Conception, design et etude d’une nouvelle generation d’absorbeurs pour les capteurs solaires a concentration lineaire. Conference internationale de mecanique 3eme i.c.m’2017, annaba, algerie. 26-27 avril. 2017.
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Optimization Study of the Produced Electric Power by SOFCs. International symposium on sustainable hydrogen 2017 / 26-27, 2017 November, Algies, Algeria. 2017.
Three-dimensional numerical study of SOFC temperature field: Polarization heat source effect. International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, Mars 7-9. 2013.
Thermal field of a planar SOFC fed by methane : steam reforming and water gas shift reaction effect. International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, Mars 7-9. 2013.
Phenomenon of thermal stratification in pipes: Effect of flow rate. International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, Mars 7-9 . 2013.
Numerical study of thermal stratification in T-jonction. Terragreen13 International Conference, Advancements in Renewable Energy and Clean Environment, Février 15 -17. 2013.
Effect of inlet hydrogen and air temperatures values at temperature distribution in a planar SOCF in presence of electrochemical reactions and over potential heat sources. Fourth International Workshop on Hydrogen, 21-23 March. 2012.
Thermal Field in SOFC Fed By CH4: Gas Temperature Effect. Fourth International Workshop on Hydrogen, 21-23 March. 2012.
Effect of the Hydrogen Flow Velocity in the Anodic Channels at the Thermal Field in a Planar SOFC: Three-dimensional study. Fourth International Workshop on Hydrogen, 21-23 March. 2012.
Numerical Study Of The Effect Of The Inlet Pressure In A Gas Channel On The Consumption Of Reagents In A PEMFC Fuel Cell. 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies; SET 2011, 4 -7 September. . 2011.
SOFC fed by hydrogen: Heat sources and gas temperature effect on temperature field. 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies; SET 2011, 4 -7 September. 2011.
SOFC fuel cell heat production: Analysis. MEDGREEN-LB 2011:. 1st Conference & Exhibition Impact of Integrated Clean Energy on the Future of the Mediterranean EnvironmentBeirut–Lebanon, April 14th -16th . 2011.
Thermal Gradient at an Anode Supported SOFC: Hydrogen Temperature Value Effect. Second International Conference on Hydrogen Energy: ICHE10.Hammamet,Tunisia, 09-11 May. 2010.
Thermal Field in the Planar Electrolyte Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. Second International Conference on Hydrogen Energy: ICHE10.Hammamet,Tunisia, 09-11 May. 2010.
Study of Radiatif Heat Transfer in the Electrolyte of Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. Second International Conference on Hydrogen Energy: ICHE10.Hammamet,Tunisia, 09-11 May. 2010.