Publications by Author: Y BELMAZOUZI

BELMAZOUZI Y, DJBABRA M, HADEF H. Contribution to the ageing control of on shore oil and gas fields. Petroleum, 2020, [Internet]. 2020. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The ageing of the Algerian oil and gas (O&G) installations has led to many incidents. Such installations are over 30 years old (life cycle) and still in operation. To deal with this O&G crucial problem, the Algerian authorities have launched a rehabilitation and modernization schedule of these installations. Within the framework of this program, many audit operations are initiated to elaborate a general diagnosis of the works to be performed while optimizing production. In other words, industrial ageing risks shall be controlled.

In the process safety management (PSM) context, the aim of this paper is to study ageing problem of the Algerian industrial installations through proposed indicators. Their prioritization adjusted by (TOPSIS) Technique for Order-Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution method which allows identification of ageing control solutions of Algerian onshore fields.