Equipe 3 com

Naima, Zerari, and Aitouche Samia. 2017. “Automatic text summarization: A review”. International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management.
Samia, Aitouche. 2017. “Keyword analysis of intellectual capital and knowledge management in SCOPUS”. International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management.
Samira, Brahmi. 2017. “Intellectual capital and its measurement”. Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.
Samira, Brahmi. 2016. “Measuring intellectual capital of an organization”. Advances in automotive technologies.
Djamel, Bellala. 2015. “Optimal Planning of Nurses’ Redeployment at Patient Overflow, ISBN: 978-3-03785-277-4”. (CAS 2015) International Conference on Circuits and Systems .
Hacene, Smadi. 2015. “Effective meta-heuristic algorithm for solving a multi-criteria job-shop scheduling problem with maintenance activities”. (ICIST 2015) The 5th International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies. Publisher's Version
Amina, Bouakaz. 2014. “Potentiel d’Energie Solaire Thermique dans l’IndustrieAgro-alimentaire”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing. Publisher's Version
Karima, Hamouda. 2014. “Les déchets électroniques et leur gestion dans le monde et en Algérie”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing. Publisher's Version
Adel, Ghouari. 2014. “Monitoring of Smart Home System and Analysis of CO2 Gas emissionusing Open Source Platform”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing. Publisher's Version
Baddredine, Boutagriouet. 2014. “Experimental investigation on solar thermal system and possible reduction of CO2 emissions”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing. Publisher's Version
Djamel, Bellala. 2014. “Walk optimization of a drilling operation carried out by a two link robot arm using heuristic approach ”. International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials.
Adel, Ghouari. 2013. “Performances Analysis of Grid connected PV system in the perspective of use in a smart house in Algeria. IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4673-6373-0”. IRSEC’13 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference. The Mediterranean Space of Technology and Innovation with the partnership of the Moroccan Agency of Solar Energy (MASEN) and the Polydisciplinar : pp. 521 - 524.
Badreddine, Boutagriouet. 2013. “ Investigation on the use of solar thermal energy in the agro food industry in Algeria. Faculty of Ouarzazate-Morocco, , ISBN: 978-1-4673-6373-0 IEEE, 07-09 March”. IRSEC’13 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference. The Mediterranean Space of Technology and Innovation with the partnership of the Moroccan Agency of Solar Energy (MASEN) and the Polydisciplinary : pp.167-170.
Younes, Maache. 2012. “Aide à la décision d’ordonnancement inter-Entreprise des travaux de la maintenance distribuée”. ICIEM’12, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing. Publisher's Version
Djamel, Bellala. 2012. “Installation of distributed maintenance case: Cement factories of east (SMCE), ISBN: 978-1-4673-6373-0 ”. MSE Manufacturing Systems Engineering.
Hacene, Smadi. 2012. “Amélioration de la gestion du risque par la MBR”. VIème Congrès International sur les Energies Renouvelables et l’Environnement. Publisher's Version
Samia, Aitoche. 2011. “Proposed decision support in a disturbed environment using the method GIMSI ”. (CSAE 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering. Publisher's Version
