Catégorie C SET

Lemya, Medjbeur, and Benaggoune Said. 2015. “Robust Induction motor Control using Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Synergetic Control, ISSN 1582-4594”. Journal of Electrical Engineering, Roumanie Vol 12 (N°1) : pp. 140-145. Abstract
A new control technique of an induction motor is undertaken through a robust approach tagged synergetic control. Like the sliding mode (SMC) approach the system state trajectories are forced to evolve on a designer chosen manifold according to performance specifications. But unlike SMC, synergetic control relies on a continuous control law thus preventing unwanted chattering to occur. Fuzzy sets are used to approximate unknown system functions and system stability conditions are derived.
Lakhdar, Djeghdali, Naceri Farid, and Sebti Belkacem. 2015. “High Performance Speed of the Induction Motor Drives by the Predictive Control using Space Vector Modulation, ISSN 2230-9926”. IJDR International Journal of Developpment Research Vol 5 (Issue 6) : pp. 4645-4654. Publisher's Version Abstract
This paper investigates the application of the generalized predictive control (GPC), in order to control the speed of the induction motor. This application is based on four main ideas :  reproducing decision basic mechanisms of human behaviour; the creation  of  an  anticipatory  effect  by  operation  of  the  path  to  follow  in  the  future;  defining  a  numerical  prediction  model; minimization of a quadratic criterion with finite horizon and the principle of receding horizon. The results proved that the induction motor with the MPC speed controller has superior transient response, and good robustness in face of uncertainties including load disturbance. Moreover, accurate tracking performance has been achieved.
Mounir, Aouadj, and Aouadj Mounir. 2015. “SCADA System for the Modelling and Optomization of Oil Collecting Pipeline Network, ISSN 2040-7459”. RJASET: Research journal Applied Sciences, Engineering& Technology 10 (7 ) : pp. 789-804. Publisher's Version Abstract
This study aims are data acquisition, control and online modeling of an oil collection pipeline network using a SCADA «Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition» system, allowing the optimization of this network in real time by creating more exact models of onsite facilities. Indeed, fast development of computing systems makes obsolete usage of old systems for which maintenance became more and more expensive and their performances don't comply any more with modern company operations. SCADA system is a telemetry and control system adapted for particular requirements of an oilfield management. Thanks to its different functions, we take advantage of this system to solve production problems especially those related to oil collecting pipeline network. In fact this network is confronted to some problems, in particular pressure losses which has significant effect on the production. This problem can be taken under control by the awareness of pipeline network operation and all its process data (especially junctions) in real time. This will allow online creation of representative and accurate computerized models for the oil collecting pipeline network including producing wells, collecting pipelines, manifolds and others facilities.
Lakhdar, Djeghdali, Naceri Farid, and Sebti Belkacem. 2015. “A Novel DTC-SVM Associated with the Calculation of PI Regulator of the Induction machine, ISSN 2005-4238”. AJST Asian Journal of Science and Technology Volume 6 (Issue 4) : pp. 1241-1247. Publisher's Version Abstract
We present, in this paper, a DTC-SVM control algorithm of an induction machine based on PI controllers. Both the torque and the flux are regulated by a PI controller, where the truth table and the hysteresis are eliminated. We present here a conception method of the PI controllers, associated with the flux and the torque regulation loops and gives analytical formulas for the proportional and integral parameters, depending on the parameters of the induction machine. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is shown by simulation results.
tahar, Laamayad, and Naceri Farid. 2015. “The Stable Algorithm Based on a Model Reference Adaptive Control for the Dual Star Machine Drive, ISSN 1582-4594”. Journal of Electrical Engineering, Rouma Volume 15 (N°4). Publisher's Version Abstract
This paper deals with the design and a simulations study of a Model Reference Adaptive Control speed adaptive controller used for control Dual Star Induction Machine, The developed controller is designed in accordance with Lyapunov stability theory. The technique proposed gives fast dynamic response with no overshoot, the simulation results show that the control.
Lakhdar, Djeghdali, Naceri Farid, and Sebti Belkacem. 2015. “Reducing of Torque and Flux Ripples DTC of IM Based on Predictive Control, ISSN 1582-4594”. Journal of Electrical Engineering, Roumanie Volume 16 (N°1). Publisher's Version Abstract
We present in this paper a comparative study between two control strategies of electrical machines: Direct Torque Control (DTC-SVM), and Predictive Direct Torque Control (MPDTC). The first algorithm based on PI controllers, where the torque and the flux are regulated by a PI controller; we present a conception method of the PI controllers, associated with the flux and the torque regulation loops and gives analytical formulas for the proportional and integral gains. We also present in the second algorithm. The Predictive Direct Torque Control based on the linearization input-output of the machine. The technique of the linearization is used to give a model linearized and uncoupled from the machine for the anticipation of future behavior of the output. Following the formulation of both approaches, their implementation in the Matlab-Simulink environment has been treated. It has been found that the second approach MPDTC yields high dynamic performances in the whole speed range. These performances are characterized by a low torque ripple. However, requires much more CPU time than the first one.
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