Publications by Year: 2016

Samir, Djenba. 2016. “water resources in a semi-arid country case aïn djasser northeast Algeria”. Desalination for Environment : Clean Water and Energy May22–26, Rome-Italy.
Samir, Djenba. 2016. “les problèmes de mouvement de sols nord de wilaya de Sétif”. 1er colloque international sur la géologie de la chaine maghrébides et des régions limitrophes Sétif .
khadidja A,, Djenba Samir, and Boudoukha Abderahmane. 2016. “hydrodynamic caracreization of ground of the region of Tadjnenet- Chelghoum aid (eastern algeria)”. International conference on Applied Geology and Environment May19–21, Mahdia- Tunisia.
Samir, Djenba, khadidja A, and Boudoukha Abderahmane. 2016. “Study of the instability of the land : typology and mapping cases of the wilaya of setif (eastern algeria)”. International conference on Applied Geology and Environment May19–21 Mahdia- Tunisia.
Moufida, Belloula, and Drias Tarek. 2016. “Assessment of groundwater quality in the plain of ichemoul using the geomatics approach”. ISER-78th International Conference on Chemical and Environmental Science (ICCES) Zurich, Switzerland November 22nd -23rd.
Tarek, Drias, and Belloula Moufida. 2016. “Hydrogeochemical assessment of an alluvial aquifer under semi-arid climat. Eastern Algeria”. ISER-78th International Conference on Chemical and Environmental Science (ICCES) Zurich, Switzerland November 22nd -23rd .
Samir, Djenba. 2016. “Les problèmes de mouvements de sols au nord de la wilaya de Setif”. 1er colloque international sur la géologie de la chaine des maghrébides et des régions voisines (CIGCM 2016), université Ferhat Abbas Setif1 Setif, Alger.
Manel, Cheriet, and Benzagouta Mohamed Said. 2016. “CONTROLE DES CARACTERISTIQUES PETROPHYSIQUES DES RESERVOIR CARBONATES: CAS DU CONIACIEN –SANTONIEN(SUD EST CONSTANTINOIS)”. Sciences & Technologie (N°43) : pp 27-40. Publisher's Version Abstract
Investigation on oil reservoirs is up to several approaches under different aspects. oilreservoir is dependent on several approaches in different aspects. Distinct settings may be considered for the qualitative and quantitative reservoir evaluation. Control on potential reservoir accumulation is related to permeability and poroslty, in addition to diagenetic and petrographic effects. ln the case study, the considered reservoir is dealing with Cretaceous Carbonate series of ConiacianSantonian age located in the South East of Constantine area (Sud-Est Constontinois). From exploration and evaluation point of view, the oil potential, in the cited area levels, remains almost unexplored. Based on logging and drilling collected data indicates that the approached level of Coniancian -Santonian age can be a tight type. Evidences is from the permeability which is ranging from 0.1 md to 50 md and porosity stretching from lYo up to 16%o. Thus, contribution of tectonic effect is minimized. In the same harmony is the diagenetic and petrographic attitude which is responsible for the compaction and lesser dissolution with occlusion mostly of the intergranular.
Mounira, Aoun, and Benzagouta Mohamed Said. 2016. “Expansive And Aggressive Soil Characteristics And Their Impact On Building Construction: Case Of El Kouif City (tebessa, Algeria)”. Bulletin du Service Géologique de l'Algérie Volume 27 (Numéro 1) : pp 105-121 . Publisher's Version Abstract
Prediction of soil swelling characteristics and accurate quality estimation can be of a great consideration and contribution regarding the site stability. Any concerned investigation is correspondingly an advanced priority for the project realization. Related inquiries allow potential reduction concerning financial and technical charges damage prior to any urban development. The determination of soil characteristics lead for a better recognition, and allow to make the best choice of foundation type adopted for each site. Thus, in any urban case study, much gain can be made by team work recording and surveying the related data. In the considered city of El Kouif, located in Tebessa (Algeria), several buildings have been mainly built on expansive soils. Observations indicate different severe damages which were caused mostly in the nearby structures. These damages are characterized by deflection and failure of walls. Lateral and vertical displacements evidences support the presence of shear movements and subsidence. The scale up of these movements occurrence can reach millimetric shifting dimension. Ground and subsurface risk activity affecting El Kouif city site are also related to the presence of destructive chemical components such as sulfates. The sulfate occurrence is illustrated through generally gypsum minerals concentration present in the concerned soil. During building projects, these soils, in meeting concrete and in presence of water, are source of new mineral generation such as ettringite. It consists on the assemblage of water and sulfate in addition to calcium. Source for these chemical products expansion might be associated to historical event: the city of El Kouif was the field of phosphates mining area in addition to established phosphate extraction plant. Thus, determination of soil characteristics and involvement of chemical components turn out to be the main objectives in this investigation.
Ali, ATHAMENA. 2016. “Aptitude a l'irrigation par les eaux uses epurees cas de la STEP de Sidi Merouane, willaya de Mila, Est Algerien”. 10th international conference for water ressources and water security in the middle East and North Africa, held in Istanbul, Turkey on th 14th-16th November.
