Publications by Author: L. Chrifi Alaoui

M. Bahloul, A. N. Vargas, L. C. Alaoui, S. Drid, and M. Chaabane, “Modified Robust Model Reference Adaptive System Scheme for a Speed Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Motor,” 19th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). pp. 473-478, 2019.Abstract
This paper presents a robust rotor speed sensorless control strategy for induction motor. The main purpose is to overcome the instability issue for zero/low speed operating mode while considering that the rotor resistance is subject to uncertainties or variations. A Modified Model Reference Adaptive System speed estimation scheme is presented, and its sensitivity to stator resistance mismatches is investigated. The proposed approach introduces a discrete reference and adjustable models of the motor. Moreover, an adaptive discrete speed estimation scheme is synthesized on the basis of the extended Kalman filter technique. The proposed sensorless control scheme is tested using the professional Hardware simulator AMEsim (LMS). The obtained results confirm the superiority and ability of the proposed method compared to the classic Model Reference Adaptive System speed estimation scheme to guarantee a …
R. Cheikh, A. Menacer, L. C. Alaoui, and S. Drid, “Robust nonlinear control via feedback linearization and Lyapunov theory for permanent magnet synchronous generator- based wind energy conversion system,” Frontiers in Energy, 2018.Abstract
In this paper, the method for the nonlinear control design of a permanent magnet synchronous generator based-wind energy conversion system (WECS) is proposed in order to obtain robustness against disturbances and harvest a maximum power from a typical stochastic wind environment. The technique overcomes both the problem of nonlinearity and the uncertainty of the parameter compared to such classical control designs based on traditional control techniques. The method is based on the differential geometric feedback linearization technique (DGT) and the Lyapunov theory. The results obtained show the effectiveness and performance of the proposed approach.
T. Alnejaili, L. C. Alaoui, D. Mehdi, A. Alibi, and S. Drid, “An advanced energy management system with an economical optimization for a multi-sources stand-alone Home,” 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), Valencia, Spain. pp. 154-159, 2018.Abstract
This paper proposes an advanced energy management system (EMS) for a stand-alone hybrid energy system. The considered hybrid system includes a photovoltaic panel, a fuel cell, an electrolyzer and a battery bank. The EMS aims to optimize the utilization cost of the hybrid power system and to improve its energy balance with the elimination of any energy deficit.The hybrid power system has been tested by simulation using models implemented in Matlab/Simulink software. The simulation is performed over a long period of time in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the management strategy. The simulation results confirm the efficiency of the proposed control strategy, as it increases the reliability of the system and improves its energy balance.
T. Alnejaili, A. Alibi, L. C. Alaoui, D. Mehdi, H. Sahraoui, and S. Drid, “Control and optimal management of a multi-source energy system,” 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), Valencia, Spain. pp. 164-168, 2018.Abstract
The main aim of this work is to develop an energy management algorithm (EMS) that control renewable energy system that consists of PV panels, lead acid battery banks and supercapacitor. On addition to that a Graphical user interfaces is developed to control the power system. The efficiency of the controller was tested by the mean of simulation, the result assume the effectiveness of the proposed control method and the intelligent management of the power flow controller.
T. Boutabba, et al., “dSPACE Real-Time Implementation Sliding Mode Maximum Power Point Tracker for Photovoltaic system,” 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), Valencia, Spain. pp. 137-141, 2018.Abstract
Maximum power point trackers are so important in photovoltaic systems to improve their overall efficiency. This paper presents a photovoltaic system with maximum power point tracking facility. An intelligent Sliding mode controller method is proposed in this paper to achieve the maximum power point tracking of PV modules. The system consists of a photovoltaic solar module connected to a DC-DC boost converter. The system is modeled using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The system has been experienced under disturbance in the photovoltaic loads and irradiation levels. The simulation results show that the proposed maximum power tracker tracks the maximum power accurately and successfully in all tested conditions. The MPPT system is then experimentally implemented. DSPACE is used in the implementation of the MPPT hardware setup for real-time control. Data acquisition and system control are implemented using dSPACE 1104 software and digital signal processor card. The experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm and confirm the simulation results.
H. Sahraoui, et al., “The dynamic control and optimal management of the energy in the case of a territory isolated in Batna city,” 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), Valencia, Spain. pp. 160-163, 2018.Abstract
This paper deals with the optimal sizing and management of power system for medium rural health clinic located in the Batna region (Algeria). The study evaluates different power configurations depending on economic, environmental and technical characteristics. The main objective is to cover the entire loads with an uninterruptible, high quality power supplies with lowest cost of energy and high renewable energy penetration.
N. Bouchiba, S. Keskes, S. Sallem, L. C. Alaoui, S. Drid, and M. B. A. Kammoun, “Experimental control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator based Wind Energy Conversion System,” 2018 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), Valencia, Spain. pp. 142-147, 2018.Abstract
In recent years, electrical energy has become a vital component for human life. Moreover, the interest for alternative energy sources has an exponential rise nowadays as a consequence of the limitation in conventional energy sources. Wind energy is considered one of the most important renewable energy sources. Nowadays, in order to ensure an optimal energy use, management and control technologies of wind energy conversion system are developed rapidly. In this paper, both of the vector controller and sliding mode control strategy for an isolated doubly fed induction generator-based wind energy conversion system are studied, described, tested and compared. In order to ensure the safety of the connected load, the main purpose of the present work is to maintain output stator voltage and frequency at their reference values whether for load demand power variations and wind speed fluctuations. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented control strategies.
