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Touafek, N.
2019. “
Effects of Carrier Mobility and defects on the Recombination Characteristic of P3HT:Graphene Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cell
3ème congrès international sur les énergies renouvelables et le développement durable ERDD-2019
Publisher's Version
Touafek, N.
2019. “
Impact of the secondary phase ZnS on CZTS performance solar cells
3ème congrès international sur les énergies renouvelables et le développement durable ERDD-2019
Publisher's Version
Adel, Bendjerad
. 2018. “
Structural and magnetic study of the influence of the thickness on multilayer (Ni/NiO) deposits at room temperature
International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE)
Publisher's Version
Fayçal, Djeffal
. 2018. “
Numerical Analysis of 4H-SiC MOSFET Design Including High-k Gate Dielectrics for Power electronic Applications
Publisher's Version
Fayçal, Djeffal
. 2018. “
Device and Circuit Level Performance Analysis of a NewNanoscale DGJL MOSFET Design Using an AccurateNumerical Computation
Publisher's Version
Fayçal, Djeffal
. 2018. “
Simulation and analysis of Graphene-based nanoelectronic circuits using ANN method
Publisher's Version
Fayçal, Djeffal
. 2018. “
ANFIS-based Approach to Predict the Degradation-related Ageing ofJunctionless GAA MOSFET
Publisher's Version
Adel, Bendjerad
. 2017. “
Etude, modélisation et simulation des propriétés magnétiques par le modèle Jiles-Atherton d’une couche ferromagnétique déposée par pulvérisation cathodique magnétron RF
Publisher's Version
Guenifi, Naima
. 2017. “
Boron and Phosphorus Diffusion in MOS Transistors: Simulation and analyze in both 2D and 3D
International Conference on Phosphorus, Boron and Silicon 2017
Publisher's Version
Guenifi, Naima
. 2017. “
Characterizing Slow state Near Si-SiO2 in MOS structure
International Conference on Phosphorus, Boron and Silicon 2017
Publisher's Version
Guenifi, Naima
. 2017. “
An algorithm For Boron diffusion in MOS transistor Using SILVACO ATHENA and Matlab
International Conference on Phosphorus, Boron and Silicon 2017
Publisher's Version
Hichem, Ferhati
. 2017. “
Enhanced Performance of ZnO/c-Si Solar cell Using InterfaceEngineering with Grooves Morphology
6th International Conference on Systems and Control
Publisher's Version
F, Menacer
. 2017. “
Modeling and investigation of smart capacitive pressure sensor using artificial neural networks
6th International Conference on Systems and Control
Publisher's Version
Abdelhamid, Benhaya
. 2017. “
Cellules photovoltaïques : De la couche active au panneau solaire photovoltaïque
Journées portes ouvertes sur la Faculté des Sciences Exactes (JFSE 2017)
Publisher's Version
Aouf, Anouaressadate, Fayçal Djeffal, and Fouzi Douak
. 2017. “
Thermal stability investigation of power GaN HEMT includingself-heating effects
6th International Conference on Systems and Control,
Publisher's Version
amdane Mahamdi, R
. 2016. “
Ge on porous silicon/Si substrate analysed by Raman spectroscopy and Atomic force microscopy
First International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications
Publisher's Version
amdane Mahamdi, R
. 2016. “
TEM and XRD characterizations of epitaxial Silicon layer fabricated on double layer porous Silicon
First International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications
Publisher's Version
amdane Mahamdi, R
. 2016. “
Modeling and Optimization Techniques of Boron diffusion parameters in MOS transistor Using SILVACO ATHENA and Matlab
First International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications
Publisher's Version
amdane Mahamdi, R
. 2016. “
Enhancement of the optical performance of ZnO thin-film using metallic nano-particles for optoelectronic applications
17th International conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control and computer engineering STA
Publisher's Version
Fayçal, Djeffal
. 2016. “
Enhancement of the optical performance of ZnO thin-film using metallic nano-particles for optoelectronic applications
17th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA)
Publisher's Version
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BM bulk heterojunction solar cell device simulations for various inorganic hole transport materials
Metaheuristic-based decision maker framework for the development of multispectral IGZO thin-film phototransistors
Highly-detective tunable band-selective photodetector based on RF sputtered amorphous SiC thin-film: Effect of sputtering power
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