Srairi F, Saidi L, Djeffal F, Meguellati M.
Modeling, Control and Optimization of a New Swimming Microrobot Design. Engineering Letters. 2016;24 (1).
Douak F, Tafsast A, Fouan D, Ferroudji K, Bouakaz A, Benoudjit N.
A wavelet optimization approach for microemboli classification using RF signals. 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). 2016 :1-4.
Bouguerra F, Saidi L.
Artificial Neural Network Applied on Channel Equalization. 1st National Seminar on Numeric Simulation in Applied Sciences (SNSA I-2016), December 15. 2016.
Bouguerra F, Saidi L.
RBF Applied on Interference Cancellation on Distorted Channel. 1st National Seminar of mathematics (SNM’01),December 13. 2016.
Particle swarm optimization of a PD controller for robotic manipulators. The 9th International conference on Electrical Engineering and First Workshop on Robotics and Controls, , 02-04 Oct. 2016.
Douak F, Tafsast A, Fouan D, Ferroudji K, Bouakaz A, Benoudjit N.
A wavelet optimization approach for microemboli classification using RF signals, in
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). September 18-21. Tours, France: IEEE ; 2016 :1-4.
Wavelets are known particularly to be an effective tool for extracting discriminative features in the scattered RF signals of both solid and gaseous emboli. However, the selection of an appropriate mother wavelet for the signal being analyzed is an important criterion. This offers the possibility to perform an optimization procedure to obtain the best wavelet. The purpose of the study is to propose a new approach to classify microembolic echoes using a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) based on genetic algorithm optimization and support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The experimental setup consists of a flow phantom (ATSLaB) containing a tube of 6 mm in diameter. In order to mimic the ultrasonic behavior of gaseous emboli, contrast agents consisting of microbubbles are used in our experimental setup. However, to mimic the behavior of the solid emboli we have used the Doppler fluid which contains particles with scatter characteristics comparable to red blood cells. The acquisitions are carried out at 2 MHz and 3.5 MHz transmit frequency. Ultrasound waves are transmitted at different intensities corresponding to mechanical indices (MI) of 0.21 and 0.42 for the transmit frequency of 2 MHz, and 0.31 and 0.62 for the transmit frequency of 3.5 MHz. Two concentrations of the contrast agent (100 μl and 200 μl) are diluted into a 100 ml volume of water. The polyphase representation of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is exploited in this study. Such representation allows generating a wavelet filter bank from a set of angular parameters, in order to minimize the fitness function based on genetic algorithm optimization and the SVM classifier. The best accuracy classifications of microemboli obtained in this study are equal to 99.90% for 2MHz and to 99.60% for 3.5MHz. These results illustrate that wavelet optimization approach works well for microemboli classification using RF signals.
Khelalef A, Ababsa F, Benoudjit N.
A Sample Human Activity Recognition Technique Using DCT, in
International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems. ACIVS 2016. Springer ; 2016.
In this paper, we present a simple new human activity recognition method using discrete cosine transform (DCT). The scheme uses the DCT coefficients extracted from silhouettes as descriptors (features) and performs frame-by-frame recognition, which make it simple and suitable for real time applications. We carried out several tests using radial basis neural network (RBF) for classification, a comparative study against stat-of-the-art methods shows that our technique is faster, simple and gives higher accuracy performance comparing to discrete transform based techniques and other methods proposed in literature.
Bouguerra F, Saidi L.
ANN Symbol Decision Making in Multipath Distorted Channel with QPSK Modulation. 2nd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems (PAIS’16),November 16-17. 2016.
Bouguerra F, Saidi L.
High Order Modulation BP-ANN Symbol Decision Making Over OFDM AWGN Channel. 3rd International Conference on Embedded Systems in Telecommunications and Instrumentation (ICESTI’16), October 24-26. 2016.
Bouguerra F.
RBF Applied on Interference Cancellation on Distorted Channel. First National Seminar of MathematicsSeminars of laboratory MAM, Mentouri University Of Constantine ,- Tuesday 13 December . 2016.
Dib A, Hassam A, Srairi K, Saidi L.
Numerical Modeling and Heuristic Algorithms for Nanogenerator Behavior Analysis. The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Information Processing and Communication Technology - IPCT2016. 2016 :86 – 90.
Boussaad L, Benmohammed M, Benzid R.
