Publications by Year: 2007

GHEZEL M. Communication Orale « Fifteenth annual international conference on composites/nanao engineering, july 15-21, 2007Haikou,Hainan Island,China,. Titled :”Numerical modeling of combined convection and radiative heat transfer through water spray curtain”. 2007.
SAIGHI S, ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, OULMI K, HADDAD D. Power Density in Several SOFC Systems. WIH2 Ghardaia. Algérie. 27-29 octobre. 2007.
ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, OULMI K, SAIGHI S, HADDAD D. Joule Effect and Activation Heat Losses. in IT-SOFC. WIH2, Ghardaia. Algérie. 27-29 octobre. 2007.
ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, OULMI K, SAIGHI S. Heat Sources Effects in Fuel Cells Type SOFC. Proceedings International Hydrogen Energy Congress and Exhibition; IHEC,Istanbul,Turkey, 13-15 July. 2007.
ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, MANDIN PH, OUMLI K. Hydrogen consummation in IT-SOFC: zero and one dimensional electro-dynamic numerical study. Proceedings International Hydrogen Energy Congress and Exhibition; IHEC,Istanbul,Turkey, 13-15 July . 2007.
ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, OULMI K, SAIGHI S. Multi Modélisation des Phénomènes Thermiques dans les Piles Type SOFC Planaire. I. CRESD_07, Congrès international sur les énergies renouvelables et le développement durable. Tlemcen 21-24 Mai . 2007.
BOURAS F, SOUDANI A, SIAMEUR M. Simulation aux grands échelles de la combustion turbulente couplée à des fonctions densités deprobabilité,. 1ère Conférence Internationale sur l’Energétique etla Pollution,  Constantine, Algérie, 1-2 Décembre. 2007.
BOURAS F, SOUDANI A, SIAMEUR M. Simulation numérique de la combustion turbulente non-prémelangée par le modèle LESES: cas du maillage non structuré.,. Colloque International sur les Energies Renouvelables, Oujda, 4-5 Mai. 2007.
BOURAS F, SIAMEUR M, SOUDANI A. Numerical Simulation of non-premixed turbulent combustion for large eddy simulation approach on unscruured meshes, . International Conference for Renewable Energies and Sustainable Development ICRESD,07, Tlemecen, 21-24 Mai. 2007.
BOURAS F, SIAMEUR M, SOUDANI A. Large eddy Simulation of Turbulent combustion including chemical kinetic effects,First. International Seminar on Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing and European Summer School on Magneto-Electrochemistry, Algiers, June 2-5,. 2007.
BAKHTI F, SIAMEUR M, CHEHHAT A. Numerical Simulation of free convection in vertical duct, I. nternational Conference on Modeling and Simulation, MS'07 Algiers, July, 02-04, . 2007.
BENKHERBACHE S, SIAMEUR M, CHEHHAT A. Numerical Simulation of a backward-facing step flow, International Conference on Modeling and Simulation,. MS'07 Algiers, July, 02-04,. 2007.
BOURAS F, SOUDANI A, SIAMEUR M. Simulation numérique de la combustion turbulente non-prémélangé dans une chambre de combustion cylindrique , 2007. SFT2007, les Embiez (France) . 2007.
BAKHTI F, SIAMEUR M, CHEHHAT A. Simulation numérique de la convection naturelle laminairedans une conduite verticale . JITH 2007, Albi(France). 2007.
BOUGRIOU C, AL ET. Prediction and measurement of apparent heat transfer coefficient by condensation in finned-tube heat exchangers. Heat Transfer Engineering [Internet]. 2007;vol. 28 (N°11) :940–953. Publisher's Version
RAHAL S, CERISIER P. Bifurcation to chaos in the Bénard-Marangoni instability in a confined geometry. Journal of Physics. 2007;Vol. 64 :8 pages.
ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, OULMI K. Electrode supported in IT-SOFC: Ohmic and Activation Polarization . Journal JAAUBAS [Internet]. 2007;Vol. 4 :p.268-274. Publisher's Version
ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, OULMI K. Electrodes and electrolyte materials in SOFC System: Electro-thermal Performance. Journal JAAUBAS [Internet]. 2007;Vol. 4 :p. 262-267. Publisher's Version
BENMOUSSA H, ZITOUNI B, OULMI K. Thermo-electrical Performance of IT-SOFC: Ohmic and Activation Polarizations Effects. . Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Science [Internet]. 2007;Vol. 4 : p. 254-261. Publisher's Version
ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, OULIMI K. Studing on the increasing temperature in IT-SOFC: Effect of heat sources. An international applied physics & engineering journal. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. Zhejiang University Press, co-published with Springer-Verlag GmbH [Internet]. 2007;Vol. 8 (No 9) :p 1500-1505. Publisher's Version
