Publications by Author: L. Chrifi Alaoui

M. Bahloul, M. Souissi, L. C. Alaoui, and S. Drid, “Fuzzy speed estimation in case of sensorless induction machine vector control ,” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, vol. 24, pp. 3961–3975, 2016.
G. Zidani, S. Drid, L. C. Alaoui, D. Arar, and P. Bussy, “Robust Nonlinear Control of a Mobile Robot,” Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology , vol. 11, No.4, 2016.
H. Sahraoui, L. C. Alaoui, S. Drid, and P. Bussy, “Second Order Sliding Mode Control of DC-DC converter used in the Photovoltaic System according an Adaptive MPPT,” Journal of Renewable Energy Research, vol. 6, No.2, 2016.
T. Alnejaili, S. Drid, D. Mehdi, and L. C. Alaoui, “A Developed energy management strategy for a stand-alone hybrid power system for medium rural health building,” the International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 26, N°. 4, pp. 713–729, 2016.
Y. Beddiaf, F. Zidani, L. C. Alaoui, and S. Drid, “Modified speed sensorless indirect field-oriented of induction motor drive,” International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control journal, vol. 21 No. 4, pp. 370-377, 2016.
R. Saifi, N. Nait-Said, A. Makouf, L. C. Alaoui, and S. Drid, “A new flux rotor based MRAS for sensorless control of induction motor,” 5th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), Marrakesh, Morocco. pp. 365-370, 2016.Abstract
A model reference adaptive system (MRAS) based speed estimator for sensorless induction motor (IM) drive is proposed in this paper. The MRAS is formed with flux rotor and the estimated stator current vector. The reference model utilizes measured current vector. On the other hand, the adjustable model uses the estimated stator current vector. The current is estimated through the solution of machine state equations. The performance of the estimator under regeneration is an important aspect, which is studied in this paper through the small signal analysis. In this paper, the principle and method of speed estimation and control set-up are described, as well as the results of an experiment that verified the effectiveness of the proposed method.
S. Chaouch, L. Abdou, L. C. Alaoui, and S. Drid, “Optimized Torque Control via Backstepping Using Genetic Algorithm of Induction Motor,” Automatika – Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications , vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 579–592, 2016.
T. Alnejaili, M. Driss, S. Drid, and L. C. Alaoui, “Advanced Supervisor Control for A Stand- Alone Photovoltaic Super Capacitor Battery Hybrid Energy system for Remote Building,” The 4 th International Conference on Systems and Control. 2015.
A. Fezzani, I. H. Mahammed, S. Drid, and L. C. Alaoui, “Modeling and Analysis of the Photovoltaic array Faults,” 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology CEIT’2015. 2015.
H. Sahraoui, S. Drid, L. C. Alaoui, and M. Hamzaoui, “Voltage control of DC-DC Buck Converter using Second Order Sliding Mode Control,” 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology CEIT’2015. 2015.
T. Alnejaili, S. Drid, M. Driss, L. C. Alaoui, and H. Sahraoui, “Sliding Mode Control Of A Multi-Source Renewable Power System,” 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology CEIT’2015. 2015.
H. Benderradji, L. C. Alaoui, S. Drid, and A. Makouf, “Experimental evaluation of induction motor robust control using sliding mode linearization technique,” the 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT’2015). 2015.
M. Bahloul, L. C. Alaoui, M. Souissi, M. Chaabane, and S. Drid, “Robust Flux and Load Torque Estimation in Induction Machine,” 14 th International European Control Conference. 2015.
M. Bahloul, M. Souissi, M. Chaabane, L. C. Alaoui, and S. Drid, “TS Fuzzy Logic-Based Rotor Resistance Tuning in case of Induction Machine Vector Control,” Automatika-Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, vol. 56, N°.4, pp. 454–465, 2015.
M. Bahloul, M. Souissi, M. Chaabane, L. C. Alaoui, and S. Drid, “Fuzzy speed estimation in case of sensorless induction machine vector control ,” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 2015.
M. Bahloul, L. C. Alaoui, M. Souissi, M. Chaabane, and S. Drid, “Effective Fuzzy Logic Control of a Stand-alone Photovoltaic Pumping System,” the Journal of Renewable Energy Research, vol. 5, No.3, 2015.Abstract

This paper presents an effective control of a stand-alone batteryless photovoltaic (PV) pumping system. The whole design (configuration and control) is oriented in order to minimize the cost and maximize the effectiveness, the efficiency and the reliability of the whole system. Beyond the withdrawal of the battery and the rotor speed sensor, the system is composed only of a DC-DC boost converter, a DC-AC inverter, an Induction Motor (IM) and a centrifugal pump. In order to control the dc-link voltage and maximize the efficiency of the IM, a Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is introduced. The validity and the effectiveness of the proposed FLC is tested and confirmed by a simulation under various climate changes.

T. Alnejaili, S. Drid, M. Driss, L. C. Alaoui, R. Belarbi, and A. Hamdouni, “Dynamic control and advanced load management of a stand-alone hybrid renewable power system for remote housing,” Energy Conversion and Management, Elsiver, vol. 105, no. 15, 2015.
T. Alnejaili, S. Drid, M. Driss, and L. C. Alaoui, “A developed energy management strategy for a stand-alone hybrid power system for medium rural health building,” International Transactions On Electrical Energy  Systems Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. (2015), vol. 26(4), 2015. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This paper deals with load side management strategy for (photovoltaic–wind–diesel) hybrid system for medium rural health building located in the Sahara region. The paper presents an overview about geographic and climate data of the location and develops a typical load profile of electrical energy, depending on a real investigation of daily electricity consumption. The base of the proposed management strategy is the control of the air conditioning system and the non-critical lighting of the building as they consume more than 50% of the total power consumption. The result shows that the reduction in the peak consumption is about 20% using the proposed management strategy, which has significant economical, technical, and environmental benefits
I. Benlaloui, S. Drid, L. C. Alaoui, and M. Ouriagli, “Implementation of a New MRAS Speed Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Machine,” IEEE Transactions On Energy Conversion, vol. 30 No. 2, no. No. 2, pp. 588-595, 2015.
D. Benoudjit, S. Drid, N. Nait-Said, M. S. Nait-Said, and L. C. Alaoui, “dSPACE implementation of a propulsion system using dual-induction \Real-Virtual motors,” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 2015.
