Improved feedback linearization control based on PSO optimization of an extended Kalman filter. Journal of Optimal Control Applications & Methods. 2018;39 (6) :1871-1886.
A robust nonlinear controller based on an improved feedback linearization technique with state observer in presence of uncertainties and external disturbances is developed for a class of nonlinear systems. First, by combining classical feedback linearization approach with a robust control term and a fuzzy logic system, we design and study an efficient controller for such systems. Second, we propose an optimized extended Kalman filter for the observation of the states. The parameters to be optimized are the covariance matrices Q and G, which play an important role in the extended Kalman filter performances. This optimization is insured by the particle swarm optimization algorithm. The Lyapunov synthesis approach is used to prove the stability of the whole control loop. The proposed approach is simulated on a nonlinear inverted‐pendulum system. Simulation results demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed scheme and exhibit a more superior performance than its conventional counterpart.
BBO optimization of an EKF for interval type-2 fuzzy sliding mode control. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 2018;11 (1) :770–789.
In this study, an optimized extended Kalman filter (EKF), and an interval type-2 fuzzy sliding mode control (IT2FSMC) in presence of uncertainties and disturbances are presented for robotic manipulators. The main contribution is the proposal of a novel application of Biogeography-Based Optimization (BBO) to optimize the EKF in order to achieve high performance estimation of states. The parameters to be optimized are the covariance matrices Q and R, which play an important role in the performances of EKF. The interval type-2 fuzzy logic system is used to avoid chattering phenomenon in the sliding mode control (SMC). Lyapunov theorem is used to prove the stability of control system. The suggested control approach is demonstrated using a computer simulation of two-link manipulator. Finally, simulations results show the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed scheme, and exhibit a more superior performance than its conventional counterpart.
Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Based on Backstepping Synthesis for Unmanned Quadrotors. Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering Journal, Volume: 16, number: 2, 2018.DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v16i2.2231ISSN 1336-1376 (Print) ISSN 1804-3119 (Online). 2018;16 (2) :135-146.
The main purpose of this paper is to integrate fuzzy logic technique and backstepping synthesis to sliding mode control to develop a Fuzzy Backstepping-Sliding Mode Controller (FBSMC) to resolve the problem of altitude and attitude tracking control of unmanned quadrotor systems under large external disturbances. First, a backstepping-sliding mode control for quadrotor is introduced. Moreover, a fuzzy logic system is employed to adapt the unknown switching gains to eliminate the chattering phenomenon induced by switching control on the conventional Backstepping-Sliding Mode Controller (BSMC). The dynamical motion equations are obtained by EulerNewton formalism. The stability of the system is guaranteed in the sense of the Lyapunov stability theorem. Simulation results are carried out using Matlab/Simulink environment to illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed controller.
Upper envelope detection of ECG signals for baseline wander correction: a pilot study. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Vol. 26, pp. 803-816, 2018. 1303-6203 ISSN: 1300-0632. 2018;26.
Baseline wander (BW) is a common low frequency artifact in electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. The prime cause from which BW arises is the patient's breathing and movement. To facilitate reliable visual interpretation of the ECG and to discern particular patterns in the ECG signal, BW needs to be removed. In this paper, a novel BW removal method is presented. The hypothesis is based on the observation that ECG signal variation covaries with its BW. As such, the P, Q, R, S, and T peaks will follow the baseline drift. On this basis, the following proposition is true: a reliable approximation of the baseline drift can be obtained from the shape derived from the interpolation of one form of the ECG signal peak (peak envelope). The simulation was performed by adding artificial BW to ECG signal recordings. The signal-to-noise ratio, mean squared error, and improvement factor criteria were used to numerically evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. The technique was compared to that of the Hilbert vibration decomposition method, an empirical-mode decomposition technique and mathematical morphology. The results of the simulation indicate that the proposed technique is most effective in situations where there is a considerable distortion in the baseline wandering.
new type-2 fuzzy modelling and identification for electrophysiological signals: a comparison between PSO, BBO, FA and GA approaches. Int. J. Modelling, Identification and Control. 2018;29 (2) :163-184.
In this investigation a novel type-2 fuzzy model for electrophysiological signals is presented. It is based on interval type-2 fuzzy systems. This method can deal with the curve fitting and computational time problems of type-2 fuzzy systems. This approach will significantly reduce the number of type-2 fuzzy rules and simultaneously preserve the fitting quality. The proposed model comprises a parallel interconnection of two type-2 sub-fuzzy models. The first is the primary model, which represents an ordinary model with a low resolution for the electrophysiological signal under consideration, the second is a fuzzy sub-model called the error model, which represents uncertainty in the primary model. Identification is achieved by innovative metaheuristic optimisation algorithms. The method's effectiveness is evaluated through testing on synthetic and real ECG signals. In addition, a detailed comparative study with several benchmark methods will be given. Intensive computer experimentations confirm that the proposed method can significantly improve convergence and resolution.
Bekkar B, Saidi L.
Optimal Distributed Power control in wireless cellular network based on Mixed Kalman/H∞ Filtering. International Journal of Electronics and Communications. 2018;90 :103-109.
In any wireless cellular network, power control is one of the most important dynamic radio resource management (RRM) schemes which increases the capacity and performance of the system. In this paper, we present a modified scheme to Distributed Power control that optimize the transmission power of mobile’s and signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) error. This method, based on minimization of performance criterion, achieves the minimum SINR error and power consumption at the next time instant. The Mixed Kalman/H∞ Filter with covariance intersection has been applied in the proposed scheme to estimate and predict the channel variation and still ensure a good robustness. Finally, the mixed Kalman/H∞ filter based power control method is compared with Kalman filter and H∞ filter based power control results show that our method provides robustness against practical impairments, such as measurement uncertainties and fast channel variations.
Bouguerra F, Saidi L.
An Efficient ANN Interference Cancellation for High Order Modulation over Rayleigh Fading Channel. Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology (JTIT). 2018;8 (4) :75-80.
High order modulation (HOM) presents a key challenge in increasing spectrum efficiency in 4G and upcoming 5G communication systems. In this paper, two non-linear adaptive equalizer techniques based on multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function (RBF) are designed and applied on HOM to optimize its performance despite its high sensitivity to noise and channel distortions. The artificial neural network’s (ANN) adaptive equalizer architectures and learning methods are simplified to avoid more complexity and to ensure greater speed in symbol decision making. They will be compared with the following popular adaptive filters: least mean square (LMS) and recursive least squares (RLS), in terms of bit error rate (BER) and minimum square error (MSE) with 16, 64, 128, 256, 512 and 1024 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). By that, this work will show the advantage that the MLP equalizer has, in most cases, over RBF and traditional linear equalizers. © 2018 National Institute of Telecommunications. All rights reserved.