Publications Internationales

Aksas B, Rebiai S-eddine. Stabilization of the Fourth Order Schrödinger Equation. New Trends in Analysis and Interdisciplinary Applications. 2017 : 529-535.Abstract

We study both boundary and internal stabilization problems for the fourth order Schrödinger equation in a smooth bounded domain Ω of Rn. We first consider the boundary stabilization problem. By introducing suitable dissipative boundary conditions, we prove that the solution decays exponentially in an appropriate energy space. In the internal stabilization problem, by assuming that the damping term is effective on the neighborhood of the boundary, we prove the exponential decay of the L2(Ω)-energy of the solution. Both results are established by using multipliers technique and compactness/uniqueness arguments.

Rebiai S-eddine, Sidi-Ali FZ. Uniform exponential stability of the transmission wave equation with a delay term in the boundary feedback. IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information. 2016;33 (1) :1 - 20.Abstract

We consider a system of transmission of the wave equation with Neumann feedback control that contains a delay term and acts on the exterior boundary. First, we prove under some assumptions that the closed-loop system generates a C 0 -semigroup of contractions on an appropriate Hilbert space. Then, under further assumptions, we show that the closed-loop system is exponentially stable. To establish this result, we introduce a suitable energy function and use multiplier method together with an estimate taken from Lasiecka & Triggiani (1992, Appl. Math. Optim., 25, 189–244.) (Lemma 7.2) and compactness-uniqueness argument.