Amrane M, Messast S, Bezih K.
Évaluation de modéles de sol constitutifs pour la prévision des mouvements causés par une excavation profonde dans les sables. First International Congress on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management (ICAGECM’19), 9-10 December . 2019.
Bezih K, Demagh R, Amrane M.
Analyse mécano-fiabiliste des structures en béton armé en tenant compte de l'interaction sol-structure. First International Congress on Advanced Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management (ICAGECM’19), 9-10 December . 2019.
Zerdia M, Demagh R.
Analyse Numérique 3D de l’Interaction de Tunnels Jumeaux Investigation des Cuvettes Transversales. First International Congress on Advanced Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management (ICAGECM’19), 9-10 December [Internet]. 2019.
Publisher's Version Bouatia M, Demagh R.
Effect of the initial soil suction on Structures Buried in an Expansive Soil during a Rainfall Infiltration Case of Aine-Tine pipeline. First International Congress on Advanced Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management (ICAGECM’19), 9-10 December . 2019.
Beghloul M, Demagh R.
Prediction of surface trough due to shield tunnelling. The XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 1-6 September, [Internet]. 2019.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this study, the surface settlement induced by shield TBM excavation is simulated by using finite differences code Flac-3D. The proposed three dimensional simulation procedure is taking into account the main features of slurry shield TBM. The line D subway project in Lyon is chosen to validate the numerical simulations. The comparison of the numerical simulation results with the in-situ measurements shows that the proposed 3D simulation is relevant, in particular in the adopted representation for the different operations achieved by the tunnel boring machine.