Publications by Year: 2021

Boulaouad A, Belagraa L, Bouglada M-salah. The Review of Algerian Building Seismic Code(RPA) in Seven Points Compared to American and European Codes. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM). 2021.Abstract

The first Algerian seismic code named "Règles Parasismiques Algériennes" (RPA, 1981) was established after the terrible 1980 Chlef earthquake (M 7.3), which caused a great disaster. Since this catastrophic event a continually reviewed versions, in particular after the 2003 Boumerdes earthquake (M 6.8) which caused an immense hazardous loss in human lives and construction damages (2000 seath) persons killed). This harmful event urged on to a serious review leading to the last and present version of such standard earthquake (RPA, 2003) with fundamental modifications concerning many important fields. The points revealed in the present review research study are the classification of sites, design methods, design spectrum, ductility concept, behavior factor, self-steady structures and dual systems (frames and walls). The outcome of the study here in is summarized as a brief review that could be a contribution to enrich the Algerian seismic regulation (RPA) with a focus on these seven important points selected as they seem to present some anomalies or deficiencies detected and treated on the basis of two main parameters. Firstly, we consider the damage observed after the 2003 Boumerdes earthquake; later in the second step, a comparison is made with other codes practiced over the world alike the European EC8 or the American Uniform Building Code, 1994 (UBC 94) or the 2000 NEHRP Provisions.

Bouglada M-salah, Noui A, Belagraa L. Statistical Modelling of the Compressive Strength of Mortar Based on Cement Blended with Mineral Additions by the Method of Experimental Design. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM) [Internet]. 2021. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This experimental study aims to study the mechanical behaviour of a mortar based on cement blended with mineral additions (pozzolana, limestone and slag), knowing that the mechanical strength of a mortar is closely related to its composition. The use of the three mineral additions simultaneously, presents a high number of factors affecting the mechanical resistance and requires a very large number of experiments and the obtained data analysis becomes much more complex. In order to optimise the number of tests and to achieve a such satisfactory analysis, a statistical approach known as an "experimental design" was used. The experimental methodology has been established to assess the compressive strength of mortars at 2, 7, 28 and 60 days, by the elaboration of an experimental design for a set of cement mixtures, the level of the three additions (factors), slag, limestone and pozzolana at rates varying from 0% to 35%, provided that a fixed dosage of 35% is maintained for all combinations to form a binary, ternary and quaternary cement in accordance with cement standard requirements CEM II/B. This statistical approach allowed us to evaluate by a numerical analysis the effect of each addition alone as well the meaning of the double or triple interaction resulting from the association of two or three additions at a time. In addition, it has enabled us to establish a representative model that permitted to estimate and predict the mechanical behaviour of any composition in the experimental program with tolerable errors. The obtained results lead to a satisfactory numerical modeling of the compressive strengths, in particular at the age of 28 days, with a trend curve of a an acceptable determined coefficient of R 2 equal to 0.87.

Bouderradji M, Dimia M-S, Lahbari N. Renforcement et réparation des structures par collage de matériaux composites. 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CIVIL ENGINEERING (ISCMCE- 2021) UNIVERSITY OF SKIKDA, ALGERIA. 2021.
Bouderradji M, Dimia M-S, Lahbari N. Les méthodes de réparation des fissures profondes et superficielles des structures. SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CIVIL ENGINEERING ICCE’2021. 2021.
Guergah C, Dimia M-S, Baghdadi M. Comportement des dalles en béton arme en conditions d'incendie. 2ème SÉMINAIRE INTERNATIONAL SUR LES SCIENCES DE LA MATIERE. 2021.
Baghdadi M, Dimia M-S. Experimental Assessment of the Post-Fire Properties of Concrete. 1ST INTERNATIONAL VISIO CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING(ICMSE 2021). 2021.
Baghdadi M, Dimia M-S. Numerical Analysis of Lateral Capacity Performance of Fire‐Damaged Reinforced Concrete Walls. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES (ICONSAD'21). 2021.
Bouglada M_S, Noui A, Belagraa L. Optimization of Cellular Concrete Formulation with Aluminum Waste and Mineral Additions. Civil Engineering Journal (C.E.J) [Internet]. 2021;7 (7). Publisher's VersionAbstract

The paper aims to study cellular concrete with a new approach of formulation without an autoclave, with the use of aluminum waste and incorporation of mineral additions into the sand and evaluate its physical and mechanical properties. In this experimental study, two types of cellular concrete are prepared, based on crushed and dune sand with the incorporation of 15% of the slag and 10% of pozzolana, as sand replacement. An experimental program was performed to determine the compressive strength at 28 days, the density and thermal conductivity of the confected cellular concrete. The obtained results showed that concretes prepared with crushed sand developed better mechanical resistance compared to the dune sand. It is also noted that the concretes containing the mineral additions provide a substantial increase in compressive strength in particular slag. Furthermore, cellular concretes with sand dunes offer better thermal conductivity, compared to those with crushed sand. The use of the additions reduces the Water/Binder (W/B) ratio and leads to a lower thermal conductivity regardless of the used sand nature. The outcome of the present study here in could present a modest contribution for the production of cellular concrete with local materials in particular dune sand, active mineral addition and aluminum waste. The physical and mechanical properties obtained from this new composition are estimated acceptable compared to those of the industry-prepared cellular concrete product.

