Tafsast A, Ferroudji K, Hadjili ML, Bouakaz A, Benoudjit N.
Automatic microemboli characterization using convolutional neural networks and radio frequency signals. 2018 International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE). 2018 :1-4.
BBO optimization of an EKF for interval type-2 fuzzy sliding mode control. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 2018;11 (1) :770.
Fuzzy sliding mode control based on backstepping synthesis for unmanned quadrotors. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2018;16 (2) :135-146.
Improved feedback linearization control based on PSO optimization of an extended Kalman filter. Optimal Control Applications and Methods. 2018;39 (6) :1871-1886.
Yousfi A, Dibi Z, Aissi S, BENCHERIF H, Saidi L.
RF/analog performances enhancement of short channel GAAJ MOSFET using source/drain extensions and metaheuristic optimization-based approach. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC). 2018;10 (2) :81-90.
Abderrahim Y, Hichem B, Lamir S, Amir AM.
Role of High-K and gate engineering in improving Rf/analog performances of In 0.2 Ga0. 8As/Al0. 3Ga0. 7As HEMT. 2018 International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE). 2018 :1-4.
Bouguerra F, Saidi L.
Simplified ANN for 256 QAM Symbol Equalization Over OFDM Rayleigh Channel. 2018 International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SaCoNeT). 2018 :19-24.
Upper envelope detection of ECG signals for baseline wander correction: a pilot study. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences. 2018;26 (2) :803-816.
Tafsast A, Ferroudji K, Hadjijli ML, Bouakaz A, Benoudjit N.
Automatic microemboli classification using convolutional neural networks and RF signals. International Conference on Communications and Electrical and Engineering,University of , Algeria , December 17-18 . 2018 :1-4.
Bouguerra F, Saidi L.
Simplified ANN for 256 QAM Symbol Equalization Over OFDM Rayleigh Channel. 7th IEEE International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SACONET’18), October 27-31. 2018.
Yousfi A, Dibi Z, Guermoui M, Aissi S.
Modeling and Simulation of Double Gate Field Plate In0.2Ga0.8 As/Al0.3 Ga0.7 as HEMT using Gaussian Process Regression for Sensor Application. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 14, no3, pp. 112-118, 2017.DOI:10.19026/rjaset.14.4153ISSN: 2040-7459e-ISSN: 2040-7467. 2018;14 (3) :112-118.
We propose a new approach for modeling a High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) using that of Gaussian Process Regression one (GPR), to improve the current-voltage characteristics of HEMT transistor for using in electronic and biological domain or any other domain that needs it. The study and development of a new Atlas Silvaco device are taking into account the impact of several geometric and electric parameters; we focus on the electrical performances of the double gate field plate In0.2Ga0.8As/Al0.3Ga0.7As HEMT including double heterostructure; we compare the numerical simulation using 2D Atlas Silvaco simulator with the extracted experimental results. Then we validate our model by GPR approach. The GPR approach opens promising opportunities for devices modeling without knowing too much the device physics properties. The obtained results give better performances which lead to fabricate devices with better electrical properties for promoting further investigation.
Abderrahim Y, Aissi S, Bencherif H, Saidi L.
A.Yousfi, Z.Dibi, S.Aissi, H.Bencherif and L.SaidiRF/Analog Performances Enhancement of Short Channel GAAJ MOSFET using Source/Drain Extensions and Metaheuristic Optimization-based Approach. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 81-90.ISSN: 2180 – 1843 e-ISSN: 2289-8131. 2018;10 (2) :81-90.
This paper presents a hybrid strategy combining compact analytical models of short channel Gate-All-Around Junctionless (GAAJ) MOSFET and metaheuristic-based approach for parameters optimization. The proposed GAAJ MOSFET design includes highly extension regions doping. The aim is to investigate the impact of this design on the RF and analog performances systematically and to show the immunity behavior against the short channel effects (SCEs) degradation. In this context, an analytical model via the meticulous solution of 2D Poisson equation, incorporating source/drain (S/D) extensions effect, has been developed and verified by comparing it with TCAD simulation results. A comparative evaluation between the proposed GAAJ MOSFET structure and the classical device in terms of RF/Analog performances is also investigated. The proposed design provides RF/Analog performances improvement. Furthermore, based on the presented analytical models, Genetic Algorithms (GA) optimization approach is used to optimize the design of S/D parameters. The optimized structure exhibits better performances, i.e., cut-off frequency and drive current are improved. Besides, it shows superior immunity behavior against the RF/Analog degradation due to the unwanted SCEs. The insights offered by the proposed paradigm will help to enlighten designer in future challenges facing the GAAJ MOSFET technology for high RF/analog applications.
Merabet N-E-H-A, Benzid R.
Progressive image secret sharing scheme based on Boolean operations with perfect reconstruction capability. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective . 2018;27 (1) : 14-28.
Unlike traditional visual cryptography based on a threshold mechanism in which the secret image can be revealed by stacking k,(2≤k≤n) shadows or more. In our suggested (kk,nn) progressive secret sharing scheme with unexpanded pixel, we could obtain until n−1n−1 revealed secret images with progressive enhanced contrast in an increasing way from the lowest quality, in the case of stacking two shares, to a highest quality in the case of stacking all the nn shares. Our scheme not only has the advantage of the unexpanded shares, but also the use of very simple Boolean XOR and OR operations to recover the secret image perfectly. Moreover, the proposed scheme does not need any codebooks to construct shares. The experimental results indicate the privilege of our method compared with the other related work.
Bahaz M, Benzid R.
Efficient algorithm for baseline wander and powerline noise removal from ECG signals based on discrete Fourier series. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 2018;41 (1) :143–160.
AbstractElectrocardiogram (ECG) signals are often contaminated with artefacts and noises which can lead to incorrect diagnosis when they are visually inspected by cardiologists. In this paper, the well-known discrete Fourier series (DFS) is re-explored and an efficient DFS-based method is proposed to reduce contribution of both baseline wander (BW) and powerline interference (PLI) noises in ECG records. In the first step, the determination of the exact number of low frequency harmonics contributing in BW is achieved. Next, the baseline drift is estimated by the sum of all associated Fourier sinusoids components. Then, the baseline shift is discarded efficiently by a subtraction of its approximated version from the original biased ECG signal. Concerning the PLI, the subtraction of the contributing harmonics calculated in the same manner reduces efficiently such type of noise. In addition of visual quality results, the proposed algorithm shows superior performance in terms of higher signal-to-noise ratio and smaller mean square error when faced to the DCT-based algorithm.
Extended Kalman filter based states estimation of unmanned quadrotors for altitude-attitude tracking control. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering . 2018;16 (4) :446-458.
In this paper, state variables estimation and Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control (FSMC) are presented in order to estimate the state variables and altitude-attitude tracking control in presence of internal and external disturbances for unmanned quadrotor. The main idea of the proposed control strategy is the development of an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for the observation of the states. Fuzzy logic systems are used to adapt the unknown switching-gains to eliminate the chattering phenomenon induced by Sliding Mode Control (SMC). The stability of the system is guaranteed in the sense of Lyapunov. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed controller-observer scheme that takes into account internal and external disturbances are demonstrated on computer simulation using Matlab environment.