Samir, Djenba. 2019. “Caracterisation hydrochimiques des eaux du continental intercalaire et complexe terminal et les problèmes d’irrigationà la vallée d’oued Righ ”. Second International Symposium Water Resources and Environmental Impact Assessment in North Africa (WREIANA 2019) March 25 -27 , 2019-Sousse, Tunisia.
Mouna, Dekakra, MENANI Mohamed redha, and Abdelhamid Khedidja. 2019. “Impact de la pollution agricole sur la qualité des eaux de l'aquifère de Teleghma”. Second International Symposium Water Resources and Environmental Impact Assessment in North Africa (WREIANA 2019) March 25 -27 , 2019-Sousse, Tunisia.
Saadali, B., H. Zerouk, and Drias Tarek. 2019. “Physicochemical and organic quality assessment of Mexa and Bougous waters and its suitability for agricultural use”. Second International Symposium Water Resources and Environmental Impact Assessment in North Africa (WREIANA 2019) March 25 -27 , 2019-Sousse, Tunisia.
Tarek, Drias, Abdelhamid Khedidja, and Belloula Moufida. 2019. “Assessment of the capacitive function of Shallow aquifer using probabilistic and deterministic approaches (geostatistics - 3D model)”. Second International Symposium Water Resources and Environmental Impact Assessment in North Africa (WREIANA 2019) March 25 -27 , 2019-Sousse, Tunisia. Publisher's Version
Lamine, Boumaiza, Chabour Nabil, and Drias Tarek. 2019. “Reviewing the potential anthropogenic sources of groundwater contamination - Case study of the expanding urban area of Taleza in Algeria.”. the 72nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, St-John’s, (September 29 to October 02, 2019)Newfoundland, Canada. Publisher's Version
Lamine, Boumaiza, Chabour Nabil, and Drias Tarek. 2019. “there still a chance to save the groundwater in Taleza aquifer ?”. AGC-AMC-AIH - GAC-MAC-IAH Conference | Quebec City. Publisher's Version