Guergah C, Dimia M-S, Benmarce A. Numerical Modelling of One-Way Reinforced Concrete Slab in FireTaking Into Account of Spalling. Civil Engineering Journal (C.E.J) [Internet]. 2021;7 (3). Publisher's VersionAbstract

This paper presents a study of the behaviour of Reinforced Concrete (RC) slabs subjected to severe hydrocarbon fire exposure. In which the spalling phenomena of concrete is to be considered. The hydrocarbon curve is applicable where small petroleum fires might occur, i.e. car fuel tanks, petrol or oil tankers, certain petro-chemical facilities, tunnels, parking structures, etc. Spalling is included using a simplified approach where elements with temperatures higher than 400 °C are assumed to occur and the corresponding thermo-mechanical response of RC slabs is evaluated. The nonlinear finite element software SAFIR has been used to perform a numerical analysis of the spalling risk, by removing layers of concrete covering when a set of spalling criteria is checked. The numerical results obtained by finite element analysis of the temperature distribution within the slab and mid-span deflection were compared with published experimental data. Predictions from the numerical model show a good agreement with the experimental data throughout the entire fire exposure to the hydrocarbon fire. This shows that this approach (layering procedure) is very useful in predicting the behaviour of concrete spalling cases.

Baghdadi M, Dimia MS, Guenfoud M, Bouchair A. An experimental and numerical analysis of concrete walls exposed to fire. Structural Engineering and Mechanics [Internet]. 2021;77 (6) :819-830. Publisher's VersionAbstract

 To evaluate the performance of concrete load bearing walls in a structure under horizontal loads after being exposed to real fire, two steps were followed. In the first step, an experimental study was performed on the thermo-mechanical properties of concrete after heating to temperatures of 200-1000oC with the purpose of determining the residual mechanical properties after cooling. The temperature was increased in line with natural fire curve in an electric furnace. The peak temperature was maintained for a period of 1.5 hour and then allowed to cool gradually in air at room temperature. All specimens were made from calcareous aggregate to be used for determining the residual properties: compressive strength, static and dynamic elasticity modulus by means of UPV test, including the mass loss. The concrete residual compressive strength and elastic modulus values were compared with those calculated from Eurocode and other analytical models from other studies, and were found to be satisfactory. In the second step, experimental analysis results were then implemented into structural numerical analysis to predict the post-fire load-bearing capacity response of the walls under vertical and horizontal loads. The parameters considered in this analysis were the effective height, the thickness of the wall, various support conditions and the residual strength of concrete. The results indicate that fire damage does not significantly affect the lateral capacity and stiffness of reinforced walls for temperature fires up to 400oC.

Zerdia M, Demagh R. Analyse Numérique tridimensionnelle de l’interaction de Tunnels Jumeaux- étude de cas. The 2nd International Symposium on Construction Management and Civil Engineering (ISCMCE- 2021), 10-11 Novembre [Internet]. 2021. Publisher's Version
Mebarki M, al. Modélisation du comportement sur chemin de drainage-humidification de la marne de Boumagueur -Batna-. 2nd International Symposium on Construction Management and Civil Engineering (ISCMCE 2021) . 2021.
Mebarki M, al. Identification and characterization of the swelling of a soil in the Boumagueur region-Batna-. Second International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE 2021) . 2021.
Bezih K, Demagh R, Djenane M, Laouche M. Impact of long-term soil deformations on the performance of RC bridges considering soil-structure interaction. First International Conference on Geotechnical, Structural and Advanced Materials Engineering (ICGSAME’ 2021), 05-07 Décembre . 2021.
Amrane M, Messast S, Demagh R. Évaluation de la capacité portante des sols stratifiés à l'aide d'un logiciel d'analyse par éléments finis. The 2nd International Symposium on Construction Management and Civil Engineering (ISCMCE‐ 2021),10-11 Novembre . 2021.
Amrane M, Messast S, Demagh R. La Reponse D’une Fondation Superficielle A Une Infiltration Continue A La Surface Du Sol. The 2nd International Symposium on Construction Management and Civil Engineering (ISCMCE- 2021), 10-11 Novembre,. 2021.
Bezih K, Demagh R. Impact of long-term soil deformations on the performance of RC bridges considering soil-structure interaction. First International Conference on Geotechnical, Structural and Advanced Materials Engineering (ICGSAME’ 2021), 5-7 December,. 2021.
Zerdia M, Demagh R. Numerical Analysis of Movements Induced by Mechanized Twin Tunnels Excavation-Case Study. First International Conference on Geotechnical, Structural and Advanced Materials Engineering (ICGSAME’ 2021) , 5-7 December [Internet]. 2021. Publisher's Version
Benaicha AC, Fourar A, Mansouri T. Contribution à l’étude de valorisation des sédiments extraits du barrage de Koudiat Medouar dans les travaux de construction. Séminaire International sur l’ingénierie de la construction des villes (architecture, génie civil, hydraulique, travaux publics, urbanisme) [Internet]. 2021. Publisher's Version
Benaicha AC, Fourar A, Mansouri T. Study Of The Solid Transport And Their Impact Of The Silting Dams. 1er Séminaire National sur l’Eau, Géotechnique et Environnement [Internet]. 2021. Publisher's Version
