Benreguia B, Moumen H. Some Consistency Rules for Graph Matching. SN Computer Science [Internet]. 2022;3 (2) :1-16. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Graph matching is a comparison process of two objects represented as graphs through finding a correspondence between vertices and edges. This process allows defining a similarity degree (or dissimilarity) between the graphs. Generally, graph matching is used for extracting, finding and retrieving any information or sub-information that can be represented by graphs. In this paper, a new consistency rule is proposed to tackle with various problems of graph matching. After, using the proposed rule as a necessary and sufficient condition for the graph isomorphism, we generalize it for subgraph isomorphism, homomorphism and for an example of inexact graph matching. To determine whether there is a matching or not, a backtracking algorithm called CRGI2 is presented who checks the consistency rule by exploring the overall search space. The tree-search is consolidated with a tree pruning technique that eliminates the unfruitful branches as early as possible. Experimental results show that our algorithm is efficient and applicable for a real case application in the information retrieval field. On the efficiency side, due to the ability of the proposed rule to eliminate as early as possible the incorrect solutions, our algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms in the literature. For the application side, the algorithm has been successfully tested for querying a real dataset that contains a large set of e-mail messages.

Hayi MY, Chouiref Z, Moumen H. Towards Intelligent Road Traffic Management Over a Weighted Large Graphs Hybrid Meta-Heuristic-Based Approach. Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT) [Internet]. 2022;24 (3) :1-18. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This paper introduces a new approach of hybrid meta-heuristics based optimization technique for decreasing the computation time of the shortest paths algorithm. The problem of finding the shortest paths is a combinatorial optimization problem which has been well studied from various fields. The number of vehicles on the road has increased incredibly. Therefore, traffic management has become a major problem. We study the traffic network in large scale routing problems as a field of application. The meta-heuristic we propose introduces new hybrid genetic algorithm named IOGA. The problem consists of finding the k optimal paths that minimizes a metric such as distance, time, etc. Testing was performed using an exact algorithm and meta-heuristic algorithm on random generated network instances. Experimental analyses demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed approach in terms of runtime and quality of the result. Empirical results obtained show that the proposed algorithm outperforms some of the existing technique in term of the optimal solution in every generation.

Mezzoudj S. A parallel content-based image retrieval system using spark and tachyon frameworks. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences [Internet]. 2021;33 (2) :141-149. Publisher's VersionAbstract

With the huge increase of large-scale multimedia over Internet, especially images, building Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems for large-scale images has become a big challenge. One of the drawbacks associated with CBIR is the very long execution time. In this article, we propose a fast Content-Based Image Retrieval system using Spark (CBIR-S) targeting large-scale images. Our system is composed of two steps. (i) image indexation step, in which we use MapReduce distributed model on Spark in order to speed up the indexation process. We also use a memory-centric distributed storage system, called Tachyon, to enhance the write operation (ii) image retrieving step which we speed up by using a parallel k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) search method based on MapReduce model implemented under Apache Spark, in addition to exploiting the cache method of spark framework. We have showed, through a wide set of experiments, the effectiveness of our approach in terms of processing time.

Aouadj W, Abdessemed M-R. A Reliable Behavioral Model: Optimizing Energy Consumption and Object Clustering Quality by Naïve Robots. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR) [Internet]. 2021;12 (4). Publisher's VersionAbstract

This study concerns a swarm of autonomous reactive mobile robots, qualified of naïve because of their simple constitution, having the mission of gathering objects randomly distributed while respecting two contradictory objectives: maximizing quality of the emergent heap-formation and minimizing energy consumed by aforesaid robots. This problem poses two challenges: it is a multi-objective optimization problem and it is a hard problem. To solve it, one of renowned multi-objective evolutionary algorithms is used. Obtained solution, via a simulation process, unveils a close relationship between behavioral-rules and consumed energy; it represents the sought behavioral model, optimizing the grouping quality and energy consumption. Its reliability is shown by evaluating its robustness, scalability, and flexibility. Also, it is compared with a single-objective behavioral model. Results' analysis proves its high robustness, its superiority in terms of scalability and flexibility, and its longevity measured based on the activity time of the robotic system that it integrates.

Ledmi M, Moumen H, Siam A, Haouassi H, Azizi N. A Discrete Crow Search Algorithm for Mining Quantitative Association Rules. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR) [Internet]. 2021;12 (4) :101-124. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Association rules are the specific data mining methods aiming to discover explicit relations between the different attributes in a large dataset. However, in reality, several datasets may contain both numeric and categorical attributes. Recently, many meta-heuristic algorithms that mimic the nature are developed for solving continuous problems. This article proposes a new algorithm, DCSA-QAR, for mining quantitative association rules based on crow search algorithm (CSA). To accomplish this, new operators are defined to increase the ability to explore the searching space and ensure the transition from the continuous to the discrete version of CSA. Moreover, a new discretization algorithm is adopted for numerical attributes taking into account dependencies probably that exist between attributes. Finally, to evaluate the performance, DCSA-QAR is compared with particle swarm optimization and mono and multi-objective evolutionary approaches for mining association rules. The results obtained over real-world datasets show the outstanding performance of DCSA-QAR in terms of quality measures.

Taguelmimt R, Beghdad R. DS-kNN: An Intrusion Detection System Based on a Distance Sum-Based K-Nearest Neighbors. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP) [Internet]. 2021;15 (2) :131-144. Publisher's VersionAbstract

On one hand, there are many proposed intrusion detection systems (IDSs) in the literature. On the other hand, many studies try to deduce the important features that can best detect attacks. This paper presents a new and an easy-to-implement approach to intrusion detection, named distance sum-based k-nearest neighbors (DS-kNN), which is an improved version of k-NN classifier. Given a data sample to classify, DS-kNN computes the distance sum of the k-nearest neighbors of the data sample in each of the possible classes of the dataset. Then, the data sample is assigned to the class having the smallest sum. The experimental results show that the DS-kNN classifier performs better than the original k-NN algorithm in terms of accuracy, detection rate, false positive, and attacks classification. The authors mainly compare DS-kNN to CANN, but also to SVM, S-NDAE, and DBN. The obtained results also show that the approach is very competitive.

