Publications by Type: Book Chapter

Benaggoune, Khaled, et al. 2022. “Data labeling impact on deep learning models indigital pathology: A breast cancer case study. ICCIS”. In Intelligent Vision in Healthcare, Springer.
Rate of Penetration (ROP) Prediction in Oil Drilling Based on Ensemble Machine Learning
Rezki, Djamil, et al. 2020. “Rate of Penetration (ROP) Prediction in Oil Drilling Based on Ensemble Machine Learning”. In ICT for an Inclusive World, Springer , p. 537-549. Publisher's Version Abstract

This work presents the prediction of the rate of progression in oil drilling based on random forest algorithm, which is part of the family of ensemble machine learning. The ROP parameter plays a very important role in oil drilling, which has a great impact on drilling costs, and its prediction allows drilling engineers to choose the best combination of input parameters for better progress in drilling operations. To resolve this problem, several works have been realized with the different modeling techniques as machine learning: RNAs, Bayesian networks, SVM etc. The random forest algorithm chosen for our model is better than the other MLS techniques. in speed or precision, following what we found in the literature and tests done with the open source machine learning tool on historical oil drilling logs from fields of Hassi Terfa located in southern Algeria.

Rate of penetration (ROP) prediction in oil drilling based on ensemble machine learning
Djamil, Rezki. 2018. “Rate of penetration (ROP) prediction in oil drilling based on ensemble machine learning”. In ICT for an Inclusive World , Springer, Cham , p. 537-549. Publisher's Version Abstract
This work presents the prediction of the rate of progression in oil drilling based on random forest algorithm, which is part of the family of ensemble machine learning. The ROP parameter plays a very important role in oil drilling, which has a great impact on drilling costs, and its prediction allows drilling engineers to choose the best combination of input parameters for better progress in drilling operations. To resolve this problem, several works have been realized with the different modeling techniques as machine learning: RNAs, Bayesian networks, SVM etc. The random forest algorithm chosen for our model is better than the other MLS techniques. in speed or precision, following what we found in the literature and tests done with the open source machine learning tool on historical oil drilling logs from fields of Hassi Terfa located in southern Algeria.
ntra-hour Forecasting of Direct Normal Solar Irradiance Using Variable Selection with Artificial Neural Networks
Hanane, Atmani, Bouzgou Hassen, and Gueymard Chris. 2017. “ntra-hour Forecasting of Direct Normal Solar Irradiance Using Variable Selection with Artificial Neural Networks”. In Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Springer International Publishing , p. 281-290. Publisher's Version Abstract
Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are one of the key solutions to handle the world’s future energy needs, while decreasing carbon emissions. To produce electricity, large concentrating solar power plants depend on Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI), which is rapidly variable under broken clouds conditions. To work at optimum capacity while maintaining stable grid conditions, such plants require accurate DNI forecasts for various time horizons. The main goal of this study is the forecasting of DNI over two short-term horizons: 15-min and 1-h. The proposed system is purely based on historical local data and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). For this aim, 1-min solar irradiance measurements have been obtained from two sites in different climates. According to the forecast results, the coefficient of determination (R²) ranges between 0.500 and 0.851, the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) between 0.500 and 0.851, the Normalized Mean Squared Error (NMSE) between 0.500 and 0.851, and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between 0.065 kWh/m² and 0.105 kWh/m². The proposed forecasting models show a reasonably good forecasting capability, which is decisive for a good management of solar energy systems.
Ensemble of Support Vector Methods to Estimate Global Solar Radiation in Algeria
Nahed, Zemouri, and Bouzgou Hassen. 2017. “Ensemble of Support Vector Methods to Estimate Global Solar Radiation in Algeria”. In Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Springer International Publishing , p. 155-163. Publisher's Version Abstract
In this paper, we propose a set of times series forecasting techniques based on the combination of Support Vector Regression methods to predict global horizontal solar radiation in Algeria. The models were constructed and tested using different architectures of Support Vector Machine (SVM), namely, (RBF kernel, Polinomial kernel and Linear kernel). We use individual time series models and linear combination techniques to predict global solar radiation indifferent sites in Algeria. For this aim, the recorded data of 4 stations spread over Algeria were used to build different combination schemes for the different times series algorithms. The efficiency of the different models was calculated using a number of statistical indicators: the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), the Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Mean Bias Error (MABE) and the Coefficient of Determination (R ²). The results obtained from these models were compared with the measured data.
Fuzzy Modeling of the Single Machine Scheduling Problems including the Learning Effect, ISBN 978-3-319-23349-9
Toufik, Bentrcia, and Mouss Leila Hayet. 2015. “Fuzzy Modeling of the Single Machine Scheduling Problems including the Learning Effect, ISBN 978-3-319-23349-9”. In Metaheuristics for Production Systems, Springer, Cham , p. 315-348. Publisher's Version Abstract
In this chapter, we consider the single machine scheduling problem including uncertain parameters and position based learning effect with the aim to minimize the weighted sum of jobs completion times. Due to the ill-known quantities within the model, the determination procedures of optimal solutions in the conventional way is not an affordable task and more elaborated frameworks should be developed. In this context, we introduce two solution approaches for the proposed fuzzy scheduling problem in order to obtain an exact or a satisfactory near optimal solution. The first approach is based on the extension of the well-known Smith’s rule resulting in a polynomial algorithm with a complexity O(n l o g(n)). However, a severe constraint on jobs (fuzzy agreeability concept) should be satisfied in this case. The second approach based on optimization methods is built upon the assumption of unequal fuzzy release dates in addition to the absence of fuzzy agreeability constraint. Three trajectory based metaheuristics (Simulated annealing, taboo search and kangaroo search) are implemented and applied to solve the resulting problem. For the proposed methods throughout the chapter, several numerical experimentations jointly with statistical deductions are provided.