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LSPIE- Batna'2000
Laboratoire des Systèmes Propulsion - Induction Electromagnétiques
مخبر أنظمة الدفع - التحريض الكهرومغناطيسي
Équipes de Recherche
Équipe 1
Equipe 2
Équipe 3
Équipe 4
Équipe 5
Axes de Recherche
Productions Scientifiques
Projets de Recherche
Habilitation Universitaire
Thèses Doctorats
Mémoires Magistères
Mémoires Masters
Bilans Scientifiques
Formation Doctorale
Journnées Doctorales
Communication Internationale
R. Benabid, M. Zellagui, A. Chaghi, and M. Boudour
, “
Optimal Setting and Coordination of Industrial Power Systems Protection using PSO and ETAP Software
3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing (ICIEM)
. 2014.
M. Zellagui, H. A. Hassan, and A. Chaghi
, “
The Impact of Conduction Angle on Short Circuit Calculations in Case of Three Phase Fault for a FACTS Controlled Transmission Line in the Algerian Network
International Conference on Automatic Control Theory and Application (ACTA)
. 2014.
R. Benabid, M. Zellagui, M. Boudour, and A. Chaghi
, “
Intelligent Overcurrent Relays Setting based on Mixed Integer Optimization and Considering Series Compensation, Fault Resistance and Relays Characteristics
International Conference of Modeling and Simulation (ICMS)
. 2014.
L. Bougouffa and A. Chaghi
, “
Compensated Distribution Systems with TCSC in Presence of Phase to Earth Fault
2nd International Conference on Electrical Energy and Systems (ICEES)
. 2014.
M. Zellagui, H. A. Hassan, and A. Chaghi
, “
Impact of Voltage Controlled by TCVR on Ground Fault Parameters", International Workshop on Advanced Control (IWAC)
”. 2014.
L. Bougouffa and A. Chaghi
, “
Coordination of IDMT Directional Over-Current Relays in 400 KV Transmission Line Compensated with TCSC
8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (CEE)
. 2014.
M. Zellagui, H. A. Hassan, A. Ghodbane, and A. Chaghi
, “
Effect of Fault Location on Short-Circuit Calculations in Case of Phase to Earth Fault for a Line Compensated by TCVR
8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (CEE)
. 2014.
M. Zellagui, M. Karimi, H. Mokhlis, R. Benabid, and A. Chaghi
, “
Impact of Renewable Dispersed Generation on Performance of Directional Overcurrent Relay on MV Distribution Power System
8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (CEE)
. 2014.
R. Benabid, M. Zellagui, A. Chaghi, and M. Boudour
, “
Impact Studies of the Current Harmonics on the Setting and Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays
2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA)
. 2014.
M. Zellagui, R. Benabid, M. Boudour, and A. Chaghi
, “
Mixed Integer Optimization using PSO Algorithm for Optimal Settings Overcurrent Relays in the Presence of Wind Energy Farms
2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA)
. 2014.
L. Bougouffa and A. Chaghi
, “
Investigation of TCSC Controller and Distributed Generation Effects on IDMT Directional Overcurrent Relay in Distribution System
1st International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEEB)
. 2014.
M. Zellagui, H. A. Hassan, and A. Chaghi
, “
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Using Resistive and Inductive SFCL on Short-Circuit Calculations in the Presence of a Phase to Ground Fault
1st International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEEB)
. 2014.
S. Drid, L. C. Alaoui, M. Ouriagli, and P. Bussy
, “
Robust Control of the Photovoltaic System with Improved Maximum Power Point Tracking
Ninth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies EVER’2014
. 2014.
F. Kadri, D. Djarah, S. Drid, F. Djeffal, and L. C. Alaoui
, “
Neural Direct Torque Control for Induction Motor under Voltage Source Inverter Open Switch Fault
Ninth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies EVER’2014
. 2014.
H. Sahraoui, S. Drid, L. C. Alaoui, and I. Benlaloui
, “
Modeling and control of the DC-DC converters
International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing ICIEM'14
. 2014.
T. Alnejaili and S. Drid
, “
Design and implementation of a modified DC-DC converter suitable for charging solar batteries
International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing ICIEM'14
. 2014.
T. Alnejaili and S. Drid
, “
Design and implementation of a modified DC-DC converter suitable for charging solar batteries
he 3 rd International Seminar on New and Renewable Energies
. 2014.
H. Sahraoui, S. Drid, and L. C. Alaoui
, “
Second Order Sliding Mode Controller of the DC-DC Buck Converter used in Photovoltaic Systems
Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications ICEECA’2014
. 2014.
H. Sahraoui, S. Drid, L. C. Alaoui, M. Ouriagli, and P. Bussy
, “
Robust Control of the Boost Converter applied in Photovoltaic Systems using Second Order Sliding Mode
15th international conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering - STA'2014
. 2014.
M. Tiar, A. Betka, and S. Drid
, “
Backstepping Control Strategy of a Hybrid Generation System Based on a Photovoltaic Array and a Fuel Cell
1st International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEEB’14
. 2014.