Publications by Type: Conference Paper

Nafissa, Rezki, Mouss Leila Hayet, and Kazar Okba. 2013. “Design of multi-agent system for quality control and machine maintenance. , in Proceedings of IEEE & CSS, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9796-6”. In The International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies CoDIT Hammamet, Tunisia,.
Hanane, Zermane, Mouss Leila Hayet, and Benaicha Sonia. 2013. “Automation and fuzzy control of a manufacturing system, in Proceedings of IEEE & CSS, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9796-6”. In The International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies CoDIT Hammamet, Tunisia ,.
Ahmed, Senoussi, et al. 2013. “Strong formulations for a capacitated multi-vehicle Production-distribution Problem; In Proceedings of IEEE”. In Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM), Rabat, Morocco, , p. pp 1-7 . Publisher's Version
B.Boutaghriout,, et al. 2013. “Investigation on the use of solar thermal energy in the agro food industry in Algeria, ISBN: 978-1-4673-6373-0”. In IRSEC’13 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference. The Mediterranean Space of Technology and Innovation with the partnership of the Moroccan Agency of Solar Energy (MASEN) and the Polydisciplinary Faculty, , p. pp.167-170.
Hanane, Zermane, Mouss Leila Hayet, and Benaicha Sonia. 2012. “Development of a Fuzzy Expert system based on PCS7 and FuzzyControl++ Cement Mill control, ISBN: 978-0-9853483-0-4”. In The International Conference on Informatics & Applications ICIA University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, , p. pp 71-76.
Sonia, Benaicha, Mouss Leila Hayet, and Zermane Hanane. 2012. “NFPROG, un outil d’aide au pronostic industriel basé sur les systèmes Neuro-Flous d’un système de production, ISBN: 978-9938-9511-2-7”. In The International Conference on Information Systems & Technologies ICIST, Sousse, Tunisia, , p. pp. 724-729.
Hanane, Zermane, Mouss Leila Hayet, and Benaicha Sonia. 2012. “Développement d’un Système Expert flou basé sur PCS 7 et FuzzyControl++ (Conduite d’un Broyeur Ciment)”. In International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies ICIST,.
Mohamed, Haoues, et al. 2012. “Integrated Maintenance Problem in Two-Stage Supply Chain Coordination With an Outsourcing Option”. In In Proceedings of the 42st International Conference on computers & Industrial Engineering (Cie42), Cie & Saiie, Cape Town, South Africa, , p. pp. 937 – 951.
Haoues, M., et al. 2012. “Optimization of Cooperative Outsourcing Between Single-Outsourcer Multiple-Subcontractors: a Genetic Algorithm Based Approach”. In INCOM’12. 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Bucharest Romania, , p. pp-975 – 980. Publisher's Version
Rafik, Mahdaoui, et al. 2012. “Fault prognosis by temporal neuro-fuzzy systems: Application for manufacturing systems, in Proceedings of IEEE, print ISBN:978-1-4673-1657-6, 2013”. In Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT 2012, Sousse, Tunisia, , p. pp. 50-55.
Adel, Abdelhadi, Mouss Leila Hayet, and Kadri Ouahab. 2012. “The Use of Artificial Immune System Algorithms in Monitoring Industrial, in Proceedings of IEEE Sciences of Electronics, print ISBN:978-1-4673-1657-6”. In Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT 2012), Sousse, Tunisia, , p. pp. 50-55.
Hayet, Mouss Leila, et al. 2011. “An efficient hybrid approach based on SVM and Binary ACO for featureSelection”. In ICMAS’11 International Conference on Modeling and Applied.Edited by Agostino Bruzzone, Claudia Frydman, Marina Masset, Mike Mcginnis , Miquel Angel, and Piera Gregory and Zacharewicz, Rome, Italy, , p. pp 08-15. Publisher's Version
