A/-Publication Internationels:
abortions in the eastern region of Algeria (Batna), Sara Mouffouk, Mouloud Yahia, Chaima Mouffouk, Hanane Boukrous, Aicha Saaidia, Fairouz Douha, Naima Achi, Volume 90 , Numéro 2.
ISSN: 2284-0230, (2018).
Revue: Journal of Biological Research-Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale
Editor: Journal of Biological Research.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4081/jbr.2017.7151.
Pages: 126 ,129.2. Mutations causing hemophilia B in Algeria: Identification of two novel mutations of the factor 9 gene, Zidani Abla, Yahia Mouloud, Hejer El Mahmoudi, Gouider Emna, Abdi Meriem, Ouarhlent Yamina, Salhi Naouel. Volume 19 , Numéro 1.
Revue : Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity.
ISSN: 1412-033X ,(2018).
Editor: Society for Indonesian Biodiversity.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13057/biodiv/d190109.
Pages: 52 ,58.
3. Association of CAT–262C/T with the concentration of catalase in seminal plasma and the risk for male infertility in Algeria,Nour El Houda Bousnane, Sadiq May,… .Volume 63 ,2017, Numéro 5.
Revue: Systems biology in reproductive medicine.
Editor: Taylor & Francis.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19396368.2017.1318187.
Pages: 303-310.
4. Ulcer Healing and Gastroprotective Activity of Methanolic Extracts of Hyoscyamus Albus and Umbilicus Rupestris Leaves against Gastric Injury Caused by Ethanol in Rats. Massinissa Yahia, Mouloud Yahia; Volume 4 , Numéro 1.
Revue: Global Journal of Research and Review.
ISSN: 2393-8854 ,2017.
Editor: iMedPub.
DOI: 10.21767/2393-8854.10008.
Pages: 1-5.
5. Antitumor Activity of Methanolic Fractions Extracted From the Aerial Part of Algerian Hyoscyamus albus and apoptotic cell aspect screening, Massinissa Yahia, Mouloud Yahia; Volume 10, Numéro 11. (2017)
Revue: Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology.
Editor: Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research.
DOI: 10.5530/ijper.52.2.30 .
Pages: 3676-3680.
6. Study of hormone levels and semen parameters in infertile patients and fertile controls from Batna, Nour El Houda Bousnane, Ali Chennaf; Volume 1 ;2017 , Numéro 2;
Revue: Medical Technologies Journal.
Editor: Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research.
ISSN: 2572-004X.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26415/2572-004X-vol1iss2p39-40.
Pages: 39-40.
7. The predominance of codon 39 (c>t) mutation of HBB gene in a portion of the Algerian population (Northeast Algeria), Belhadi Kamilia, Yahia Mouloud; Volume 90 ;2017 , Numéro 1;
Revue: Journal of Biological Research-Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale.
Editor: Journal of Biological Research
ISSN: 2284-0230.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4081/jbr.2017.6407.
Pages: 13-18.
Revue: Int J Pharma Res Health Sci.
Pages : 1654-1658.
9. New Gastroprotective Activity of Methanolic Extracts of Hyoscyamus albus (Solanaceae) and Umbilicus rupestris Leaves (Crassulaceae) Against Gastric, Massinissa Yahia, Mouloud Yahia; Volume 13,2017 ,Numéro 1.
Revue: Biotechnol Ind J.
Pages: 122.
10. Toxicity, Analgesic, and Anti-Pyretic Activities of Methanolic Extract from Hyoscyamus albus’ Leaves in Albinos Rats, Massinissa Yahia, Afaf Benhouda; Volume 3,2017 ,Numéro 6.
Revue: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering
11. Endometrial Cells Morphology Depending on Estrous Cycle and Histologic Layers in Cows: Morphometric Study Souheyla Benbia, Mouloud Yahia, Isabelle Rymond Letron and Omar Benounne
Global Veterinaria 18 (1): 68-73, (2017)
ISSN: 1992-6197.
12. Effects of codon 39 (c> t) mutation on the changes of hematological parameters in children with beta-thalassemia major in the region of Batna, Algeria, Belhadi Kamilia, Yahia Mouloud.
Revue: Current Pediatric Research.
Editor: Biomedical Research.
ISSN: 0971-9032,2016.
13. Molecular genetic study of hemophilia B in an Algerian population, ZIDANI ABLA, YAHIA MOULOUD; Volume 15 , Numéro 51.
Revue: African Journal of Biotechnology.
ISSN: 1684-531,2016.
Editor: Academic Journals (Kenya)
DOI: 10.5897/AJB2016.15737.
Pages: 2784-2788.
14. Toxicity and antiinflammatory effects of methanolic extract of Umbilicus rupestris leaves, Benhouda A, YAHIA MOULOUD.
Revue: International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences.
ISSN: 0975-6299 ,2014.
15. Impact of Obesity on Fertility in a Population of Women in the Wilaya of Batna, A. Chennaf,
M. Yahia; Volume 8; (2014); Numéro 2.
Revue: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Bioengineering and Life Sciences.
DOI: scholar.waset.org/1307-6892/9997547.
Pages: 105-108.
16. Study of Some Biological Profiles as Limiting Factors of Male Fertility in the Region of Batna, Algeria, Bousnane Nour El Houda, Chennaf Ali; Volume 1 ,2014, Numéro 12.
Revue: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Bioengineering and Life Sciences.
DOI: urn:dai:10.1999/1307-6892/15969.
17. Analgesic, Toxicity and Anti-Pyretic Activities of Methanolic Extract from Hyoscyamus albus Leaves in Albinos Rats, Yahia Massinissa, Benhouda Affaf; Volume 1 , (2014), Numéro 08.
Revue: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Bioengineering and Life Sciences.
18. Phenotypical and Genotypical Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis in 26 Cases from East and South AlgeriaStudy of Some Biological Profiles as Limiting Factors of Male Fertility in the Region of Batna, Algeria, Yahia Massinissa, Yahia Mouloud; Volume 1 , (2014), Numéro 06.
Revue : World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Bioengineering and Life Sciences.
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