Publications by Author: Khadidja A

khadidja A,, Djenba Samir, and Boudoukha Abderahmane. 2016. “hydrodynamic caracreization of ground of the region of Tadjnenet- Chelghoum aid (eastern algeria)”. International conference on Applied Geology and Environment May19–21, Mahdia- Tunisia.
Samir, Djenba, khadidja A, and Boudoukha Abderahmane. 2016. “Study of the instability of the land : typology and mapping cases of the wilaya of setif (eastern algeria)”. International conference on Applied Geology and Environment May19–21 Mahdia- Tunisia.
khadidja A,, Boudoukha Abderahmane, and Drias Tarek. 2015. “Effect of the salinity on water for irrigation in the upper valley of Oued Rhumel - Eastern Algeria”. International conference of Desalination for clean water and energy - Salinity gradient power session. 10 -14 May, Palermo, Italy. .
Tarek, Drias, and khadidja A. 2015. “Effect of the salinity on water quality of the alluvial aquifer of Tebessa-Morsott - Eastern Algeria”. International conference of Desalination for clean water and energy - Salinity gradient power session. 10 -14 May, Palermo, Italy .
Samir, Djenba, and khadidja A. 2008. “Caractérisation géologique et géotechnique des glissements de la ville de Bougaa N.W Sétif ”. Colloque international Terre-Eau Annaba les 17, 18,19 Novembre.