Age Invariant Face Recognition Based on DCT Feature Extraction and Kernel Fisher Analysis. Journal of Information Processing Systems. 2016;12 (3) :392-409.
The aim of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of combining three popular tools used in pattern recognition, which are the Active Appearance Model (AAM), the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform (2D-DCT), and Kernel Fisher Analysis (KFA), for face recognition across age variations. For this purpose, we first used AAM to generate an AAM-based face representation; then, we applied 2D-DCT to get the descriptor of the image; and finally, we used a multiclass KFA for dimension reduction. Classification was made through a K-nearest neighbor classifier, based on Euclidean distance. Our experimental results on face images, which were obtained from the publicly available FG-NET face database, showed that the proposed descriptor worked satisfactorily for both face identification and verification across age progression.
Tafsat A, Hadjili ML, Bouakaz A, Benoudjit N.
Unsupervised cluster-based method for segmenting biological tumor volume of laryngeal tumors in 18F-FDG-PET images. IET Image Processing. 2016;11 (6) :389-396.
In radiotherapy using 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG-PET), the accurate delineation of the biological tumour volume (BTV) is a crucial step. In this study, the authors suggest a new approach to segment the BTV in 18F-FDG-PET images. The technique is based on the k-means clustering algorithm incorporating automatic optimal cluster number estimation, using intrinsic positron emission tomography image information. Clinical dataset of seven patients have a laryngeal tumour with the actual BTV defined by histology serves as a reference, were included in this study for the evaluation of results. Promising results obtained by the proposed approach with a mean error equal to (0.7%) compared with other existing methods in clinical routine, including fuzzy c-means with (35.58%), gradient-based method with (19.14%) and threshold-based methods.
Dib A, Hassam A, Srairi K, Saidi L.
Numerical Modeling and Heuristic Algorithms for Nanogenerator Behavior Analysis. International Journal of Advancements in Electronics and Electrical Engineering. 2016;5 (2).
Recently, the desire for a self-powered micro and nanodevices has attracted a great interest of using sustainable energy sources. Further, the ultimate goal of nanogenerator is to harvest energy from the ambient environment in which a self powered device based on these generators is needed. With the development of nanogenerator-based circuits design and optimization, the building of new device simulator is necessary for the study and the synthesis of electromecanical parameters of this type of models. In the present article, both numerical modeling and optimization of piezoelectric nanogenerator based on zinc oxide have been carried out. They aim to improve the electromecanical performances, robustness, and synthesis process for nanogenerator. The proposed model has been developed for a systematic study of the nanowire morphology parameters in stretching mode. In addition, heuristic optimization technique, namely, particle swarm optimization has been implemented for an analytic modeling and an optimization of nanogenerator-based process in stretching mode. Moreover, the obtained results have been tested and compared with conventional model where a good agreement has been obtained for excitation mode. The developed nanogenerator model can be generalized, extended and integrated into simulators devices to study nanogenerator-based circuits.
Srairi F, Saidi L, Djeffal F, Meguellati M.
Control of a New Swimming Microrobot Design Using Flatness-ANFIS-Based Approach. Engineering Letters (IAENG). 2016;24 :106-112.
This article deals with the study of a new swimming microrobot behavior using an analytical investigation. The analyzed microrobot is associated by a spherical head and hybrid tail. The principle of modeling is based on solving of the coupled elastic/fluidic problems between the hybrid tail’s deflections and the running environment. In spite of the resulting nonlinear model can be exploited to enhance both the sailing ability and also can be controlled in viscous environment using nonlinear control investigations. The applications of the micro-robot have required the precision of control for targeting the running area in terms of response time and tracking error. Due to these limitations, the Flatness-ANFIS based control is used to ensure a good control behavior in hazardous environment. Our control investigation is coupled the differential flatness and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference techniques, in which the flatness is used to planning the optimal trajectory and eliminate the nonlinearity effects of the resulting model. In other hand, the neuro-fuzzy inference technique is used to build the law of control technique and minimize the dynamic error of tracking trajectory. In particular, we deduct from a non linear model to an optimal model of the design parameter’s using Multi-Objective genetic algorithms (MOGAs). In addition, Computational fluid dynamics modeling of the microrobot is also carried out to study the produced thrust and velocity of the microrobot displacement taking into account the fluid parameters. Our analytical results have been validated by the recorded good agreement between the numerical and analytical results.