Equipe 4 com

Youcef, Boutarfa. 2014. “SIAD Scimat 2.0, aide à la décision pour un système de production Ouargla, Algeria, March.”. ICAIIT 2014 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology.
Hicham, Aoueg. 2014. “Mesurer le niveau sigma d’une entreprise par une approche à base de pondération des processus May, 11-13, Batna, Algeria ”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing : pp. 28-33. Publisher's Version
Hicham, Aoueg. 2014. “Mesurer le niveau sigma d’une entreprise par une approche à base de pondération des processus. 12 - 14 May. Batna–Algeria,”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing : pp. 589-595. Publisher's Version
Salima, Zegdani. 2014. “Un cadre Bayésien pour prévoir la durée des pannes dans un système de production. May, 11-13, Batna, Algeria”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing : pp. 640-645. Publisher's Version
Assia, Laggoun. 2014. “Solution hybride pour un problème de lot syzing intégré à capacité fini avec transport May, 11-13, Batna, Algeria”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing : pp. 634-639. Publisher's Version
Imen, Driss. 2014. “Une approche de contrôle manufacturier d’un système de production”. ICISE’14 International conference on engineering of Industrial safety and Environnement. Publisher's Version
Abdelghafour, Kaanit. 2014. “Proposition d’une nouvelle approche pour le choix des investissements basée sur les arbres de décision flous . May, 11-13, Batna, Algeria ”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing : pp. 353-359. Publisher's Version
Manal, Bayarasou. 2014. “Development of a proactive maintenance strategy: state of art. May, 11-13, Batna, Algeria”. ICIEM’14, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing : pp. 46-49. Publisher's Version
Wail, Rezgui. 2014. “Smart diagnosis algorithm of the open-circuit fault in a photovoltaic generator”. (CEIT), 2015 3rd International Conference onControl, Engineering & Information Technology.
Wail, Rezgui. 2014. “A smart algorithm for the diagnosis of short-circuit faults in a photovoltaic generator”. ICGE'14 International Conference on Green Energy.
Wail, Rezgui. 2014. “A Regression Algorithm for the Smart Prognosis of a Reversed Polarity Fault in a Photovoltaic Generator”. ICGE'14 International Conference on Green Energy.
kinza Nadia, Mouss. 2014. “Strong formulations for a capacitated multi-vehicle Production-distribution Problem”. IESM 2013 Industrial Engineering and Systems Management Rabat, MOROCCO.
Wail, Rezgui. 2014. “Modeling the PV Generator Behavior Submit to the Open-Circuit and the Short-Circuit Faults. 19-21 Nov. Paris (France)”. (IEEE EFEA 2014),Third International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications : pp. 57-62 . Publisher's Version
Wail, Rezgui. 2014. “Development of a New Methodology for Modeling the PV Generator Behavior in the Presence of Open-Circuit and Short-Circuit Faults. 19-21 November”. (IEEE EFEA 2014),Third International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications.
Abdelghafour, Kaanit. 2013. “Amelioration of CICM Model against GERAM requirements May 12-14 University 8 Mai 1945-Guelma, Algeria”. CSIP’13; The third International Conference on System and Information Processing. Publisher's Version
Yamina, Smaili. 2013. “L’intelligence Artificielle pour l’Optimisation d’un Problème de Transport : Une Application Pratique”. ICSIP’13; The third International Conference on System and Information Processing. Publisher's Version
Yamina, Smaili. 2013. “Méta heuristique pour l’Optimisation du problème de logistique de Distribution”. CPI’2013 The 8th International Conference on Integrated Design and Production.
lynda, Bouhidel. 2013. “Conception d’un outil d’évaluation des performances d’un système de production”. CPI’2013 The 8th International Conference on Integrated Design and Production.
