Catégorie C µ-ONDES

Hafdaoui, Hichem, and Djamel Benatia. 2019. “Dectection all types of acoustics microwaves in piezoelectric material (ZnO) by classification using support vector machines (SVM)”. International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering- 12-13 November 2018, Bouira- ALGERIA. Publisher's Version Abstract

In this paper, we propose a new numerical method for acoustics microwaves detection of an acoustics microwaves signal during the propagation of acoustics microwaves in a piezoelectric substrate Zinc oxide (ZnO) . We have used Support Vector Machines (SVM) ,the originality of this method is the accurate values that provides .this technic help us to identify undetectable waves that we can not identify with the classical methods; in which we classify all the values of the real part and the imaginary part of the coefficient attenuation with the acoustic velocity in order to build a model from which we note the types of microwaves acoustics( bulk waves or surface waves or leaky waves) . By which we obtain accurate values for each of the coefficient attenuation and acoustic velocity. This study will be very interesting in modeling and realization of acoustics microwaves devices (ultrasound ,Radiating structures , Filter SAW ….) based on the propagation of acoustics microwaves.

Ahmed, Mahamdi. 2019. “Fast and Accurate Model to Determine the Resonant Characteristics of Elliptical Microstrip Patch Antenna”. International Conference on Advanced Systems and Electric Technologies (IC_ASET), Tunisie. Publisher's Version
Ahmed, Mahamdi. 2019. “Artificial Neural Network Model Analysis of Tunable Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna”. International Conference on Advanced Systems and Electric Technologies (IC_ASET), Tunisie. Publisher's Version
Hafdaoui, Hichem, Cherifa Mehadjebia, and Djamel Benatia. 2017. “Using Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) For Extracting Acoustic Microwaves (BAW) In Piezoelectric Material”. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems- 22-24 October 2017, Tipaza- ALGERIA,. Publisher's Version Abstract


n this paper, we propose a new method for Bulk waves detection of an acoustic microwave signal during the propagation of acoustic microwaves in a piezoelectric substrate (Lithium Niobate LiNbO3). We have used the classification by probabilistic neural network (PNN) as a means of numerical analysis in which we classify all the values of the real part and the imaginary part of the coefficient attenuation with the acoustic velocity in order to build a model from which we note the Bulk waves easily. These singularities inform us of presence of Bulk waves in piezoelectric materials.

By which we obtain accurate values for each of the coefficient attenuation and acoustic velocity for Bulk waves. This study will be very interesting in modeling and realization of acoustic microwaves devices (ultrasound) based on the propagation of acoustic microwaves.

Hafdaoui, Hichem, and Djamel Benatia. 2017. “Comparative Between (LiNbO3) and (LiTaO3) in Detecting Acoustics Microwaves (BAW) Using Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN)”. International Conference on Electronics and New Technologies- 14-15 november 2017. Publisher's Version Abstract

Our work is mainly about detecting BAW (Bulk acoustic waves), where we compared between Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3) and Lithium Tantalate (LiTaO3) ,during the propagation of acoustic microwaves in a piezoelectric substrate. In this paper, We have used the classification by Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) as a means of numerical analysis in which we classify all the values of the real part and the imaginary part of the coefficient

attenuation with the acoustic velocity for conclude whichever is the best in utilization for generating Bulk acoustic waves.This study will be very interesting in modeling and realization of acoustic microwaves devices (ultrasound) based on the propagation of acoustic microwaves.

Abdelkrim, Gadda. 2017. “Neurocomputational model of annular-ring microstrip antenna with air gap layer”. 2nd International Conference on Automatic Control, Telecommunication & Signals (ICATS’17). Publisher's Version
Abdelkrim, Gadda. 2017. “Resonant characteristics of a superconducting thin film resonator using the two-fluid method and artificial neural networks”. 2nd International Conference on Automatic Control, Telecommunication & Signals (ICATS’17). Publisher's Version
Ahmed, Mahamdi. 2017. “CAD cavity model analysis of high Tc superconducting rectangular patch printed on anisotropic substrates”. International Conference on Electrical Engineering - Boumerdes (ICEE-B). Publisher's Version
Abdelouahab, Bouraiou. 2016. “A rigorous full-wave analysis of high TC superconducting circular disc microstrip antenna”. 8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC 2016). Publisher's Version