Publications by Author: L. Chrifi Alaoui

A. Fezzani, S. Drid, A. Makouf, and L. C. Alaoui, “Speed Sensorless Flatness-Based Control of PMSM Using a Second Order Sliding Mode Observer,” 8 th International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies EVER’13. 2013.
H. Benderradji, A. Benamor, L. C. Alaoui, A. Bussy, and A. Makouf, “Second order sliding mode induction motor control with a new Lyapunov approach,” 9th International Multi-Conference on  Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD). 2012.
H. Benderradji, L. C. Alaoui, S. Drid, and A. Makouf, “Sliding Mode Linearization Control via Second Order Sliding Mode Flux Observer Applied to Induction Motor-Experimental Evaluation,” 7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering. 2012.
A. Fezzani, S. Drid, A. Makouf, and L. C. Alaoui, “Flatness-Based Control of an PMSM Fed via Voltage Source Inverter,” 7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering. 2012.
H. Benderradji, L. C. Alaoui, and A. Makouf, “H∞ control using sliding mode linearization technique applied to an induction motor,” Eighth International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices . 2011.
H. Benderradji, L. C. Alaoui, S. Mahieddine-Mahmoud, and A. Makouf, “Robust Control of Induction Motor with H∞ Theory based on Loopshaping,” Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, vol. 6 No.2, 2011.
H. Benderradji, A. Makouf, and L. C. Alaoui, “Field-oriented control using sliding mode linearization technique for induction motor ,” 18th Mediterranean Conference in Control & Automation (MED) 2010. 2010.
H. Benderradji, L. C. Alaoui, and A. Makouf, “Commande par Linéarisation Mode Glissant du Moteur à Induction,” 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, CEE’10. 2010.
A. Fezzani, S. Drid, A. Makouf, and L. C. Alaoui, “Commande Robuste par Mode Glissant d’Ordre Supérieur de la Machine Synchrone à Aimant Permanent,” 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, CEE’10. 2010.
H. Benderradji, L. C. Alaoui, S. M. Mahmoud, and S. Chaouch, “Robust Control of Induction Motor Using H∞ Method,” ACTA ELECTROTEHNICA, vol. 51, N 1, 2010.