Tioura A, Moumen H, Kalla H, Ait-Saidi A. A Hybrid Protocol to Solve Authenticated Byzantine Consensus. Fundamenta Informaticae [Internet]. 2020;173 (1) :73-89. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The consensus is a central problem of fault-tolerant distributed computing. Unfortunately, solving such a problem is impossible in asynchronous distributed systems prone to process failures. To circumvent this impossibility (known as FLP impossibility result) in a deterministic way, on top of asynchronous distributed systems enriched with additional assumptions, several protocols have been proposed. Actually, to solve the Byzantine Consensus problem, with a deterministic manner, in systems where at most t processes may exhibit a Byzantine behavior, two approaches have been investigated. The first relies on the addition of synchrony, called Timer-Based, while the second, called Time-Free, is based on the pattern of message exchange. This paper shows that both types of assumptions are not antagonist and can be combined to solve authenticated Byzantine consensus. The combined assumption considers a correct process pi, called ⋄〈t + 1〉-BW, and a set X of t+1 correct processes (including pi itself) such that, eventually, for each query broadcasted by a correct process pj of X, pj receives a response from pi ∈ X among the (n – t) first responses to that query or both links connecting pi and pj are timely. Based on this combination, a simple hybrid authenticated Byzantine consensus protocol benefiting from the best of both worlds is proposed. As a matter of fact, although numerous hybrid protocols have been designed for the consensus problem in the crash model, this is, to our knowledge, the first hybrid deterministic solution to the Byzantine consensus problem.

Benreguia B, Moumen H, Merzoug M-A. Tracking covid-19 by tracking infectious trajectories. IEEE Access [Internet]. 2020;8 :145242 - 145255. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Nowadays, the coronavirus pandemic has and is still causing large numbers of deaths and infected people. Although governments all over the world have taken severe measurements to slow down the virus spreading (e.g., travel restrictions, suspending all sportive, social, and economic activities, quarantines, social distancing, etc.), a lot of persons have died and a lot more are still in danger. Indeed, a recently conducted study [1] has reported that 79% of the confirmed infections in China were caused by undocumented patients who had no symptoms. In the same context, in numerous other countries, since coronavirus takes several days before the emergence of symptoms, it has also been reported that the known number of infections is not representative of the real number of infected people (the actual number is expected to be much higher). That is to say, asymptomatic patients are the main factor behind the large quick spreading of coronavirus and are also the major reason that caused governments to lose control over this critical situation. To contribute to remedying this global pandemic, in this article, we propose an IoT a investigation system that was specifically designed to spot both undocumented patients and infectious places. The goal is to help the authorities to disinfect high-contamination sites and confine persons even if they have no apparent symptoms. The proposed system also allows determining all persons who had close contact with infected or suspected patients. Consequently, rapid isolation of suspicious cases and more efficient control over any pandemic propagation can be achieved.

Benaissa A, Benlahcene M. Asymptotic expansion of double Laplace-type integrals with a curve of minimal points and application to an exit time problem. Mathematica Slovaca. 2017;67 (3) :737–750.Abstract

In this paper we consider the problem of the asymptotic expansion of double Laplace-type integrals, in the case when the set γ of points where the phase achieves its absolute minimum is a simple curve. It will be shown that the asymptotic behaviour of such integrals is governed by the order of degeneracy of normal derivatives of the phase with respect to the curve γ. Complete asymptotic expansions will be constructed if that order is constant along γ, and the first two coefficients will be explicitly computed. If not, a uniform asymptotic expansion method, involving special functions, is suggested.

Chatouh K, kenza Guenda, Gulliver TA, Noui L. Simplex and MacDonald codes over Rq. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing. 2016;55 :455–478.Abstract

In this paper, we introduce the homogeneous weight and homogeneous Gray map over the ring Rq=F2[u1,u2,…,uq]/⟨u2i=0,uiuj=ujui⟩ for q≥1q≥1. We also consider the construction of simplex and MacDonald codes of types α and β over this ring and their covering radius.

Chatouh K, kenza Guenda, Gulliver AT, Noui L. On some classes of linear codes over Z2Z4 and their covering radii. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing. 2016;53 :201–222.Abstract

In this paper, we define the simplex and MacDonald codes of types αα and β over Z2Z4. We also examine the covering radii of these codes. Further, we study the binary images of these codes and prove that the binary image of the simplex codes of type αα meets the Gilbert bound.

Kamouche N, Benaissa A. Asymptotic expansion of double Laplace-type integrals: The case of non-stationary minimum points. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2016;144 :3741-3756.Abstract

In this paper, we show that the asymptotic expansion of a double Laplace-type integral with a non-stationary minimum point, located on the boundary of the domain of integration, is governed by the order of contact between the boundary curve and the level curve of the phase through the minimum point. This achievement will enable us to construct complete asymptotic expansions in more general settings. Especially, the problem will be completely solved if the phase and the boundary curve of the domain of integration are analytic near the minimum point.

Benaissa A. On the exit problem of dynamic systems perturbed by a white noise. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015;1660 (1).Abstract


In this paper we are concerned with the exit time problem of a dynamic system perturbed by a white noise, in the case where the noiseless dynamics has a global attractor in a given domain. By the use of a singular perturbation technique and recent results on the asymptotic expansion of a class of Laplace-type integrals, new results concerning the problem under investigation will be presented.