurrence of MM, a MGUS is found in 16 pts, a professional activity at risk in 96 pts of which 57 workers of the earth. The clinical feature at diagnosis is dominated by bone syndrome since 92% have bone symptoms, pain in 80.4% of cases and pathological fractures for 96 pts (12%). Neurological signs related to medullary compression are described in 89 pts, anemia is the second complication (56% of the pts). Biological characteristics, the immunological type are IgG type in 50.67% of cases, IgA in 26.36%, light chains in 21.64% of the secreeting MM. All the pts are classified according to the classification of Salmon and Durie, 82% are stages III and 13% of the stages II, among them 24% are classified B. The ISS classification is used in 72% of the pts, with 16.21% stage I, 18.56% stage II and 36.92% stage III. Flow cytometry is performed only in 45 pts (4.5%) and cytogenetics in only one patient.

Comments and conclusion: This study shows that the number of pts with MM is important in our country: more than 1000 in 2 years, whereas the previous data did not exceed 350 pts/year. The median age is 63 years, with 53% under 65 years candidates for therapeutic intensification. On the other hand the incidence is 1.71 higher than the two previous studies; this is explained by the rigor of the prospective studies but not by an increase of the frequency. The data collected still show pts diagnosed later (82% stage III) with complications. We deplore the lack of genetics study for our pts. The AMMR is the first hematological malignancy registry in Algeria, is a reliable data bank, which will allow us to claim more diagnostic, pronostic assessment and care for our pts.


No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Baira F, Zidani M, Farh H, Messaoudi S, Ziar T, Helbert AL, Baudin T. Deformation and Recrystallised Texture Evolution and the Followed Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Drawn and Annealed Copper Wires. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa. 2017;31 :20-28.Abstract

Copper destined for electrical cabling require a compromise of mechanical properties and electrical resistivity. The drawing process accompanied by the formation of crystalline defects, such as gaps and dislocations, which leads to the increase in hardness, and therefore to the increase in resistivity, a very important characteristic for the conductivity and the efficiency of the cable. The scope of this work is to investigate the phenomenon of deformation texture evolution while copper wire drawn destined for electric cable-making and to understand its relationship with the electrical conductivity. In this study, we notice that the hardness and the resistivity increase with an increase of the deformation level. On the other hand, a slight decrease in the resistivity of the wires was observed after a holding time of 30 min at 260°C. The annealing of wires at 260°C for 9 min of holding time leads to a recrystallisation especially for high deformations and a gradual return of the mechanical properties and of the microstructure towards a state close to the state of the wire rod with the extension of time . The recrystallization texture is composed of the same components as the drawing texture, fibers <111>//ND (Normal Direction) and <001>//ND. The decrease in the intensity of the fiber after annealing is observed. On the other hand, the fiber <001> // ND remains stable.