Ali, ATHAMENA. 2016. “les impacts climatiques sur les eaux souterraines, cas de la plaine de Zana-Chott saboun, Est Algerien”. 10th international conference for water ressources and water security in the middle East and North Africa, held in Istanbul, Turkey on th 14th-16th November.
Fouad, DJAIZ, et al. 2016. “L'intéret de l'etude géologique et hydrogéologique pour la mobilisation des ressources hydriques dans le bassin de Timgad (Aures, Algerie Nord oriental)”. 1er Séminaire National sur l'eau et l'environnement (SNEE 2016), Centre universitaire Abdelhafid Boussouf, Milla, Alger 28-29 novembre.
Ali, ATHAMENA, et al. 2016. “Aptitude à l'irrigation par les eaux usées épurées, cas de la STEPde Sidi Merouane, willaya de Mila, Est Algerien”. 1er Séminaire National sur l'eau et l'environnement (SNEE 2016), Centre universitaire Abdelhafid Boussouf, Milla, Alger 28-29 novembre.
Ali, ATHAMENA, et al. 2016. “Fluctuation du niveau piézométrique des eaux souterraines cas de la plaine de Zana-Chott Saboun, Batna Est Algerien”. 1er Séminaire National sur l'eau et l'environnement (SNEE 2016), Centre universitaire Abdelhafid Boussouf, Milla, Alger 28-29 novembre.
redha, MENANI Mohamed. 2016. “Anthropogenic pressures on groundwater resources. Case of the Northern plains of Batna region (North-East Algeria)”. 43rd IAH Congress, 25-29 September, Montpellier, France, (Abstract n° 2701. ).
Fouad, DJAIZ, et al. 2016. “Geological, Hydrological and Hydrogeological Characterization of the Timgad’s Basin (Aures, Algeriane) for the Mobilization of Water Resources”. International Journal of Environment and Water ISSN 2052-3408 Vol 5 (Issue 3) : pp 143. Publisher's Version Abstract
The basin of Timgad is located in the Aures. It is characterized by an average annual precipitation which reaches 800 mm. Hydrology tributary of the relief is the direct result of surface water and snowmelt from the heights of the Massif of Chélia. The origin of groundwater: semi-deep to deep aquifer is mainly from the infiltration of precipitation in the geological layers. This rock forms a water table that is intersected by drilling to a depth of 137-400 m giving a flow rate of 6 l / s. and white fractured sandstone forming a confined aquifer 190 m with a flow rate of 28 l / s. The check of geo-electric results of the basin show that the Miocene and Cretaceous layers have important thickness, they are heterogeneous and may contain large aquifer at different levels. The influence of vertical normal faults makes possible an exchange of waters between theses aquifers. The implementation of dam project in the basin will minimize the silting, regulate the flow rate, and contribute to the irrigation of the plain, it can be used for industry too. The objective of this approach is the mobilization of surface water resources decided by the government for a rational and planned of this vital factor which is water. Caractérisation géologique, hydrologique et hydrogéologique du bassin de Timgad (Aurès, Algérie NE), pour la mobilisation des ressources hydriques Résumé : Le bassin de Timgad est située dans les Aurès. Il est caractérisé par une moyenne annuelle des précipitations de l'ordre de 800 mm. L'hydrologie tributaire du relief est la conséquence directe des eaux de surface et de la fonte des neiges provenant des hauteurs du massif de Chélia. L'alimentation de l'eau souterraine des différentes nappes phréatiques profondes à semi-profonde provient essentiellement de l'infiltration des eaux de pluies dans les couches géologiques. Ce cortège de roche forme une nappe libre qui est recoupée par des forages sur une profondeur de 137-400 m fournissant un débit de 6 l/s. et des grés blancs grossiers fracturés formant une nappe captive à 190 m avec un débit de 28 l/s. L'examen des coupes géoélectriques du bassin montrent que les formations du miocène et du crétacé sont dont l'ensemble, épais, hétérogène et susceptible de contenir de grandes potentialités d'aquifères à des niveaux différents. L'influence de failles normales verticales rend possible une éventuelle alimentation des aquifères entres eux. L'importance de l'implantation d'ouvrage de retenue dans le bassin est de minimiser le phénomène d'envasement, de réguler le débit d'écoulement et de contribuer à l'irrigation de la plaine ainsi que l'alimentation des briqueteries. L'objectif de cette approche, est la mobilisation des ressources en eaux superficielles décidée par l'état en vue d'une utilisation rationnelle et planifiée de ce facteur vital qui et l'eau.
The cartography of the vulnerability in the pollution of subterranean waters allows identifying zones with high risk of contamination who takes into account the major part of the hydrogeological factors which allocate and control the Mansouri Z.& al. / Larhyss Journal, 26(2016), 237-247238flow of subterranean waters: the depth of the water, the refill.These factors are represented by weights and quotations which depend respectively on their relative importance and on local hydrogeological conditions.The overall of the weights and the quotations of the diverse parameters and in a numerical value which is the indication Drastic. The cartography of the indication of vulnerability bases on the overlapping of 7 indexed cards.
