Vapor-liquid equilibrium data concerning refrigerant systems (R3110 + R365mfc). Communication a été présentée au 39éme edition de Jeep 2013 qui a été déroulée à Nancy . 2013.
. Communications
Ecoulement des particules surfaciques des lits granulaires dans les cylindres rotatifs : une approche originale. 1eme congres français de mecanique, bordeaux, 26 au 30 aout 2013 [Internet]. 2013. Publisher's Version
Etude numerique de la convection naturelle thermosolutale dans une cavite carree avec source de chaleur, . xieme colloque interuniversitaire franco-quebecois sur la thermique des systemes (cifq2013), 3-5 juin, reims 2013,france. 2013.
Magnetohydrodynamique de la convection naturelle en double diffusion dans une cavite en presence d’une source de chaleur. 16emes journees internationales de thermique, 13-15 novembre, 2013, marrakech, maroc. 2013.
Surface particle motions in rotating cylinders: Validation and similarity for an industrial scale kiln,. Powder Technology. 2012;Vol. 224 :pp. 260-272 .
Effect of an axial magnetic field on the first transition to unsteady thermal convective regime in a counter-rotating von kármán flow, THMT-12. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence, Heat and Mass TransferPalermo,Italy, 24-27 September. 2012.
Numerical Investigation of Two-phase Turbulent Flow in a Vertical with Evaporation. 7th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, THMT-2012,Palermo,Italy, September 24-27. 2012.
Numerical Analysis and Control of Two Phase Flow Instabilities in a Vertical Tube during Evaporation. International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, CHT-2012, Bath, England, 1-6 July . 2012.
Numerical simulation of natural convection in a cavity filled with a liquid metal. 6th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACE-X 2012,Istanbul,Turkey, 01-04 July . 2012.
Simulation of heat transfer in a square cavity with two fins attached to the hot wall,. TerraGreen Conference-Clean energy solutions for sustainable environment, Beirut, Lebanon, 16-18 February . 2012.
Effect of protuberances on heat and mass transfers in a rectangular enclosure, . TerraGreen Conference-Clean energy solutions for sustainable environment, Beirut, Lebanon, 16-18 February. 2012.
Numerical investigation of two-phase turbulent flow in a vertical tube with evaporation,. 7th International symposium on turbulence, heat and mass transfer, Palermo, Italy, September 24-27 . 2012.
Effect of inlet hydrogen and air temperatures values at temperature distribution in a planar SOCF in presence of electrochemical reactions and over potential heat sources. Fourth International Workshop on Hydrogen, 21-23 March. 2012.
Thermal Field in SOFC Fed By CH4: Gas Temperature Effect. Fourth International Workshop on Hydrogen, 21-23 March. 2012.
Effect of the Hydrogen Flow Velocity in the Anodic Channels at the Thermal Field in a Planar SOFC: Three-dimensional study. Fourth International Workshop on Hydrogen, 21-23 March. 2012.