Saouli A. Effet de l’administration de chlorure de nickel associe avec le selenium sur les paramètres hematologiques et la glande surrénale chez le rat wistar. les 14ème journées nationales du département de pharmacie :les méthodes d’analyse de l’industrie pharmaceutique et en milieu Hospitalier.26,27/04/. 2016.
Saouli A, Adjroud O, Boulila I, imene Salah, Fedala A. Effet de l’administration de chlorure de nickel associe avec le selenium sur les paramètres hematologiques et la glande surrénale chez le rat wistar. les 14ème journées nationales du département de pharmacie :les méthodes d’analyse de l’industrie pharmaceutique et en milieu Hospitalier.26,27/04/. 2016.
Adjroud O. Hexavalent Chromium-induced Changes in Biochemical Parameters of Wistar Albino Rats. International Conference on Biological and Chemical Processes (ICBCP), 25-26 April. 2016.Abstract
Potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) is one of the most toxic elements to which man can be exposed at work or in the environment. The purpose of the current work is to compare the effect of K2Cr2O7 using variations in the dose, route of administration and duration of exposure in male and female Wistar albino rats with a special focus on biochemical parameters. K2Cr2O7 was subcutaneously administered alone (10, 50 and 100 mg/kg body weight) to female Wistar albino rats. Male rats received in their drinking water K2Cr2O7 30 mg/L/day) for 20 consecutive days. The Biochemical parameters were evaluated on days 3, 6 and 21 after subcutaneous (sc.) treatment in female rats and on days 10 and 20 after oral administration in male rats. The subcutaneous (s.c.) administration of 25 mg/kg of K2Cr2O7 to Wistar albino rats induced a slight change in plasma glucose levels during the experiment period. On the contrary, a significant decrease in plasma glucose levels was observed with 50 mg/kg mainly on days 3 (-26%) and 21 (-48%) after treatment compared to controls females rats. On the other hand, the higher dose provoked a significant increase in plasma glucose concentrations on days 6 (+31%) and 21 (+60%). similarly, the lower dose of chromium had no effect on the plasma urea levels. Conversely, a significant increase (122%) in this parameter was obtained during the first three days after treatment. In addition, a significant decrease in plasma glucose levels was observed with 50 mg/kg mainly on days 3 (-26%) and 21 (-48%) after treatment. On the other hand, the higher dose provoked a significant increase in plasma glucose concentrations on days 6 (+31%) and 21 (+60%). similarly, the lower dose of chromium had no effect on the plasma urea levels. Conversely, a significant increase in this parameter (122%) was obtained during the first three days after treatment. In addition, administration of 100 mg/kg of K2Cr2O7 by s.c markedly augmented the levels of plasma urea on days 3 (62%) and 6 (121%). Administration of 30 mg/L/day of K2Cr2O7 in the drinking water induced a significant augmentation in both of plasma glucose (27%) and urea (126%) during the first ten days of treatment. These results suggested that K2Cr2O7 administered subcutaneously or in the drinking water may induce harmful effects on biochemical parameters. Keywords : glucose, potassium dichromate, Wistar albino rat, urea.
Salah I, Adjroud O, BOULILA I, Fedala A, Saouli A. Effets de l'administration par voie sous- cutanée du nickel associe avec le zinc et le selenium sur l'uremie et le determinisme de la reproduction chez les rates gestantes. Premier colloque International de Toxicologie et Santé. 28-29 novembre. 2016.
Kacha F, Soltani F, Aiche M, Saidi M. Evaluation du rpotocole R C2H2OPA dans le lymphome médiastinalprimitif à grande. Congrès maghrébin d'Hématologie , Mai. 2016.
Kacha F. Lymphome osseux primitif ;à propos d’un cas, in Congrès maghrébin d'Hématologie , Mai . ; 2016.
Kacha F, Soltani F, Aiche M, Saidi M. Lymphome osseux primitif ;à propos d’un cas, in Congrès maghrébin d'Hématologie , Mai . Alger, Algérie ; 2016.
Aiche M, Soltani F, Kacha F, Saidi M. LNH à grandes cellules B et foie . Congrès maghrébin d'Hématologie , Mai . 2016.
Kacha F, Soltani F, Aiche M, Saidi M. Evaluation des réponses moléculaires chez des patients atteints de LMC traités par IMATIB en première intention. Congrès maghrébin d'Hématologie , Mai . 2016.
Aiche M, Soltani F, Saidi M. Aspects épidémiologique et clinique du lymphome diffus à grandes cellules B selon les facteurs de l’index pronostique international (IPI) . Congrès maghrébin d'Hématologie , Mai . 2016.
Kacha F, Soltani F, Aiche M, Saidi M. Evaluation des réponses moléculaires chez des patients atteints de LMC traités par IMATIB en première intention . Congrès maghrébin d'Hématologie , Mai . 2016.
Kacha F, Soltani F, Saidi M. Description des effets secondaires liés àl’Imatib dans la leucémie myeloide chronique. Congrès maghrébin d'Hématologie , Mai . 2016.
Kacha F, Soltani F, Saidi M. Description de deux cas de LMC précédés de tumeur solide. Congrès maghrébin d'Hématologie , Mai . 2016.
Smail CHAFAA. Contribution à l’étude de la biodiversité entomologique de l’Abricotier dans la région de Batna-Algérie. 10th Maghrebian Congess on Marine Sciences and the 5th Franco-Maghrebian Congress of Zoology & Ichthyology. 2016.
