Publications by Author: Benhassine, Wissal

Fourar Y-O, Benhassine W, Boughaba A, Djebabra M. Contribution to the assessment of patient safety culture in Algerian healthcare settings: The ASCO project. International Journal of Healthcare Management [Internet]. 2022;15 (1) :52-61. Publisher's VersionAbstract


A positive Patient Safety Culture (PSC) is considered as the main barrier to adverse events (AEs) that affect healthcare quality and safety. Thus, the assessment of PSC became a priority for healthcare providers in order to identify problematic areas that need improvement actions.


A cross sectional multi-center study was conducted to evaluate quantitatively PSC in 10 Algerian healthcare establishments (HEs) within the framework of the Algerian Observatory of Safety Culture (ASCO Project). The French version of the HSOPSC was used as a measurement tool where it was administered to participants (N = 1370) using convenience sampling.


A total of 1118 respondents, all professional categories included, participated in this study. The response rate was estimated at 69% of the sample size (N = 1370). After statistical processing, 950 questionnaires were retained. Internal consistency was above 0.7 for all dimensions. Problematic PSC dimensions were identified, mainly ‘Non-punitive response to error’, ‘Staffing’ and ‘Communication openness’.


This article sheds light on the critical situation of PSC in the Algerian national health system. Quantitative findings were introduced in the framework of the Algerian Safety Culture Observatory project that will serve as a baseline for different stakeholders to guide long-term promotion actions.

Fourar Y-O, Benhassine W, Boubaker L. Proposal of a novel approach to the assessment of patient safety culture. Int. J. Behavioural and Healthcare Research [Internet]. 2021;7 (3). Publisher's VersionAbstract

The assessment of Patient Safety Culture (PSC) is often conducted using a quantitative approach based on questionnaires or a qualitative one focused on the deployment of Patient Safety Culture Maturity Models (PSCMM). These two approaches suffer from a number of limitations and their resolution is only possible by exploiting the possible complementarity that exists between them. Indeed, to overcome their inherent limits, it is imperative to merge the two PSC approaches in a single approach called quali-quantitative evaluation of PSC. This article fits into this context and aims to materialise the merger of PSC approaches through their co-deployment. This will make it possible to capitalise the scores of the HSOPSC dimensions in terms of PSC maturity levels.

Fourar Y-O, Djebabra M, Benhassine W, Boubaker L. Contribution of PCA/K-means methods to the mixed assessment of patient safety culture. International Journal of Health Governance [Internet]. 2021;26 (2) :150-164. Publisher's VersionAbstract


The assessment of patient safety culture (PSC) is a major priority for healthcare providers. It is often realized using quantitative approaches (questionnaires) separately from qualitative ones (patient safety culture maturity model (PSCMM)). These approaches suffer from certain major limits. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to overcome these limits and to propose a novel approach to PSC assessment.


The proposed approach consists of evaluating PSC in a set of healthcare establishments (HEs) using the HSOPSC questionnaire. After that, principal component analysis (PCA) and K-means algorithm were applied on PSC dimensional scores in order to aggregate them into macro dimensions. The latter were used to overcome the limits of PSC dimensional assessment and to propose a quantitative PSCMM.


PSC dimensions are grouped into three macro dimensions. Their capitalization permits their association with safety actors related to PSC promotion. Consequently, a quantitative PSC maturity matrix was proposed. Problematic PSC dimensions for the studied HEs are “Non-punitive response to error”, “Staffing”, “Communication openness”. Their PSC maturity level was found underdeveloped due to a managerial style that favors a “blame culture”.


A combined quali-quantitative assessment framework for PSC was proposed in the present study as recommended by a number of researchers but, to the best of our knowledge, few or no studies were devoted to it. The results can be projected for improvement and accreditation purposes, where different PSC stakeholders can be implicated as suggested by international standards.

Benhassine W, Bensekhria N, Hassinet H-K, Nedjahi M, Chenouf N. La tuberculose extra pulmonaire chez les silicotiques : à propos de trois cas. 35èmes Journées Nationales de la Santé au Travail dans le BTP. 2019.
Benhassine W. Profil épidémiologique et aspects cliniques de la silicose des tailleurs de pierre de Tkout. 35èmes JOURNÉES NATIONALES DE SANTÉ AU TRAVAIL DANS LE BTP. 2019.
Benhassine W. La santé mentale au travail, de quoi s’agit-il au juste? Plaidoirie d’une prise en charge collective . XXème Journées Nationales de Médecine du Travail. 2019.
Fourar YO, Benhassine W, Saadi S, Djebabra M. Contribution of the Systemic Approach to OH&S Promotion. First International Conference on Materials, Environment, Mechanical and Industrial Systems ICMEMIS’19. 2019.Abstract

Faced with different representation models of a work situation whose centers of interest vary from one model to another, guides have been developed to try and analyze occupational risks in their entirety. However, the development of these guides poses a double problem: the completeness of this analysis and the order attributed to the analyzed occupational risks. This article aims to solve this problem through a systemic approach that allows to develop a hierarchical model of occupational risks invariants. Its exploitation allows to carry out an exhaustive analysis of occupational risks and consequently the elaboration of a long-term strategy of prevention.

Benhassine W. Lombalgies et Facteurs Psychosociaux au travail . Workshop : les lombalgies au travail. 2018.
Fourar YO, Benhassine W. BLEVE thermal effects estimation using ALOHA and TNO method case study LPG Filling Center Batna. 1ère Conférence nationale sur la protection de l’environnement et les énergies renouvelables –CNPER’19-, 10 Mai. 2018.