An alternative approach to safety integrity level determination: results from a case study, . International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management [Internet]. 2019;2019 (36(10):) :1784-1803.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to validate a fuzzy risk graph model through a case study results carried out on a safety instrumented system (SIS).
The proposed model is based on an inference fuzzy system and deals with uncertainty data used as inputs of the conventional risk graph method. The coherence and redundancy of the developed fuzzy rules base are first verified in the case study. A new fuzzy model is suggested for a multi-criteria characterization of the avoidance possibility parameter. The fuzzy safety integrity level (SIL) is determined for two potential accident scenarios.
The applicability of the proposed fuzzy model on SIS shows the importance and pertinence of the proposed fuzzy model as decision-making tools in preventing industrial hazards while taking into consideration uncertain aspects of the data used on the conventional risk graph method. The obtained results show that the use of continuous fuzzy scales solves the problem of interpreting results and provides a more flexible structure to combine risk graph parameters. Therefore, a decision is taken on the basis of precise integrity level values and protective actions in the real world are suggested.
Fuzzy logic-based safety integrity assessment allows assessment of the SIL in a more realistic way by using the notion of the linguistic variable for representing information that is qualitative and imprecise and, therefore, ensures better decision making on risk prevention.
Contribution to the evaluation of safety barriers performance. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development [Internet]. 2019;2019 (16(1) :56-68.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The risk control is an unavoidable step in the risk management process. It is materialized by concrete actions of risks reduction in order to decrease their likelihood and/or their severity and also to preserve the environment. The paper aims to discuss this issue.
The main goal of the proposed methodology is to define the safety barriers (SB) that can be realized and their contribution to reduce major accidents scenarios that may occur in high-risk establishments.
In the proposed methodology, the authors present a combination of methods to prove the effectiveness of SB in an industrial installation.
Practical implications
The proposed methodology is a valuable help to industrialists to secure their industrial activities and preserve the environment at the same time.
The retained methods are often used separately for audit purposes or risk assessments of high-risk industrial facilities. In this paper, three methods have been selected and articulated in an approach for a better evaluation of risk control level.
Proposal method for the classification of industrial accident scenarios based on the improved principal components analysis (improved PCA). Prod. Eng. Res. Devel [Internet]. 2019;2019 (13) :53–60.
Publisher's VersionAbstractUsing a risk matrix for Risk mapping constitutes the basis of risk management strategy. It aims to classify the identified risks with regards to their management and control. This risk classification, which is based on the frequency and the severity dimensions, is often carried out according to a procedure founded on experts’ judgments. In order to overcome the subjectivity bias of this classification, this paper presents the contribution of the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) method: an exploratory method for graphing risks based on factors that allow a better visualized classification of scenarios accidents. Still, the commonly encountered problem in the data classified by the PCA method resides in the main factors of classification; we judged useful to frame these letters by an algebraic formulation to make an improvement of this classification possible. The obtained results show that the suggested method is a promising alternative to solve the recurring problems of risk matrices, notably in accident scenarios’ classification.
Proposal for a new method for analyzing the domino effect in an oil refinery and its impact on the environment. Management of Environmental Quality [Internet]. 2019;2019 (30(5) :910-924.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to propose a new managerial method to integrate the environmental dimension in the domino effects (DEs) analysis.
The proposed method is a three-step approach: identification of primary hazards in the form of potential events causing the DE, a mixed quantification (deterministic and probabilistic) of the risk of the DEs with a view to its control and capitalizing the results from the BLEVESOFT software as well as those relating to the probability of occurrence of the DEs in the form of a prioritized action plan dedicated to surrounding environments (proximity territory).
The primary hazards are technologically manageable at the studied system but are unpredictable if triggered at the environmental subsystem because they are difficult to be managed and often cause panic, which is a form of a very catastrophic DE.
Research limitations/implications
The research could affect members of the engineering and construction industry, and can be applied in several domains since it studies the DE phenomenon. which is a common problem especially in industrials plants.
Practical implications
The proposal method is applied in an industrial terminal in Algeria.
This paper presents an exploratory study of using a new managerial method that aims to combine the potentialities of geomatic sciences that allow the spatial representation of nearby territories to assess the severity of DEs through a deterministic approach, and the modeling of DEs as well as their analysis by a probabilistic approach.
Study of safety culture in healthcare institutions: case of an Algerian hospital. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance [Internet]. 2019;2019 (32(7) :1081-1097.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
For many years, the concept of safety culture has attracted researchers from all over the world, and more particularly in the area of healthcare services. The purpose of this paper is to measure safety culture dimensions in order to improve and promote healthcare in Algeria.
The used approach consists of getting a better understanding of healthcare safety culture (HSC) by measuring the perception of healthcare professionals in order to guide promotion actions. For this, the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire was used in a pilot hospital setting where it was distributed on a number of 114 health professionals chosen by stratified random sampling.
The results showed that the identified priority areas for HSC improvement help in establishing a trust culture and a non-punitive environment based on the system and not on the individual.
Safety is recognized as a key aspect of service quality, thus measuring the HSC can help establish an improvement plan. In Algerian health facilities, this study is considered the first to examine perceptions in this particular area. The current results provide a baseline of strengths and opportunities for healthcare safety improvement, allowing the managers of this type of facilities to take steps that are more effective.
Contribution of the three-dimensional model to the reliability allocation of multiphase systems", , 2019, :. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management [Internet]. 2019;2019 (36(7) :1038-1052.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to deal with the allocation requirements of the dependability of the multiphase systems.
It consists of a proposal for a combined methodology based on the simultaneous use of decomposition systems and reliability allocation method.
In the developed methodology, the authors use the principles of risk assessment and propose a new formulation of weight allowance with reference to the structural‒functional dependence.
Practical implications
The suggested methodology provides invaluable help to implementation process analysis.
The adopted allocation approach is based on the use of a three-dimensional model: temporal, structural and functional decomposition of systems.
PCA-I and AHP Methods: Unavoidable Arguments in Accident Scenario Classification. J Fail. Anal. and Preven [Internet]. 2019;2019 (19) :496–503.
Publisher's VersionAbstractRisk mapping is the foundation of the risk prevention strategy. It allows for the understanding of all factors that may affect the activities. It is a collective decision based on negotiation between the actors. Argument-based negotiation accelerates the negotiation process and converges it toward a final and common decision. It is in this context that this paper aims to illustrate the contribution of the improved PCA and AHP tools, considered as arguments, to the classification of major accident risks.