Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

lynda, Bouhidel. 2013. “Conception d’un outil d’évaluation des performances d’un système de production”. CPI’2013 The 8th International Conference on Integrated Design and Production.
Imen, Driss. 2013. “A Genetic Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problems: A state-of-the-art and perspective”. CPI’2013 The 8th International Conference on Integrated Design and Production.
Wail, Rezgui. 2013. “Metaheuristic Approach for Solving the Vehicle routing problem: Application in Pharmaceutical Company”. (CoDIT 2013), International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies.
Baddredine, Boutagriouet. 2013. “ Investigation on the use of solar thermal energy in the agro food industry in Algeria. Faculty of Ouarzazate-Morocco, , ISBN: 978-1-4673-6373-0 IEEE, March 07-09”. IRSEC’13 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference. The Mediterranean Space of Technology and Innovation with the partnership of the Moroccan Agency of Solar Energy (MASEN) and the Polydisciplinary : pp.167-170.
Yamina, Smaili. 2013. “Metaheuristic Approach for Solving the Vehicle routing problem: Application in Pharmaceutical Company”. (CoDIT 2013), International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies.
Wail, Rezgui. 2013. “Metaheuristic Approach for Solving the Vehicle routing problem: Application in Pharmaceutical Company”. (CoDIT 2013), International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies.
Mohamed, Haoues. 2013. “Production Planning in Integrated Maintenance Context for Multi-Period Multi-Product Failure-Prone Single-Machine”. ETFA’13 18th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation.Cagliari, ITALY.
Mohamed, Haoues. 2013. “Optimization of Single-Manufacturer Multiple-Contractors Outsourcing Relationship in Integrated Approach of Production, Maintenance and Quality”. SMC’13 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics MANCHESTER, UK.
Mohamed, Haoues. 2013. “Integrated Optimization of In-House Production and Outsourcing Strategy: Genetic Algorithm Based Approach”. IMS’13 11th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems.São Paulo, BRAZIL.
Adel, Ghouari. 2013. “Performances Analysis of Grid connected PV system in the perspective of use in a smart house in Algeria. IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4673-6373-0”. IRSEC’13 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference. The Mediterranean Space of Technology and Innovation with the partnership of the Moroccan Agency of Solar Energy (MASEN) and the Polydisciplinar : pp. 521 - 524.
Badreddine, Boutagriouet. 2013. “ Investigation on the use of solar thermal energy in the agro food industry in Algeria. Faculty of Ouarzazate-Morocco, , ISBN: 978-1-4673-6373-0 IEEE, 07-09 March”. IRSEC’13 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference. The Mediterranean Space of Technology and Innovation with the partnership of the Moroccan Agency of Solar Energy (MASEN) and the Polydisciplinary : pp.167-170.
Wail, Rezgui. 2013. “ SVM and Fuzzy-neural network for the diagnosis by pattern recognition of a photovoltaic systemة ISBN : 978-9931-9117-0-8”. CPI’2013 The 8th International Conference on Integrated Design and Production .
Sonia, Benaicha. 2013. “Commande Neuro-Floue d’un Système de Clinkérisation”. ICEO’2013, The International Conference On Electronics & Oil: From Theory To Applications.
Sonia, Benaicha. 2013. “Développement d’un Système Intelligent pour le contrôle d’un système complexe de production”. ICEO’2013, The International Conference On Electronics & Oil: From Theory To Applications.
Hanane, Zermane. 2013. “Contrôle d’un système de production par PCS7 et FuzzyControl++”. ICEO’2013, The International Conference On Electronics & Oil: From Theory To Applications.
Eddine, Bellal Salah. 2013. “Reconnaissance d'objets dans une image pour une application de tri .May 12-14, Guelma, Algeria”. ICSIP’13; The third International Conference on System and Information Processing. Publisher's Version
Sonia, Benaicha. 2013. “Commande Neuro-Floue temporelle pour la conduite du Four (Application à la cimenterie d’Ain Touta), May 12-14, Guelma, Algeria”. ICSIP’13; The third International Conference on System and Information Processing. Publisher's Version
Hanane, Zermane. 2013. “Automatisation Et Contrôle Flou D’un Système De Production”. ICSIP’13; The third International Conference on System and Information Processing. Publisher's Version
Nafissa, Rezki. 2013. “Multi-agent system for joint product quality control and machine maintenance”. ICSIP’13; The third International Conference on System and Information Processing. Publisher's Version
