Publications by Year: 2018

Yamina, Smaili. 2018. “Techniques d’Amélioration de la Traçabilité pour l’Optimisation d’une Chaîne Logistique”. JD'2018 Journées des doctorants, Batna, Algérie.
S, Zeghdani. 2018. “Contribution à l’évaluation fonctionnelle des systèmes industriels pour la maitrise des risques”. JD'2018 Journées des doctorants, Batna, Algérie.
R, Mehanaoui. 2018. “Proposition d’un système de traçabilité et location à l’aide des réseaux sans fils”. JD'2018 Journées des doctorants, Batna, Algérie.
Youcef, Boutarfa. 2018. “Lot-sizing avec optimisation des profits ("revenue management").”. JD'2017 Journées des doctorants, Batna, Algérie.
Farid, Belbedj. 2018. “Intégration des problèmes de lot Sizing et d’ordonnancement dans les ateliers type Flow Shop”. JD'2017 Journées des doctorants, Batna, Algérie.
Mohyiddine, Soltani, Aouag Hichem, and Mouss Mohamed Djamel. 2018. “Enhancement of the competitiveness and the financial capability of a manufacturing process through a new Value Stream Mapping approach, ISSN / e-ISSN 1746-6474 / 1746-6482”. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management. Publisher's Version Abstract
The organisations having a futuristic look and aiming to impose their presence in the industrial field for a long possible term, are seeking for finding solutions linked to controlling their cash flow and assessing their competitiveness performances. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to propose a new quality and cost value stream mapping for monitoring the costs consumption and assessing the competitiveness of a company. We use three key concepts namely life cycle costing for estimation of the most influential costs on the manufacturing process, the weighted DPMO and Sigma level for assessing the quality level and the competitiveness of the company. Finally, the data obtained are mapped using value stream mapping method for enabling the determination of dysfunctions in the cost and quality context.
Lahcene, Guezouli, Bensakhria Mohamed, and Abdelhamid Samir. 2018. “Efficient Golden-Ball Algorithm Based Clustering to solve the Multi-Depot VRP With Time Windows, ISSN / e-ISSN 1942-3608 / 1942-3594”. International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation (IJAEC) Vol 9 (Issue 1) : 1-16. Publisher's Version Abstract
In this article, the authors propose a decision support system which aims to optimize the classical Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem by considering the existence of multiple available depots and a time window which must not be violated, that they call the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window (MDVRPTW), and with respecting a set of criteria including: schedules requests from clients, the capacity of vehicles. The authors solve this problem by proposing a recently published technique based on soccer concepts, called Golden Ball (GB), with different solution representation from the original one, this technique was designed to solve combinatorial optimization problems, and by embedding a clustering algorithm. Computational results have shown that the approach produces acceptable quality solutions compared to the best previous results in similar problem in terms of generated solutions and processing time. Experimental results prove that the proposed Golden Ball algorithm is efficient and effective to solve the MDVRPTW problem.
Lahcene, Guezouli, and Abdelhamid Samir. 2018. “Multi-objective optimization using genetic algorithm based clustering for multi- depot heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem with time windows, ISSN / e-ISSN 1757-585 / 1757-5869”. International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research Vol 13 (Issue 3) : 30-48. Publisher's Version Abstract
Efficient routing and scheduling of vehicles has significant economic implications for both the public and private sectors. For this purpose, we propose in this study a decision support system which aims to optimise the classical capacitated vehicle routing problem by considering the existence of different vehicle types (with distinct capacities and costs) and multiple available depots, that we call the multi-depot heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with time window (MDHVRPTW) by respecting a set of criteria including: schedules requests from clients, the heterogeneous capacity of vehicles..., and we solve this problem by proposing a new scheme based on the application of the bio-inspired genetic algorithm heuristics and by embedding a clustering algorithm within a VRPTW optimisation frame work, that we will specify later. Computational experiments with the benchmark test instances confirm that our approach produces acceptable quality solutions compared with the best previous results in similar problems in terms of generated solutions and processing time. Experimental results prove that our proposed genetic algorithm is effective in solving the MDHVRPTW problem and hence has a great potential.
