Aouadj M, Sellami D, Naceri F, Aissi S.
Analysis of wireless data transmission for the site survey of telemetry systems projects. Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference. 2017.
Ferroudji K, Benoudjit N, Bouakaz A.
An automated microemboli detection and classification system using backscatter RF signals and differential evolution. Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine. 2017;40 (1) :85-99.
Bouguerra F, Benacer I, Saidi L.
MLP and RBF symbol tracking with 16 QAM modulation over multipath distorted channel. 2017 International Conference on Advanced Systems and Electric Technologies (IC_ASET). 2017 :182-187.
El Mehdi Belkacem RIADH, Benzid R, Bouguechal N.
Multilevel inverter with optimal THD through the firefly algorithm. Archives of Electrical Engineering. 2017;66 (1).
Zerrouki N, Goléa N, Benoudjit N.
Particle Swarm Optimization of Non Uniform Rational B-Splines for Robot Manipulators Path Planning. Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 2017;61 (4) :337-349.
A Robust Feedback Linearization Control Framework Using an Optimized Extended Kalman Filter. Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review. 2017;10 (5).
Bouguerra F, Benacer I, Saidi L.
MLP and RBF Symbol Tracking with 16 QAM Modulation Over Multipath Distorted Channel. International Conference on Advanced Systems and Electric Technologies (IC_ASET), January 14-17. 2017 :182-187.
Bouguerra F, Benacer I, Saidi L.
MLP and RBF Symbol Tracking with 16 QAM Modulation Over Multipath Distorted Channel. International Conference on Advanced Systems and Electrical Technologies, (IC-ASET'2017) 14-17 January . 2017.
Belkacem R-E-M, Benzid R, Bouguechal N.
Multilevel inverter with optimal THD through the firefly algorithm. Archives of Electrical Engineering. 2017;66 (1) :141–154.
Reduction of the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) in multilevel inverters requires resolution of complex nonlinear transcendental equations; in this paper we propose a combination of one of the best existing optimized hardware structures with the recent firefly algorithm, which was used to optimize the THD, through finding the best switching angles and guaranteeing the minimization of harmonics within a user defined bandwidth. The obtained THD through the simulation of the thirteen-level symmetric inverter has been reduced down to 5% (FFT of 60 harmonics). In order to validate the simulation results, a thirteen-level symmetric inverter prototype has been made, and practically experimented and tested with different loads. Consequently, the measured THD with resistive load was 4.7% on a bandwidth of 3 kHz. The main advantage of the achieved work is the reduction of the THD.
Robust Feedback Linearization Control Framework Using an Optimized Extended Kalman Filter. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review. 2017;10 (5) :1-16.
A robust nonlinear controller based on an improved feedback linearization technique with state observer is developed for a class of nonlinear systems with uncertainties and external disturbances. First, by combining classical feedback linearization approach with a discontinuous control and a fuzzy logic system, we design and study a robust controller for uncertain nonlinear systems. Second, we propose an optimized extended Kalman filter (EKF) for the observation of the states. The parameters to be optimized are the covariance matrices Q and R, which play an important role in the EKF performances. The particle swarm optimization algorithm insures this optimization. Lyapunov synthesis approach is used to prove the stability of the whole control loop. The proposed approach is applied on a two-link robot system under Matlab environment. Simulation results have confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed approach against uncertainties and external disturbances; and exhibited a more superior performance than the non-improved control actions.
Ferroudji K, Benoudjit N, Bouakaz A.
An Automated Microemboli Detection and Classification System using Backscatter RF Signals and Differential Evolution. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 2017;40 (1) :85-99.
Zerrouki N, Goléa N, Benoudjit N.
Particle Swarm Optimization of Non Uniform Rational B-Splines for Robot Manipulators Path Planning. Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science . 2017;61 (4) :337-349.
The path-planning problem is commonly formulated to handle the obstacle avoidance constraints. This problem becomes more complicated when further restrictions are added. It often requires efficient algorithms to be solved. In this paper, a new approach is proposed where the path is described by means of Non Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS for short) with more additional constraints. An evolutionary technique called Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with three options of particles velocity updating offering three alternatives namely the PSO with inertia weight (PSO-W), the constriction factor PSO (PSO-C) and the combination of the two(PSO-WC); are used to optimize the weights of the control points that serve as parameters of the algorithm describing the path. Simulation results show how the mixture of the first two options produces a powerful algorithm, specifically (PSO-WC), in producing a compromise between fast convergence and large number of potential solution. In addition, the whole approach seems to be flexible, powerful and useful for the generation of successful smooth trajectories for robot manipulator which are independent from environment conditions.
Saidi R, Saidi L, Regai Z-el-abidine.
Contribution to the performance of mobile radio systems by optimizing the Okumura Hata model by linear regression: Application to the city of Annaba in Algeria. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics. 2017;9 (4) :677-689.
The study of propagation characteristics is a fundamental step in mobile radio engineering; which is intended to achieve maximum performance for a mobile radio system. To do this, the propagation models are essential tools for this study such as the evaluation of the signal strength received by a mobile terminal, the evaluation of coverage radii and deduce the number of cells needed to cover a given area, such as radio planning, which in turn is the step that aims to estimate the necessary equipment and configurations of the radio interface. In this work we adopt the standard K factor model and OKUMURA HATA model to demonstrate a propagation model adapted to the physical environment of the city of Annaba in Algeria using a linear regression algorithm based on the ordinary least squares method. Radio measurements were carried out on the CDMA network of operator Mobilis. The calculation of the square root of the mean square error between the actual data and the radio measurements and the prediction data derived from the model implemented allowing the validation of the results obtained. A comparative study between the value of the RMSE obtained by the new model and those obtained by the models K standard factors and the model of OKUMURA HATA allows us to conclude that the new model is better adapted to our local environment than that of OKUMURA HATA. The new model obtained can help increase the performance of mobile radio systems deployed in our territory. © 2017, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. All rights reserved.
Srairi F, Saidi L, Hassam A.
F. SRAIRI, L. SAIDI, A. HASSAMModeling Control and Optimization of a New Swimming Microrobot Using Flatness-Fuzzy-Based Approach for Medical Applications. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 2017;9 (99) :3249–3258.
Recently, researches in the interventional microrobots have taken the lion’s share in the field of biomedical devices. The aim of biomedical microrobots is to reach inaccessible areas of the human body and deliver drugs in high position. This work presents a new approach to elaborate a new physics-based model for novel self-propelled swimming microrobots. The robot is composed of an ellipsoidal head and hybrid tail that are propelled by a joint polymer metal composite actuator. Green’s function is used to solve the coupled elastic/fluid problems caused by the vibrating hybrid tail in a fluid. This method allowed producing the velocity of microrobot. For the control of the swimming microrobot in hazardous environment, the flatness-fuzzy-based control strategy is developed to eliminate the effect of nonlinear model and to generate the optimal trajectory of flat outputs. The fuzzy technique is aimed to adjust the law control gains in real time for improving the precision of the proposed microrobot in tracking the desired trajectory in fluid. The multi-objectives genetic algorithm is employed to optimize both the reference trajectory and the design parameters in order to enhance the time response and to minimize the dynamic tracking error of the trajectory. To achieve this, a numerical model based on accurate solutions of Navier–Stokes equations is developed. The results of the simulation show that the proposed design with ellipsoidal head gives better performance in comparison with that achieved by the conventional structure.