Publications by Author: B. Abdelhadi

Z. rouabeh, F. Zidani, and B. Abdelhadi, “Fuzzy Efficiency Enhancement of Induction Motor Drive,” IV International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG). 2013.
S. Chaouch, B. Abdelhadi, and A. Benoudjit, “Optimal Design of an Innovative Induction Machine,” 7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering. 2012.
Z. rouabeh, F. Zidani, and B. Abdelhadi, “An improved search-based algorithm for fuzzy-logic efficiency optimization of induction motor drives,” ELECTROMOTION, vol. 19, N 3-4, pp. 101, 2012.
Z. rouabeh, B. Abdelhadi, F. Anayi, and F. Zidani, “On-line losses minimization of induction motor vector control using real coded genetic algorithms,” ELECTROMOTION journal, vol. 18, N° 1, pp. 15, 2011.
Z. rouabeh, B. Abdelhadi, F. Anayi, and F. Zidani, “On-Line Losses Minimization of Induction Motor Vector Control using Real Coded Genetic Algorithms,” 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering . 2010.