Publications by Author: T. Alnejaili

T. Alnejaili, L. C. Alaoui, D. Mehdi, A. Alibi, and S. Drid, “An advanced energy management system with an economical optimization for a multi-sources stand-alone Home,” 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), Valencia, Spain. pp. 154-159, 2018.Abstract
This paper proposes an advanced energy management system (EMS) for a stand-alone hybrid energy system. The considered hybrid system includes a photovoltaic panel, a fuel cell, an electrolyzer and a battery bank. The EMS aims to optimize the utilization cost of the hybrid power system and to improve its energy balance with the elimination of any energy deficit.The hybrid power system has been tested by simulation using models implemented in Matlab/Simulink software. The simulation is performed over a long period of time in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the management strategy. The simulation results confirm the efficiency of the proposed control strategy, as it increases the reliability of the system and improves its energy balance.
T. Alnejaili, A. Alibi, L. C. Alaoui, D. Mehdi, H. Sahraoui, and S. Drid, “Control and optimal management of a multi-source energy system,” 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), Valencia, Spain. pp. 164-168, 2018.Abstract
The main aim of this work is to develop an energy management algorithm (EMS) that control renewable energy system that consists of PV panels, lead acid battery banks and supercapacitor. On addition to that a Graphical user interfaces is developed to control the power system. The efficiency of the controller was tested by the mean of simulation, the result assume the effectiveness of the proposed control method and the intelligent management of the power flow controller.
H. Sahraoui, et al., “The dynamic control and optimal management of the energy in the case of a territory isolated in Batna city,” 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), Valencia, Spain. pp. 160-163, 2018.Abstract
This paper deals with the optimal sizing and management of power system for medium rural health clinic located in the Batna region (Algeria). The study evaluates different power configurations depending on economic, environmental and technical characteristics. The main objective is to cover the entire loads with an uninterruptible, high quality power supplies with lowest cost of energy and high renewable energy penetration.
T. Alnejaili, S. Drid, D. Mehdi, and L. C. Alaoui, “A Developed energy management strategy for a stand-alone hybrid power system for medium rural health building,” the International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 26, N°. 4, pp. 713–729, 2016.
T. Alnejaili, M. Driss, S. Drid, and L. C. Alaoui, “Advanced Supervisor Control for A Stand- Alone Photovoltaic Super Capacitor Battery Hybrid Energy system for Remote Building,” The 4 th International Conference on Systems and Control. 2015.
T. Alnejaili, S. Drid, M. Driss, L. C. Alaoui, and H. Sahraoui, “Sliding Mode Control Of A Multi-Source Renewable Power System,” 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology CEIT’2015. 2015.
T. Alnejaili, S. Drid, M. Driss, L. C. Alaoui, R. Belarbi, and A. Hamdouni, “Dynamic control and advanced load management of a stand-alone hybrid renewable power system for remote housing,” Energy Conversion and Management, Elsiver, vol. 105, no. 15, 2015.
T. Alnejaili, S. Drid, M. Driss, and L. C. Alaoui, “A developed energy management strategy for a stand-alone hybrid power system for medium rural health building,” International Transactions On Electrical Energy  Systems Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. (2015), vol. 26(4), 2015. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This paper deals with load side management strategy for (photovoltaic–wind–diesel) hybrid system for medium rural health building located in the Sahara region. The paper presents an overview about geographic and climate data of the location and develops a typical load profile of electrical energy, depending on a real investigation of daily electricity consumption. The base of the proposed management strategy is the control of the air conditioning system and the non-critical lighting of the building as they consume more than 50% of the total power consumption. The result shows that the reduction in the peak consumption is about 20% using the proposed management strategy, which has significant economical, technical, and environmental benefits
T. Alnejaili and S. Drid, “Design and implementation of a modified DC-DC converter suitable for charging solar batteries,” International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing ICIEM'14. 2014.
T. Alnejaili and S. Drid, “Design and implementation of a modified DC-DC converter suitable for charging solar batteries,” he 3 rd International Seminar on New and Renewable Energies. 2014.
T. Alnejaili, S. Drid, D. Mehdi, and L. C. Alaoui, “Advanced Strategy of Demand-Side Management for Photovoltaic-Wind Energy System,” 15th international conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering - STA'2014. 2014.