Publications by Year: 2019

Laidoune A. Decision-Making in a Context of Uncertainty. 12th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The decision process is considered as the key element for the smooth behavior of systems. For non-complex or linear systems, this process usually follows clear rules or requirements, so that the decision will be easy to make without any difficulty. In the case of complex (non-linear) systems, the decision-making process is repeatedly challenged problems because of the interactions of several factors at the same time and because of the hazards characterizing these factors. This situation will worsen further if the system goes out of its normal operating range to fall into uncertainty. In this paper, we will try to make our contribution, to arrive at simplifying the decision-making process, while playing on human factors (ability, anticipation, risk-taking, etc.). As this process can be improved by the development of intelligent decision support tools.

Zid C, Kasim N, Soomro AR, Laidoune A. The discrepancy in the construction industry of Malaysia: one of the most contributing industries in Malaysia's economy and the highest contributor of the fatal accidents. 5th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2019) 30 - 31 July . 2019.Abstract

Malaysian construction industry is considered as substantial power for the economy of the country. The value of construction work is increasing year per year. Malaysia's economy experienced a commendable growth the recent years; basically, the construction industry is statistically significant with economic development and has strong linkages with other industry sectors. However, the Malaysian construction industry is facing many challenges especially the fatal accidents. These last came first on top of the construction sector compared all other industries. This article describes the importance of the construction sector for Malaysia's economy and its efficient contribution across all states of Malaysia. Furthermore, detailed statistics and analysis were carried out to describe the severity of fatal accidents occurred in construction industry of Malaysia. Besides, recommendations were listed in order to better manage the construction industry without involving in fatal accidents. By taking into account the significant influence of the construction industry on Malaysian economy, full attention should be given to the construction field by the Malaysian government and improve further the construction management in general and the construction safety in particular.

Khemri L, BOUBAKER L, Djebabra M, Smaiah M. Les risques non techniques liés aux parties prenantes: un autre défi pour l’organisation- Comparaison entre deux entreprises algériennes. Conférence Internationale sur le Monitoring des Systèmes Industriels (CIMSI), les 11-12 Décembre. 2019.
Khemri L, BOUBAKER L, SMAIAH M, DJEBABRA M. Place qu’occupent les Parties Prenantes dans les décisions de l’entreprise . Première Journée d’Etude Scientifique sur l’Environnement et le Développement Durable (JESEDD-01/19), le 12 Juin. 2019.
Benhassine W, Bensekhria N, Hassinet H-K, Nedjahi M, Chenouf N. La tuberculose extra pulmonaire chez les silicotiques : à propos de trois cas. 35èmes Journées Nationales de la Santé au Travail dans le BTP. 2019.
Benhassine W. Profil épidémiologique et aspects cliniques de la silicose des tailleurs de pierre de Tkout. 35èmes JOURNÉES NATIONALES DE SANTÉ AU TRAVAIL DANS LE BTP. 2019.
Benhassine W. La santé mentale au travail, de quoi s’agit-il au juste? Plaidoirie d’une prise en charge collective . XXème Journées Nationales de Médecine du Travail. 2019.
BOUBAKER L. Les dimensions insoupçonnées du défi de la norme 45001 . 2ème colloque international sur la prévention des risques professionnels, PREVENT PRO CONGRESS, CNAS, les 03-05 Décembre . 2019.
Fourar YO, Benhassine W, Saadi S, Djebabra M. Contribution of the Systemic Approach to OH&S Promotion. First International Conference on Materials, Environment, Mechanical and Industrial Systems ICMEMIS’19. 2019.Abstract

Faced with different representation models of a work situation whose centers of interest vary from one model to another, guides have been developed to try and analyze occupational risks in their entirety. However, the development of these guides poses a double problem: the completeness of this analysis and the order attributed to the analyzed occupational risks. This article aims to solve this problem through a systemic approach that allows to develop a hierarchical model of occupational risks invariants. Its exploitation allows to carry out an exhaustive analysis of occupational risks and consequently the elaboration of a long-term strategy of prevention.

