Publications by Author: S. Abdedaim

M. Sellali, A. Betka, S. Drid, A. Djerdir, M. Tiar, and S. Abdedaim, “Implementation of power management based on fuzzy logic for a hybrid PV/Fuel Cell generation system,” International Conference On Emerging and Renewable Energy : Generation and Automation, Sousse-Tunisia. pp. 1-6, 2018.Abstract
The present paper deals with a real time implementation of a new adaptive frequency-based power management strategy of a small-scale hybrid battery-super capacitor system, dedicated to an electric vehicle. The ultimate objective of the strategy is to ensu
M. Sellali, A. Betka, S. Drid, A. Djerdir, M. Tiar, and S. Abdedaim, “Implementation of new adaptive power-split management strategy in a battery-super capacitor electric vehicle,” 2018 International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM) IEEE. pp. 1-6, 2018.Abstract
The present paper deals with a real time implementation of a new adaptive frequency-based power management strategy of a small-scale hybrid battery-super capacitor system, dedicated to an electric vehicle. The ultimate objective of the strategy is to ensure a smart use of the two sources, improving as a consequence both the autonomy and the system lifetime. To do so, and unlike the conventional power frequency separation technique, the filter adapts its pass band frequency to keep the charge’s state of each source in a tolerable range and provides power amounts to the load demand. The experimental results demonstrate that the system commutates smoothly between the operating modes, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed control techniques.
M. Tiar, A. Betka, S. Drid, S. Abdedaim, M. Becherif, and A. Tabandjat, “Optimal energy control of a PV-fuel cell hybrid system,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 1456-1465, 2017.Abstract
This paper deals with a real time implementation of a fuzzy logic-based power management of a small scale generation hybrid power system. The system consists of a photovoltaic array and a fuel cell stack, supported by a single-phase grid that supplies a stand-alone AC load. The proposed supervisory algorithm guaranties the system to switch smart between two operation modes, according to the load demand, the gas level and the PV availability. Obviously, the PV side DC–DC converter is controlled to track permanently the maximum power point by using a fuzzy logic MPPT method; whereas, the fuel cell stack and the grid converters are tuned to cover the remaining power, or alternatively, injecting the exceeding power to the utility. Besides, to feed the AC load with a pure sine wave, a Back stepping algorithm is proposed to control the front-end single-phase inverter. To test the effectiveness of the proposed …
M. Tiar, A. Betka, S. Drid, S. Abdedaim, M. Becherif, and A. Tabandjat, “Optimal energy control of a PV-fuel cell hybrid system,”  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016.
S. Abdedaim, A. Betka, S. Drid, and M. Becherif, “Implementation of MRAC controller of a DFIG based variable speed grid connected wind turbine,” Energy Conversion and Management, Elsiver, vol. 79, pp. 281–288, 2014.