Publications by Year: 2010

BOUGRIOU C. Echangeur de chaleur à doubles tubes et calandre. Salon National de l’Innovation, DGRSDT,Université de USTHB, 14-15 mars. 2010.
FEDALI S, BOUGRIOU C. Réaisation et Expérimentation d’un Distillateur Solaire à Simple Vitesse et une Simple Pente,. 1er CIMA’2010, Annaba, 23-25/05/2010. 2010.
FEDALI S, BOUGRIOU C. Thermal Modeling of Passive Solar Stil. 1st International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies in Electrical Applications (EFEEA'10), Ghardaia, 2-4 November. 2010.
FEDALI S, BOUGRIOU C. Etude Théorique et Expérimentale d’un Distillateur Solaire dans les Conditions Climatiques de Batna,. SIGCLE’2010, Constantine, 6-7/12/2010. 2010.
BENMACHICHE H, ABBOUDI S, BOUGRIOU C. Estimation of space and time dependant heat transfer coefficient of annular fin. 5th ICTEA, May 10-14, Marrakech, Morroco. 2010.
REBAY M, Mebarki G, ARFAOUI A, BENMAADAND R, PADET J. Non intrusive Measurement of the Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient. Fifth International Conference on Thermal Engineering, ICTEA: Theory and Applications, May 10-14, 2010,Marrakesh,Morocco. 2010.
ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, Zeroual M, ABDENEBI H. Thermal Gradient at an Anode Supported SOFC: Hydrogen Temperature Value Effect. Second International Conference on Hydrogen Energy: ICHE10.Hammamet,Tunisia, 09-11 May. 2010.
ABDENEBI H, ZITOUNI B, Zeroual M, HADDAD D. Thermal Field in the Planar Electrolyte Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. Second International Conference on Hydrogen Energy: ICHE10.Hammamet,Tunisia, 09-11 May. 2010.
ABDESSAMED S, ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, Zeroual M. Study of Radiatif Heat Transfer in the Electrolyte of Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. Second International Conference on Hydrogen Energy: ICHE10.Hammamet,Tunisia, 09-11 May. 2010.
ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, HADDAD D, ABDENEBI H. CICME10. Thermal.Gradient at an Anode Supported SOFC: Numerical Study Second I, 2010. nternational Conference on Energy Conversion and Conservation. CICME10 Hammamet.Tunisia Avril 22-25. 2010.
BENMOUSSA H, ABDSSEMED S, ZITOUNI B, HADDAD D, ZERUOAL M. Temperature Field under Thermal Radiation Transfer: Effect of Reactant Gases. Temperatures and SOFC Configurations Second International Conference on Energy Conversion and Conservation. CICME10 Hammamet. Tunisia Avril 22-25. 2010.
ZIDANI K, CHLGHOUM L, BENAICHA S, BRIOUA M, BENCHERIF H. Numerical Simulation of hot Isostatic Pressing Process”6ème Journées d’Etudes Techniques. La mécanique et les matériaux, moteurs du développement durable. 05-07 Mai 2010 Marrekech – Maroc . 2010.
ZIDANI K, CHELGHOUM L, BENAICHA S, BRIOUA M, BENCHERIF H. Numerical Simulation of hot Isostatic Pressing Process”6ème Journées d’Etudes Techniques. La mécanique et les matériaux, moteurs du développement durable. 05-07 Mai 2010 Marrekech – Maroc . 2010.
ZIDANI K, CHELGHOUM L. Contribution à la mise au point d'une méthode de diagnostic de l'endommagement des structures mécaniques basée sur les nouvelles technologies de l'instrumentation. 5ème colloque interdisciplinaire en instrumentation (C2I 2010), 26-27 . 2010.
BOUDOUH M, H LOUAHLIA-GUALOUS, SIAMEUR M. Two-Phase Cooling In the minichannels of the PEMFC fuel cells. 10th International Conference on clean energy,North Cyprus. 2010.
BENAICHA S, ZIDANI K, BRIOUA M, CHELGHOUM L. A New Weight Function for Modeling Cracks in Meshless Numerical Methods, ICIC Express Letters An. International Journal of Research and Surveys [Internet]. 2010;vol.4 (N°.2). Publisher's Version
BOUGRIOU C, BAADACHE K. Shell-and-double concentric-tube heat exchangers. Heat and Mass Transfer Journal [Internet]. 2010 :315-322. Publisher's Version
BENMACHICHE A, BOUGRIOU C, ABBOUDI S. Inverse determination of heat transfer characteristics on a circular plane fin in a finned tube bundle. Heat and Mass Transfer Journal, [Internet]. 2010;46 (11-12) :1367-1377. Publisher's Version
BOUGOUL S, TITOUNA D. Study of a Nutrient Solution Flows in a Saturated Rockwool Slab Using the Model of Sources and Sinks. Transport in porous media . Springer Netherlands [Internet]. 2010;Volume 85 (Issue 2) :pp 477-487. Publisher's Version
REBAY M, ARFAOUI A, Mebarki G, BENMAAD R, PADET J. Improvement of the Pulsed Photothermal Technique for the Measurement of the Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient. Journal of Thermal Science [Internet]. 2010;Vol.19 (No.4) :pp. 357−363. Publisher's Version