Touaher H, Ouazraoui N, Korichi M, NAIT-SAID R, Bachi B. Spurious trip rate modelization and quantitative assessment of emergency shutdown system in the oil and gas industry. 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Technologies. March 4th to 6th. 2019.
Boulagouas W, Chaib R, Djebabra M. CONTRIBUTION OF THE CLUSTER STRATEGY-CULTURE -PEOPLE ALIGNMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. International Conference on Advanced Engineering in Petrochemical Industry (ICAEPI’19) [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract

An increasing interest and efforts are being made at all levels by academics and practitioners to protect the workers and encourage the development of strategies and approaches to reduce the number of accidents at the workplace, improve the safety performance of the industrial companies and preserve the environmental health. In spite of the continuous efforts of the Algerian companies to improve their health and safety performance, high number of accidents and ill-health problems among the Algerian companies are still being recorded. In terms of definition, the Environmental Health refers to human’s health aspects including quality of life. These aspects are defined by the physical, biological, social and psychosocial factors of the environment. It includes also the theory and practice of assessing, correcting, controlling and preventing these factors in an environment which may potentially affect human’s health.This paper comes to explore the contribution of the alignment of the cluster cultural aspects (CA), health and Safety strategy (H&SS) and people (P) as a way to improve the environmental health, particularly the Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) that present one of the prominent and significant health problems at work.

Benkaouha B, Bellala D, Smaiah M, Djebabra M. Development of systematic modelling integrating fire safety barriers. First International Conference on Materials, Environment, Mechanical and Industrial Systems ICMEMIS’19. 2019.
CHATI M, Djebabra M, CHETTOUH S. Apport du retour d’expérience dans la sécurité des procédés : management des Presque accidents et signaux faibles. National Seminar on Process Safety and Sustainable Development (CNSPDD-2019). 2019.
Baziz A, Chaib R, Djebabra M, Bougofa M. The effects of work-related stress on job performance: a literature review. 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Engineering in Petrochemical Industry (ICAEPI-2019), November 26-28. 2019.
Djebabra M. La culture de la sécurité des soins : propositions méthodiques et pratiques. 2ème colloque international sur la prévention des risques professionnels, PREVENT PRO CONGRESS, CNAS, les 03-05 Décembre. 2019.
Boulagouas W, Chaib R, Djebabra M. Environment risk assessment using bowtie methodology: a key driven tool for alignment measurement. 5th Int. Conference on Maintenance and Industrial Safety (CIMSI’19), 18 and 19 November. 2019.
Boulagouas W, Chaib R, Djebabra M. Investigating the impact of employees readiness on the implementation of an environmental management system. 5th Int. Conference on Energy, Materials, Applied Energetics and Pollution (ICEMAEP’19). 2019.
Benkaouha B, Belaala D, Samaiah M, Djebabra M. Development of systemic modeling integrating fire safety barriers. 1st Int. Conf. on Materials, Environment, Mechanical and Industrial systems –ICMEMIS’19-, 29-30 June. 2019.
Fourar Y-O, Benhassine W, Saadi S, Djebabra M. Contribution of the systemic approach to OH&S promotion. 1st Int. Conf. on Materials, Environment, Mechanical and Industrial systems –ICMEMIS’19-, 29-30 June . 2019.
OUAZRAOUI N, NAIT-SAID R. An alternative approach to safety integrity level determination: results from a case study, . International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management [Internet]. 2019;2019 (36(10):) :1784-1803. Publisher's VersionAbstract


The purpose of this paper is to validate a fuzzy risk graph model through a case study results carried out on a safety instrumented system (SIS).


The proposed model is based on an inference fuzzy system and deals with uncertainty data used as inputs of the conventional risk graph method. The coherence and redundancy of the developed fuzzy rules base are first verified in the case study. A new fuzzy model is suggested for a multi-criteria characterization of the avoidance possibility parameter. The fuzzy safety integrity level (SIL) is determined for two potential accident scenarios.


The applicability of the proposed fuzzy model on SIS shows the importance and pertinence of the proposed fuzzy model as decision-making tools in preventing industrial hazards while taking into consideration uncertain aspects of the data used on the conventional risk graph method. The obtained results show that the use of continuous fuzzy scales solves the problem of interpreting results and provides a more flexible structure to combine risk graph parameters. Therefore, a decision is taken on the basis of precise integrity level values and protective actions in the real world are suggested.


Fuzzy logic-based safety integrity assessment allows assessment of the SIL in a more realistic way by using the notion of the linguistic variable for representing information that is qualitative and imprecise and, therefore, ensures better decision making on risk prevention.
