Publications dans la Catégorie A

Hassen, Bouzgou, and Gueymard Christian. 2019. “Fast short-term global solar irradiance forecasting with wrapper mutual information. Renewable Energy, ISSN 0960-1481”. Renewable Energy Volume 133 : pp. 1055-1065. Publisher's Version Abstract

Accurate solar irradiance forecasts are now key to successfully integrate the (variable) production from large solar energy systems into the electricity grid. This paper describes a wrapper forecasting methodology for irradiance time series that combines mutual information and an Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), with application to short forecast horizons between 5-min and 3-h ahead. The method is referred to as Wrapper Mutual Information Methodology (WMIM). To evaluate the proposed approach, its performance is compared to that of three dimensionality reduction scenarios: full space (latest 50 variables), partial space (latest 5 variables), and the usual Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Based on measured irradiance data from two arid sites (Madina and Tamanrasset), the present results reveal that the reduction of the historical input space increases the forecasting performance of global solar radiation. In the case of Madina and forecast horizons from 5-min to 30-min ahead, the WMIM forecasts have a better coefficient of determination (R2 between 0.927 and 0.967) than those using the next best performing strategy, PCA (R2 between 0.921 and 0.959). The Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAP) is also better for WMIM [7.4–10.77] than for PCA [8.4–11.55]. In the case of Tamanrasset and forecasting horizons from 1-h to 3-h ahead, the WMIM forecasts have an R2 between 0.883 and 0.957, slightly better than the next best performing strategy (PCA) (R2 between 0.873 and 0.910). The Normalized Mean Squared Error (NMSE) is similarly better for WMIM [0.048–0.128] than for PCA [0.105–0.130]. It is also found that the ELM technique is considerably more computationally efficient than the more conventional Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP). It is concluded that the proposed mutual information-based variable selection method has the potential to outperform various other proposed techniques in terms of prediction performance.

In this paper, we propose diagnostic modules for complex and dynamic systems. These modules are based on three ant colony algorithms, which are AntTreeStoch, Lumer & Faieta and Binay ant colony. We chose these algorithms for their simplicity and their wide application range. However, we cannot use these algorithms in their basement forms as they have several limitations. To use these algorithms in a diagnostic system, we have proposed three variants. We have tested these algorithms on datasets issued from two industrial systems which are clinkering system and pasteurization system.
Toufik, Bentercia, Mouss Leila Hayet, and Mouss kinza Nadia. 2015. “Evaluation of optimality in the fuzzy single machine scheduling problem including discounted costs, September 2015, ISSN/ISBN: 0268-3768/ 1433-3015”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 80 (05) : 1369–1385. Publisher's Version Abstract
The single machine scheduling problem has been often regarded as a simplified representation that contains many polynomial solvable cases. However, in real-world applications, the imprecision of data at the level of each job can be critical for the implementation of scheduling strategies. Therefore, the single machine scheduling problem with the weighted discounted sum of completion times is treated in this paper, where we assume that the processing times, weighting coefficients and discount factor are all described using trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. Our aim in this study is to elaborate adequate measures in the context of possibility theory for the assessment of the optimality of a fixed schedule. Two optimization approaches namely genetic algorithm and pattern search are proposed as computational tools for the validation of the obtained properties and results. The proposed approaches are experimented on the benchmark problem instances and a sensitivity analysis with respect to some configuration parameters is conducted. Modeling and resolution frameworks considered in this research offer promise to deal with optimality in the wide class of fuzzy scheduling problems, which is recognized to be a difficult task by both researchers and practitioners.