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Kamilia, Belhadi, et al. 2017. “The predominance of codon 39 (c>t) mutation of HBB gene in a portion of the Algerian population (Northeast Algeria)”. Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale volume 90 (ssue 1) : pp 13-18. Publisher's Version Abstract
This study was planned to determine the frequency of β-thalassemia mutations in Batna region (Northeast Algeria). Nineteen blood samples of clinically thalassemic children patients were collected from Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital of Batna. We carried out the molecular genetics of beta globin gene by the method of minisequencing using Snapshot™ kit (Applied Biosystems) in search of the four most common HBB genetic variants including three β-thalassemia mutations: codon 39(C>T) (HBB: c.118C>T), IVSI-110(G>A) (HBB: c.93-21G>A), and IVSI-1-2(T>G) (HBB: c.92+2T>G), as well as the hemoglobin S variant (HBB: c.20A>T). We used direct DNA sequencing to detect the rare mutations of beta-globin gene. We have revealed the presence of four different β-globin gene mutations responsible for β-thalassemia in Batna region. According to our results, the nonsense mutation at codon 39 (C>T) is the most frequent mutation type in our province, the same as other geographical regions of Algeria. It is followed by codon 54(-T), detected in a second Algerian family (the proband was homozygote), and the first association of Hb Knossos: codon 27 (G>T) allele with codon 39 (C>T) in the Algerian population. Here we reportws also the association of codon 39(C>T) with IVS-I-110 (G>A). Our preliminary results show the predominance of codon 39 (c>t) mutation of HBB gene in Batna region
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