T. Boutabba, S. Drid, L. C. Alaoui, and M. Benbouzid, “A New Implementation of Maximum Power Point Tracking based on Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Solar Photovoltaic System,” International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 184-191, 2018.
M. Bahloul, L. C. Alaoui, A. N. Vargas, M. Chaabane, and S. Drid, “Online robust estimation of flux and load torque in induction motors,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , vol. 94, no. 5-8, pp. 2703–2713, 2018.
M. Bahloul, L. C. Alaoui, S. Drid, M. Souissi, and M. Chabaane, “Robust Sensorless Vector Control of an Induction Machine Using Multiobjective Adaptive Fuzzy Luenberger Observer,” ISA Transactions, vol. 74, pp. 74, 144-154, 2018.
M. Hamdi, L. C. Alaoui, S. Drid, and N. Bouguila, “Management, optimization and conversion of energy for self-governing house,” 2017 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD),Hammamet, Tunisia. pp. 429-433, 2017.Abstract
The problematic is to study the management of a hybrid energy system, depending on demand, dedicated to self-governing houses. Energy can be supplied by a photovoltaic panel, a wind turbine and a diesel generator and it can be stored in batteries. The study of this type of systems requires a good control strategy and an effective management. The main objective of this study is to develop a reliable management model and to simulate the hybrid system of a house located in Monastir-Tunisia, with different domestic loads, such as a washing machine, freezer, refrigerator... A system of energy management that can adjust, optimize and adapt the consumption to the available energy resources while satisfying the request is then examined. Thus, to study the problem of energy management and reduce energy consumption and production of greenhouse gases, the definition off an analysis tool on MATLAB/SIMULINK has allowed the covering of load demand in an optimized manner using the optimal system chosen by HOMER.
N. Bouchiba, A. Barika, L. C. Alaoui, S. Drid, S. Sallem, and M. B. A. Kammoun, “A real-time Backstepping control strategy for a doubly fed induction generator based wind energy conversion system,” 2017 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), Batna, Algeria. pp. 549-554, 2017.
N. Bouchiba, A. Barika, L. C. Alaoui, S. Drid, S. Sallem, and M. B. A. Kammoun, “Real-time integration of control strategies for an isolated DFIG-based WECS,” The European Physical Journal Plus , vol. 132, no. 8, pp. 334, 2017.
N. Bouchiba, A. Barkia, L. C. Alaoui, S. Drid, and M. B. A. Kammoun, “Implementation and comparative study of control strategies for an isolated DFIG based WECS,” vol. 132, no. 10, pp. 415, 2017.Abstract
Nowadays, a global interest for renewable energy sources has been growing intensely. In particular, a wind energy has become the most popular. In case of autonomous systems, wind energy conversion system (WECS) based on a double fed induction generator (DFIG) is widely used. In this paper, in order to control the stand-alone system outputs under wind speed and load variations, three kinds of nonlinear control strategies have been proposed, applied and compared, such as: Classical PI controller, Back-Stepping and Sliding Mode controllers. A series of experiments have been conducted to evaluate and to compare the developed controllers’ dynamic performances under load demand and speed variations. The design and the implementation of different control strategies to a 1.5kW doubly fed induction machine is carried out using a dSpace DS1104 card based on MATLAB/Simulink environment …
A. Barkia, N. Bouchiba, S. Sallem, L. C. Alaoui, S. Drid, and M. B. A. Kammoun, “A comparative study of PI and Sliding mode controllers for autonomous wind energy conversion system based on DFIG,” 17th International conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering , STA'2016. 2016.
I. Benlaloui, S. Drid, L. C. Alaoui, B. Marhic, and M. Ouriagli, “Analysis and Design of rotor MRAS Speed Sensorless with a Novel Approach,” the 17th International conference  on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering, STA'2016. 2016.
I. Benlaloui, D. Khamari, S. Drid, L. C. Alaoui, and M. Hamzaoui, “Flux Observers Design for Induction Motor using Linear Parameter Varying Observer and Sliding Mode Observer,” the 17th International conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering, STA'2016. 2016.
Y. Belkacem, S. Drid, A. Makouf, S. Bouslimani, L. C. Alaoui, and B. Marhic, “Nonlinear Control of the Doubly Fed Induction Generator used with Wind Turbine for an Isolated Grid,” 17th International conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering , STA'2016. 2016.
S. Bouslimani, S. Drid, L. C. Alaoui, P. Bussy, and M. Hamzaoui, “Samir BOUSLIMANI, Said DRID and L. CHRIFI ALAOUI, Pascal Bussy and Mohamed “Inter-Turn Faults Detection using Park Vector Strategy,” the 17th International conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering,STA'2016. 2016.
T. Boutabba, S. Drid, L. C. Alaoui, M. Ouriagli, and M. E. H. Benbouzid, “dSPACE Real-Time Implementation of Maximum Power Point Tracking Based on Ripple Correlation Control (RCC) Structure for Photovoltaic System,” 5th International Conference on Systems and Control, Cadi Ayyad University, 2016.
