Publications by Author: M. Boudour

M. Zellagui, R. Benabid, M. Boudour, and A. Chaghi, “Optimal Overcurrent Relays Coordination in the Presence Multi TCSC on Power Systems Using BBO Algorithm,” International Journal Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA), vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 13-20, 2015.
M. Zellagui, R. Benabid, M. Boudour, and A. Chaghi, “Mixed Integer Optimization of IDMT Overcurrent Relays in the Presence of Wind Energy Farms using PSO Algorithm,” the Periodica Polytechnica - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 9-17, 2015.
M. Zellagui, R. Benabid, A. Chaghi, and M. Boudour, “Impact Studies of Total Harmonic Distortion on Directional Overcurrent Relay Performance,” UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 77, No. 4, 2015.
R. Benabid, M. Zellagui, A. Chaghi, and M. Boudour, “Optimal Setting and Coordination of Industrial Power Systems Protection using PSO and ETAP Software,” 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing (ICIEM). 2014.
R. Benabid, M. Zellagui, M. Boudour, and A. Chaghi, “Intelligent Overcurrent Relays Setting based on Mixed Integer Optimization and Considering Series Compensation, Fault Resistance and Relays Characteristics,” International Conference of Modeling and Simulation (ICMS). 2014.
R. Benabid, M. Zellagui, A. Chaghi, and M. Boudour, “Impact Studies of the Current Harmonics on the Setting and Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays,” 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA). 2014.
M. Zellagui, R. Benabid, M. Boudour, and A. Chaghi, “Mixed Integer Optimization using PSO Algorithm for Optimal Settings Overcurrent Relays in the Presence of Wind Energy Farms,” 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA). 2014.
R. Benabid, M. Zellagui, A. Chaghi, and M. Boudour, “Application of Firefly Algorithm for Optimal Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination in the Presence of IFCL,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA), vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 44-53, 2014.
M. Zellagui, R. Benabid, M. Boudour, and A. Chaghi, “Application of Firefly Algorithm for Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Protection Relays in the Presence Series Compensation,” Journal of Automation & Systems Engineering (JASE), vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 92-107, 2014.
M. Zellagui, R. Benabid, A. Chaghi, and M. Boudour, “Effect Assessment of TCSC on Algerian Transmission Line Protected by IDMT Directional Overcurrent Relay ,” Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Electrical Engineering, vol. No. 38, pp. 107-115, 2014.
M. Zellagui, R. Benabid, A. Chaghi, and M. Boudour, “Effect of GTO Controlled Series Capacitor on IDMT Directional Overcurrent Relay in the Presence Phase to Earth Fault,” 12th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES). 2013.
R. Benabid, M. Zellagui, A. Chaghi, and M. Boudour, “Optimal Coordination of IDMT Directional Overcurrent Relays in the Presence of Series Compensation using Differential Evolution Algorithm,” 3th IEEE International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), (IEEE Explorer). 2013.
M. Zellagui, R. Benabid, A. Chaghi, and M. Boudour, “Effect of TCSC on IDMT Overcurrent Relay in the Presence of Single Phase to Earth Fault,” 3th IEEE International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), (IEEE Explorer). 2013.
 M. Zellagui, M. Boudour, and A. Chaghi, “Optimal Coordination of IDMT Directional Overcurrent Relays in the Presence of SC using PSO Algorithm,” 5th International Conference of Electrotechnics (ICEL). 2013.
R. Benabid, M. Zellagui, M. Boudour, and A. Chaghi, “Considering the Series Compensation in Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Protections using PSO Technique,” IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT), (IEEE Explorer). 2013.
M. Zellagui, R. Benabid, A. Chaghi, and M. Boudour, “Impact of GCSC on IDMT Directional Overcurrent Relay in the Presence of Phase to Earth Fault,” Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering (SJEE), vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 381-398, 2013.