In this paper, we consider the integration of production, inventory and distribution decisions in a supply chain composed of one production facility supplying several retailers located in the same region. The supplier is far from the retailers compared to the distance between retailers. Thus, the traveling cost of each vehicle from the supplier to the region is assumed to be fixed and there is a fixed delivery (service) cost for each visited retailer. The objective is to minimize the sum of the costs at the production facility and at the retailers. The problem is more general than the One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer problem and is a special case of the Production Routing Problem. Five heuristics based on a Genetic Algorithm are proposed to solve the problem. In particular, three of them include the resolution of a Mixed Integer Program as subproblem to generate new individuals in the population. The results show that the heuristics can find optimal solutions for small and medium size instances. On large instances, the gaps obtained by the heuristics in less than 300 s are better than the ones obtained by a standard solver in two hours.
Abdelkader, Hadri. 2018. “Efficient Approach for Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem”. International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LOGISTIQUA).
Samira, Brahmi. 2018. “Control of inhalation anesthesia using fuzzy logic”. Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.
Samira, Brahmi. 2018. “Supervision of an Industrial Process of Milk Production using Fuzzy Logic”. Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.
Samia, Aitouche. 2018. “Relative bibliometrics of intellectual capital and knowledge management in SCOPUS”. Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.
Hanane, Zermane, and Aitouche Samia. 2018. “Fuzzy Supervision of an Industrial Production Process by Extracting Experts Knwoledge”. International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management.
Khyreddine, Bouhafna, and Aitouche Samia. 2018. “A strategic method for steering a photovoltaic generator”. International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management.
Imene, Djelloul, Sari Zaki, and Latreche Khaled. 2018. “Uncertain fault diagnosis problem using neuro-fuzzy approach and probabilistic model for manufacturing systems, ISSN / e-ISSN 0924-669X / 1573-7497”. Applied Intelligence volume Volume 48 (Issue 5) : 3143–3160. Publisher's Version Abstract
This paper is concerned with fault detection and diagnosis problem in manufacturing systems. In such industrial environment, production systems are subject to several faults caused by a number of factors including the environment, the accumulated wearing, usage, etc. However, due to the lack of accuracy or fluctuation of data, it is oftentimes impossible to evaluate precisely the correct classification rate of faults. In order to classify each type of fault, neural networks and fuzzy logic are two different intelligent diagnosis methods that are more applied now, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. A new hybrid fault diagnosis approach is introduced in this paper that considers the combined learning algorithm and knowledge base (Fuzzy rules) to handle ambiguous and even erroneous information. Therefore, to enhance the classification accuracy, three perceptron models including: linear perceptron (LP), multilayer perceptron (MLP) and fuzzy perceptron (FP) have been respectively established and compared. The conditional risk function “PDF” that measures the expectation of loss when taking an action is presented at the same time. We evaluate the proposed hybrid approach “Variable Learning Rate Gradient Descent with Bayes’ Maximum Likelihood formula” VLRGD-BML on dataset of milk pasteurization process and compare our approach with other similar published works for fault diagnosis in the literature. Comparative results indicate the higher efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach with fuzzy perceptron for uncertain fault diagnosis problem.
Ouahab, Grieb. 2018. “Supervision de Robot Manipulateur virtuel par Les réseaux de neurones et les réseaux de Petri”. JD'2019 Journées des doctorants, Batna, Algérie.
Brahim, Rahmouni. 2018. “Mise en place d’un système de contrôle et de supervision pour le champ pétrolier de Gassi El Agreb”. JD'2018 Journées des doctorants, Batna, Algérie.
Lahcene, Guezouli. 2018. “Un Système d’aide à la décision appliqué au GPS piloté par la voix humaine « cas de distribution de produits »”. JD'2018 Journées des doctorants, Batna, Algérie.
Abdelkrim, Soussa. 2018. “Contribution au Diagnostic des Pannes pour les Systèmes Eoliens”. JD'2018 Journées des doctorants, Batna, Algérie.
