Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

Nafissa, Rezki. 2014. “An agent based approach for quality control and maintenance in production line: Modelling with AUMLMay, 11-13, Batna, Algeria,”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing : pp. 634-639. Publisher's Version
Khadidja, Abid. 2014. “Formal Specification of a Mobile Agent Based Maintenance for Manufacturing System”. ISIA International Symposium on Informatics and its Applications.
Khadidja, Abid. 2014. “Designing a mobile agent based M-maintenance: Formal modelling and simulation. . May, 11-13, Batna, Algeria”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing : pp. 353-359. Publisher's Version
Nafissa, Rezki. 2014. “Joint quality and Maintenance in Manufacturing System. May, 11-13, Batna, Algeria”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing : pp. 46-49. Publisher's Version
Rabie, Hamidene. 2014. “ Remote control and supervision of a manufacturing system (Application in a cement factory), SSN : 2335-1012”. (ICDSD 2014) The second International Conference on Distributed System and Decision.
Wail, Rezgui. 2014. “Modeling the PV Generator Behavior Submit to the Open-Circuit and the Short-Circuit Faults. 19-21 Nov, ISBN: 978-1-4799-7517-4 ”. (IEEE EFEA 2014),Third International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications. : pp. 57-62. Publisher's Version
Wail, Rezgui. 2014. “Development of a New Methodology for Modeling the PV Generator Behavior in the Presence of Open-Circuit and Short-Circuit Faults. 19-21 November,ISBN: 978-1-4799-7517-4 ”. (IEEE EFEA 2014),Third International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications. : pp. 445-450. Publisher's Version
Leila-Hayet, Mouss. 2014. “Faults Modeling of the Impedance and Reversed Polarity Types within the PV Generator Operation. 19-21 Nov, ISBN: 978-1-4799-7517-4 ”. (IEEE EFEA 2014),Third International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications : pp. 377-382. Publisher's Version
2014. “ New Algorithm for the IV Characteristic Modeling of the Photovoltaic Generator Malfunction within Impedance and Reversed Polarity Faults19-21 Nov, ISBN: 978-1-4799-7517-4”. (IEEE EFEA 2014),Third International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications. : pp. 506-512. Publisher's Version
Fateh, Bencherif, Mouss Leila Hayet, and Meguellati Mohamed. 2013. “Fuzzy relative importance ‎of ‎customer ‎requirements in Improving Product Development. In the Proceedings of the 5th IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4673-5812-5”. International ‎Conference on ‎Modelling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, (ICMSAO IEEE) Hammamet, Tunisia : pp 1-6. Publisher's Version
Mohamed, Haoues, et al. 2013. “Production Planning in Integrated Maintenance Context for Multi-Period Multi-Product Failure-Prone Single-Machine, submitted in 18th IEEE”. Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’13) Cagliari, Italy.
Eddine, Bellal Salah, Mouss Leila Hayet, and Bensaadi Rafik. 2013. “Recognition of objects in an image for triage application, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9796-6”. The International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies CoDIT Hammamet, Tunisia.
Adel, Ghouari, Hamouda Chaâbane, and Chaghi Aziz. 2013. “Performances Analysis of Grid connected PV system in the perspective of use in a smart house in Algeria, ISBN: 978-1-4673-6374”. IRSEC International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, Ouarzazate - Morocco : pp 521 – 524.
Abdelghafour, Kaanit. 2013. “Amelioration of CICM Model against GERAM requirements May 12-14 University 8 Mai 1945-Guelma, Algeria”. CSIP’13; The third International Conference on System and Information Processing. Publisher's Version
Yamina, Smaili. 2013. “L’intelligence Artificielle pour l’Optimisation d’un Problème de Transport : Une Application Pratique”. ICSIP’13; The third International Conference on System and Information Processing. Publisher's Version
Yamina, Smaili. 2013. “Méta heuristique pour l’Optimisation du problème de logistique de Distribution”. CPI’2013 The 8th International Conference on Integrated Design and Production.
