Principles of Biology in Service of Technology: DNA Computing


Aksa, Karima. 2021. “Principles of Biology in Service of Technology: DNA Computing”. Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (ALJEST) 7 (20).


 As commonly known that living beings cannot survive without natural sources available on earth, technology is no exception; it cannot develop without the inspiring help given by the same nature.

The field of biology has extensively participated in the computing field through the "code of life" DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) since it was discovered by Adelman in the past century. This combination gave birth to DNA Computing, which is a very interesting new aspect of biochemistry. It works massively parallel with high energy efficiency, and requiring almost no space.

The field of molecular computing is still new and as the field progresses from concepts to engineering, researchers will address these important issues.

 By the use of encoding data into DNA strands, many NP-complete problems have been solved and many new efficient techniques have been proposed in cryptography field.

The aim of this paper is to give an overview of bio-inspired system and to summarize the great role of DNA molecule in servicing of the technology field.

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